1. 程式人生 > >第一冊:lesson sixty seven。

第一冊:lesson sixty seven。

你們 country 缺席 ping ken today sta pen tro

原文: The weekend.

A:Hello , were you an tht butcher‘s?

B:Yes I was.

A:Were you at the butcher‘s too?

C:No I wasn‘t. I was at the greengrocer‘s.

A:How‘s Jim today?

B:He is very well, thank you.

A:Was he .. at the school last week?

B:Yes,he was. He was absent on Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday and Tuesday.

A:How are you all keeping?

B:Very well thank you.

B:We are going to spend three days in the country. We are going to stay at my mother‘s for the weekend. Friday,Saturday and Sunday in the country.

A:Aren‘t you lucky.



absent:缺席的。 be absent from + 地點 be absent for + 事情。

greengrocer: 蔬菜水果商。 加 ’s 表示水果店 省略 shop at the butcher‘s at my mother‘s

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

country :鄉村。

How are you all kepping? 問候身體怎麽樣

Aren‘t you lucky. 你們太幸運了 表強有力的肯定。

第一冊:lesson sixty seven。