1. 程式人生 > >Cardiologist and Artificial Intelligence working together thanks to Farasha services

Cardiologist and Artificial Intelligence working together thanks to Farasha services

Medicine and Artificial Intelligence are a match meant to cutting costs and diagnosing illnesses faster and more accurately; and when that technology is expected to counter the first cause of death in world, we are sure to witness a revolution. That has been the objective of Farasha since 2012: to develop a set of services based on cutting-edge technology to prevent heart pathologies. Today, on the brink of a new phase of development, the company is about to complete its artificial intelligence powered solution, capable of predicting and alerting on the development of cardiovascular diseases. In collaboration with cardiologists, Farasha has created a tool for medical practitioners to enhance the diagnosis of heart pathologies. An algorithm processing thousands of data, is at the basis of this innovation, and the objective of the company is to train it to perform better diagnosis based on previous cases.The resulting analysis will become useful input to cardiologists to diagnose patients more accurately.