1. 程式人生 > >VB查詢資料庫之組合查詢——機房收費總結(二)






Option Explicit
Private Sub cboField1_Click()       '把選擇的欄位轉換成  sql語句中的欄位
    If cboField1.Text = "卡號" Then cboField1.Tag = "cardNo"
    If cboField1.Text = "學號" Then cboField1.Tag = "studentNo"
    If cboField1.Text = "姓名" Then cboField1.Tag = "studentName"
    If cboField1.Text = "性別" Then cboField1.Tag = "sex"
    If cboField1.Text = "學院" Then cboField1.Tag = "college"
    If cboField1.Text = "專業" Then cboField1.Tag = "major"
    If cboField1.Text = "年級" Then cboField1.Tag = "grade"
    If cboField1.Text = "班級" Then cboField1.Tag = "class"
End Sub

Private Sub cboField2_Click()        '把選擇的欄位轉換成  sql語句中的欄位
    If cboField2.Text = "卡號" Then cboField2.Tag = "cardNo"
    If cboField2.Text = "學號" Then cboField2.Tag = "studentNo"
    If cboField2.Text = "姓名" Then cboField2.Tag = "studentName"
    If cboField2.Text = "性別" Then cboField2.Tag = "sex"
    If cboField2.Text = "學院" Then cboField2.Tag = "college"
    If cboField2.Text = "專業" Then cboField2.Tag = "major"
    If cboField2.Text = "年級" Then cboField2.Tag = "grade"
    If cboField2.Text = "班級" Then cboField2.Tag = "class"
End Sub
Private Sub cboField3_Click()        '把選擇的欄位轉換成  sql語句中的欄位
    If cboField3.Text = "卡號" Then cboField3.Tag = "cardNo"
    If cboField3.Text = "學號" Then cboField3.Tag = "studentNo"
    If cboField3.Text = "姓名" Then cboField3.Tag = "studentName"
    If cboField3.Text = "性別" Then cboField3.Tag = "sex"
    If cboField3.Text = "學院" Then cboField3.Tag = "college"
    If cboField3.Text = "專業" Then cboField3.Tag = "major"
    If cboField3.Text = "年級" Then cboField3.Tag = "grade"
    If cboField3.Text = "班級" Then cboField3.Tag = "class"
End Sub

Private Sub cboMode1_Click()            '把選擇的欄位的組合關係轉換成SQL中的組合關係關鍵字,後面可以直接寫入查詢語句
    If cboMode1.Text = "與" Then cboMode1.Tag = "and"
    If cboMode1.Text = "或" Then cboMode1.Tag = "or"

    cboField2.Visible = True
    cboSign2.Visible = True
    txtInquire2.Visible = True
    cboMode2.Visible = True
End Sub

Private Sub cboMode2_Click()            '把選擇的欄位組合關係轉換成SQL中的組合關係關鍵字,後面可以直接寫入查詢語句
    If cboMode2.Text = "與" Then cboMode2.Tag = "and"
    If cboMode2.Text = "或" Then cboMode2.Tag = "or"

    cboField3.Visible = True
    cboSign3.Visible = True
    txtInquire3.Visible = True
End Sub

Private Sub cmdClear_Click()     '清空所有的屬性
    cboField1.Text = ""
    cboField2.Text = ""
    cboField3.Text = ""
    cboSign1.Text = ""
    cboSign2.Text = ""
    cboSign3.Text = ""
    txtInquire1.Text = ""
    txtInquire2.Text = ""
    cboMode1.Text = ""
    cboMode2.Text = ""
    cboField2.Visible = False       '把多查詢條件欄位先隱藏'隱藏起多欄位,這樣剛剛開始,只顯示第一條查詢,如果需要,選擇"與"或者"或",顯示下一條欄位,同理顯示第三條欄位。無形中告訴使用者,不要空掉第二條欄位,只用一三條,這樣會給編碼帶來麻煩的。
cboSign2.Visible = False txtInquire2.Visible = False cboMode2.Visible = False cboField3.Visible = False cboSign3.Visible = False txtInquire3.Visible = False myFlexGrid.Clear End Sub
Private Sub cmdcharge_Click()
    Dim txtSQL As String
    Dim MsgText As String
    Dim mrcSD As ADODB.Recordset
    txtSQL = "select * from student_Info where studentNo='" & Trim(myFlexGrid.TextMatrix(myFlexGrid.RowSel, 0)) & "'"
    Set mrcSD = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText)
        If mrcSD.RecordCount = 0 Then
        MsgBox "請選中一條記錄!", vbOKCancel + vbExclamation, "警告"
        Exit Sub
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
    Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub cmdselect_Click()
    Dim txtSQL As String
    Dim MsgText As String
    Dim mrc As ADODB.Recordset
    If cboMode1.Text = "" Then
        MsgBox "請輸入需要查詢的欄位", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "警告"
       Unload Me
    End If
    txtSQL = "select * from student_Info where (" & cboField1.Tag & cboSign1.Text & "'" & txtInquire1.Text & "'"
    If cboMode1.Text <> "" Then      '檢驗第二個組合欄位的正確性
        If cboField2.Text = "" Then
            MsgBox "請選擇欄位名!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "警告"
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If cboSign2.Text = "" Then
            MsgBox "請輸入操作符!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "警告"
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If txtInquire2.Text = "" Then
            MsgBox "請輸入要查詢的內容", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "警告"
            Exit Sub
        End If
        txtSQL = txtSQL & " " & cboMode1.Tag & " " & cboField2.Tag & cboSign2.Text & "'" & txtInquire2.Text & "'"
    End If
    If cboMode2.Text <> "" Then     '檢驗第三組 組合欄位的正確性
        If cboField3.Text = "" Then
            MsgBox "請選擇欄位名!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "警告"
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If cboSign3.Text = "" Then
            MsgBox "請輸入操作符!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "警告"
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If txtInquire3.Text = "" Then
            MsgBox "請輸入要查詢的內容", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "警告"
            Exit Sub
        End If
        txtSQL = txtSQL & " " & cboMode2.Tag & " " & cboField3.Tag & cboSign3.Text & "'" & txtInquire3.Text & "'"
    End If
    txtSQL = txtSQL & ") "   '把SQL語句補充完整
    'Debug.Print txtSQL   用於除錯程式使用
    Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText)
    If mrc.RecordCount = 0 Then         '如果要查詢的結果為空,則提醒使用者
        MsgBox "結果集為空!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "警告"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    With myFlexGrid         '把標題寫上
        .Row = 0
        .TextMatrix(.Row, 0) = "學號"
        .TextMatrix(.Row, 1) = "姓名"
        .TextMatrix(.Row, 2) = "卡號"
        .TextMatrix(.Row, 3) = "餘額"
        .TextMatrix(.Row, 4) = "學院"
        .TextMatrix(.Row, 5) = "年級"
        .TextMatrix(.Row, 6) = "班級"
        .TextMatrix(.Row, 7) = "性別"
        .TextMatrix(.Row, 8) = "狀態"
        .TextMatrix(.Row, 9) = "備註"
    End With
    myFlexGrid.Rows = mrc.RecordCount + 1           '設定大小
    With myFlexGrid         '對查詢到的結果進行遍歷,顯示出來
        .Row = 0
        While mrc.EOF = False
            .Row = .Row + 1
            .TextMatrix(.Row, 0) = "  " & mrc.Fields(1)
            .TextMatrix(.Row, 1) = "  " & mrc.Fields(2)
            .TextMatrix(.Row, 2) = "  " & mrc.Fields(0)
            .TextMatrix(.Row, 3) = "  " & mrc.Fields(7)
            .TextMatrix(.Row, 4) = "  " & mrc.Fields(4)
            .TextMatrix(.Row, 5) = "  " & mrc.Fields(5)
            .TextMatrix(.Row, 6) = "  " & mrc.Fields(6)
            .TextMatrix(.Row, 7) = "  " & mrc.Fields(3)
            .TextMatrix(.Row, 8) = "  " & mrc.Fields(11)
            .TextMatrix(.Row, 9) = "  " & mrc.Fields(8)
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
    cboField1.AddItem "卡號"
    cboField1.AddItem "學號"
    cboField1.AddItem "姓名"
    cboField1.AddItem "性別"
    cboField1.AddItem "學院"
    cboField1.AddItem "專業"
    cboField1.AddItem "年級"
    cboField1.AddItem "班級"
    cboField2.AddItem "卡號"
    cboField2.AddItem "學號"
    cboField2.AddItem "姓名"
    cboField2.AddItem "性別"
    cboField2.AddItem "學院"
    cboField2.AddItem "專業"
    cboField2.AddItem "年級"
    cboField2.AddItem "班級"
    cboField3.AddItem "卡號"
    cboField3.AddItem "學號"
    cboField3.AddItem "姓名"
    cboField3.AddItem "性別"
    cboField3.AddItem "學院"
    cboField3.AddItem "專業"
    cboField3.AddItem "年級"
    cboField3.AddItem "班級"
    cboSign1.AddItem "="
    cboSign1.AddItem "<"
    cboSign1.AddItem ">"
    cboSign1.AddItem "<>"
    cboSign2.AddItem "="
    cboSign2.AddItem "<"
    cboSign2.AddItem ">"
    cboSign2.AddItem "<>"
    cboSign3.AddItem "="
    cboSign3.AddItem "<"
    cboSign3.AddItem ">"
    cboSign3.AddItem "<>"
    cboMode1.AddItem "與"
    cboMode1.AddItem "或"
    cboMode2.AddItem "與"
    cboMode2.AddItem "或"
End Sub


