1. 程式人生 > >day163-2018-11-30-英語流利閱讀-待學習


Daniel  2018-11-30




  • Q1: “preference”是什麼意思?
  • Q2: 人們最明顯的傾向是優先救哪幾類人?
  • Q3: 罪犯的優先順序如何?


How people think that self-driving cars should behave in an accident?

In a paper just published in Nature, a team of psychologists and computer scientists describe a different approach. They created the “Moral Machine”, a website which presents visitors with a series of choices about whom to save and whom to kill.


The strongest preferences, expressed by respondents from all over the world, were for saving human lives over animal ones, preferring to save many rather than few and prioritising children over the old. There were weaker preferences for saving women over men, pedestrians over passengers in the car and for taking action rather than doing nothing. Criminals were seen as literally subhuman—ranking below dogs in the public’s priority list, but above cats. It is easy to imagine the utilitarian argument for preserving the lives of doctors over others. Humanity’s (weak) preference for saving athletes seems less intuitive.


Many people, says Dr Rahwan, a computer scientist at MIT and one of the paper’s authors, dismiss the trolley problem as a piece of pointless hypothesising that is vanishingly unlikely to arise in real life. He is unconvinced. The specific situations posed by the website may hardly ever occur, he says. But all sorts of choices made by the firms producing self-driving cars will affect who lives and who dies in indirect, statistical ways. He gives the example of overtaking cyclists: “If you stay relatively near to the cycle lane, you’re increasing the chance of hitting a cyclist, but reducing the chance of hitting another car in the next lane over,” he says. “Repeat that over hundreds of millions of trips, and you’re going to see a skew in the [accident] statistics.”


—————  文章來源 / 經濟學人


1.moral/ˈmɔːrəl/ adj. 道德的 n. 道德
e.g. a moral judgement
      moral codes

2.preference/ˈprefrəns/ n. 偏愛;偏愛的事物;優先選擇權
e.g. a preference for seafood over steak
      choose to eat seafood in preference to steak

3.prefer to do rather than do 寧願做某事而不做另一件事
e.g. prefer to sleep rather than swim

4.prioritise A over B 優先考慮 A 而不是 B

5.pedestrian/pəˈdestriən/ n. 步行者,行人

6.literally/ˈlɪtərəli/ adv. 字面意義地;(誇張)簡直
e.g. His brain was literally turned off.
      I have made literally thousands of phone calls.

7.subhuman/ˌsʌbˈhjuːmən/ adj. 不齒於人類的;低於人類的
e.g. Parents regard all game junkies as subhuman.

8.utilitarian/ˌjuːtɪlɪˈteriən/ adj. 功利主義的

9.intuitive/ɪnˈtuːɪtɪv/ adj. 容易理解的

10.dismiss/dɪsˈmɪs/ v. 把…打發走;不再考慮

11.the trolley problem 電車問題

12.hypothesise/haɪˈpɑːθəsaɪz/ v. 假設,假定

13.vanishingly/ˈvænɪʃɪŋlɪ/ adv. 可以忽略地

14.skew/skjuː/ n. (統計)偏態,偏斜性


Moral Machine 官方網站:http://moralmachine.mit.edu/


      1967 年,菲力帕·芙特首次提出了“電車難題”。這個思想實驗,可以追溯到伯納德·威廉姆斯提出的槍決原住民問題:假設一位植物學家,有天到一個獨裁國家中游玩。當地獨裁者逮捕了 20 名無辜的印地安人,以涉嫌叛亂的罪名,將他們全部判處死刑。但是這個獨裁者提出一個建議:身為客人,如果這個植物學家親手槍決其中一個印地安人,其他 19 個人就可以因此被釋放。這個植物學家是否應該親自槍決一位,以拯救其餘 19 人,還是拒絕動手,坐視這 20 個人都被槍決?

