1. 程式人生 > >“低頭”時代,會不會就此終結?


智能產品 eth ict 社交 play 找到 因此 峰值 aso


自從電子智能產品橫空出世,人們便邁入了“低頭族”的行列。寧可低頭看手機,也不願和面前的人談天。從零售到傳媒、從學習到娛樂,手機的存在更是全方位改變了信息傳播的方式和學習的方法,甚至改變了人們的社交手段。這種局面是否能得到改變呢?科技界的巨頭們是否打算有所作為?作者大膽地拋出了這個難題,並提出了 Peak Screen 這個全新的概念。我們快來跟著《紐約時報》一起找找答案吧。


Q1: Peak Screen 到底是什麽意思?

Q2: 美國人使用手機的頻率如何?

Q3: 科技巨頭想要創造怎樣的新生事物?



We have reached peak screen. Now revolution is in the air.


Smartphones were once the best thing to happen to the tech industry. In the 11 years since the iPhone made its debut, smartphones have subsumed just about every other gadget and altered every business.

智能手機曾經是科技行業的福音。在 iPhone 問世後的 11 年裏,智能手機納入了幾乎所有的小設備,改變了各行各業。

註:debut:初次露面,初次表演,首場的,首次的;just about:差不多,幾乎。

But now that smartphones have achieved dominance, revolution is again in the air.


At Google’s and Apple’s recent developer conferences, executives took the stage to show how much more irresistible they were making our phones. Then each company unveiled something else: software to help you use your phone a lot less.


There’s a reason for this seemingly contradictory engineering effort, and it‘s what I call "Peak Screen".


For much of(=most of) the last decade, a technology industry ruled by smartphones has pursued a singular goal of completely conquering our eyes. Tech has now captured pretty much all visual capacity. Americans spend three to four hours a day looking at their phones, and that‘s the minimum estimation.



So tech giants are building the beginning of something new: a less insistently visual tech world, a digital landscape that relies on voice assistants, headphones, watches and other wearables to take some pressure off our eyes.



We may simply end up adding new devices to our screen-addled lives, or it could change everything again. As I argued, in many ways screens have become too dominant in our lives. The sooner we find something else, the better.


————— 文章來源 / 紐約時報 ?


subsume /s?b?su?m/ v. 納入,歸入

gadget /?ɡ?d??t/ n. 小裝置,小器具,小設備

alter /???lt?r/ v. 改變,修改

dominance /?dɑ?m?n?ns/ n. 統治地位,支配權 e.g. the worldwide dominance of Hollywood

irresistible /??r??z?st?bl/ adj. 難以抗拒的

unveil /??n?ve?l/ v. 展示,推出 veil:面紗;掩飾;覆蓋物

seemingly /?si?m??li/ adv. 貌似地,看上去地 e.g. a seemingly endless journey

capacity /k??p?s?ti/ n. 容量,能力

wearable /?wer?bl/ n. 可穿戴(計算機),可戴品

addle /??dl/ v. 使糊塗,使昏亂

in the air 即將發生,被人們感覺到 e.g. Spring is in the air.


2018 谷歌 I/O 開發者大會看點

對於谷歌這樣規模龐大、涉獵廣泛的公司來說,每到年度開發者大會,都會給人一種勢不可擋的感覺。事實上也的確如此,畢竟谷歌參與了幾乎所有的消費科技行業。讓我們通過今年 5 月的開發者大會內容來了解他們的重點:

在今年 5 月 8 日舉行的開發者大會上,我們不難看出谷歌在 Android 和人工智能方面付出的各種努力,比如全新的可穿戴平臺 Wear OS 以及谷歌助手、Android TV、Google Home、Google Play 和搜索等各項業務的狀況。毫不誇張地說,谷歌已經使出渾身解數來證明它的軟件比亞馬遜、蘋果和 Facebook 的產品更智能、更具有前瞻性。
