1. 程式人生 > >day164-2018-12-01-英語流利閱讀-待學習


Lala  2018-12-01


      隨著科技的發展和醫療水平的進步,人類的平均壽命越來越長,而這種長壽也帶來了一個社會問題,就是人口老齡化。持續走低的出生率和高達 80 歲的人均預期壽命,預示著未來的日本將會面臨著勞動力短缺和養老金短缺的雙重困境。今天這篇來自《經濟學人》的文章就關注了日本政府在處理這一難題上的種種做法,讓我們跟著 Lala 老師一起進入今天的學習吧。


  • Q1: 你能在文中找到幾個“老齡化”的英文表達?
  • Q2: 文中的“turns silver”該如何理解?
  • Q3: 為什麼日本的老齡化問題如此嚴重?


Coping with the 100-year-life society

More than half of Japanese babies can expect to live to 100. This prospect would have horrified today’s pessimists. They worry that, as the country ages and its population shrinks, health bills will soar, the pension system will go bust, villages will empty and there will be too few youngsters to care for the elderly.

預計超過半數的日本嬰兒能活到 100 歲。這一前景可能會嚇壞當今的的悲觀主義者們。他們擔心的是,當國家開始老齡化,人口也隨之萎縮時,醫療費用會暴增,養老金制度將會崩潰,村莊也人去樓空,而且也沒有足夠的年輕人來照料那些老人。

Yet for most people, not dying young is a blessing. Japan’s prime minister, Shinzo Abe, says he wants his country to be a model of how to make ultra-long lives fulfilling—and affordable. He talks of “designing the 100-year-life society”. But to achieve that Mr Abe, in his last three years in office, will have to adopt reforms that are far bolder than he currently envisages.


The key is to have enough people working to support those who no longer can. There are three ways to achieve this: persuade current workers to labour longer, encourage more women to enter the workforce and let in more immigrants.


Japan has made progress on all three, but it is not enough. If Japanese people are going to live to 100 they will have to retire much later than 70. Women are too often stuck in part-time or badly paid jobs. Nearly 70,000 immigrants a year may sound like a lot, but Japan’s population is declining by almost 400,000 a year and there are a stunning 1.6 vacancies for every jobseeker.

日本在這三個方面都取得了進展,但這還不夠。如果日本人能活到 100 歲,那麼他們將來的退休年齡將會比 70 歲還要遲得多。女人們常常困於兼職或是薪水低廉的工作。每年近 7 萬的移民聽起來很多,但是日本的人口每年下降近 40 萬,與此同時每一個求職者都對應著驚人的 1.6 個職位空缺。

An ageing society need not be a decrepit one. As Mr Abe notes, today’s elderly Japanese walk as fast as those ten years younger once did. But for Japan to stay solvent as it turns silver, he too must move faster than he has done thus far.


—————  文章來源 / 經濟學人


1.prospect/ˈprɑːspekt/ n. 前景,展望
e.g. After you graduate top of your class at Harvard, your job prospects look great!

2.pessimist/ˈpesɪmɪst/ n. 悲觀主義者
e.g. optimist

3.soar/sɔːr/ v. 猛增,驟升
e.g. Fireworks soar into the sky.
      House prices soared a further 50%.

4.pension/ˈpenʃn/  n. 養老金,撫卹金

5.go bust 崩潰

6.youngster/ˈjʌŋstər/ n. 年輕人;少年,兒童

7.blessing/ˈblesɪŋ/ n. 好事,有益之事
e.g. The dishwasher has been a real blessing.
      sb's blessing
      If he gives his permission, then you have my blessing.

8.fulfilling/fʊlˈfɪlɪŋ/  adj. 令人滿足的
e.g. a fulfilling career

9.envisage/ɪnˈvɪzɪdʒ/  v. 設想,展望
e.g. What level of profit do you envisage?

10.workforce/ˈwɜːrkfɔːrs/ n. 勞動力,勞動大軍

11.make progress 取得進展
e.g. It's not finished yet, but we are making progress.

12.stunning/ˈstʌnɪŋ/  adj. 令人驚奇的;有魅力的

13.decrepit/dɪˈkrepɪt/ adj. 衰老的

14.solvent/ˈsɑːlvənt/ adj. 有償付能力的

15.thus far 迄今為止
e.g. We haven't had any problems thus far.




      日本是人均壽命最長的國家之一,女性和男性平均期望壽命分別達到 87 歲和 81 歲。持續走低的出生率和一路高升的人均壽命讓這個國家成為了一個典型的老齡化社會,而為了改進龐大的百歲人口群體的生活質量,去年安倍政府成立了名為“人生百年時代構想促進室”的部門,積極探討如何為即將到來的“超高齡時代”做好準備。安倍政府還定期召開“人生百年構想”會議,邀請那些退休後不斷學習、活躍在各行各業的老人們分享自己的經驗。安倍政府希望以此來推動“人生百年構想”,倡導長命百歲最重要的是“活到老,學到老”,希望日本的老年群體不要因為年紀變大而停止思考。
