1. 程式人生 > >Hitchhiker's guide to Exploratory Data Analysis Codementor

Hitchhiker's guide to Exploratory Data Analysis Codementor

If you're looking for an answer to any of the above questions, then this blog series should really help you get started. So, what is Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)? Exploratory data analysis (EDA) is a crucial component of data science which allows you to develop the gist of what your data look like and what kinds of questions might be answered by them. Ultimately, EDA is important because it allows the investigator to make critical decisions about what is interesting to pursue and what probably isn't worth following up on and thus building a hypothesis using the relationships between variables. This is a two part series where we are going to look into a Movie dataset from Kaggle and we'll do some exploratory analysis to investigate the data.