1. 程式人生 > >How to set up live-migration environment for Openstack with devstack

How to set up live-migration environment for Openstack with devstack

1) Install OS
   1.1) Install Ubuntu 12.04
[email protected]:~# cat /etc/*release

    1.2) Prepare at least 2 hosts for live migration, the README is using 3 hosts, one nova-controller node and two nova-compute node
    1.3) Suppose the host name for the README are as following:
        1.3.1) nova-controller: devstack12/
        1.3.2) nova-compute1: devstack13/
        1.3.3) nova-compute2: devstack14/
    1.4) Make sure the three hosts are DNS resolvable by each other.

2) Install required packages for all hosts
   2.1)  apt-get update
   2.2) apt-get install openssh-server
   2.3) apt-get install -y git
   2.4) apt-get install libxml2-dev -y libxslt-dev
   2.5) apt-get install -y libmysqlclient-dev

3) Check out devstack with the version of Essex
   2.1) cd /root
   2.2) git clone -b "stable/essex" git://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack.git
   2.3) A folder named as devstack will be created under /root/devstack

4) Configure localrc for both nova-controller and nova-compute node
    4.1) nova-controller node
        4.1.1) Logon to nova-controller node
        4.1.2) cd /root/devstack
        4.1.3) vim localrc
HOST_IP= (Your nova-controller IP)

    4.2) nova-compute node
        4.2.1) Logon to nova-compute node (Need to configure for both of the two nova-compute nodes)
        4.2.2) cd /root/devstack
        4.2.3) vim localrc
HOST_IP= (Your nova-compute node IP)
MYSQL_HOST= (Your nova-controller IP)

5) Install devstack on both nova-controller node and nova-compute node

6) Once install finished for both nova-controller node and nova-compute node, check if all nova service are happy face.
[email protected]:~# nova-manage  service list
2012-08-15 15:22:34 DEBUG nova.utils [req-ac296f2f-cf31-43b3-8b2c-bc140cc81b9b None None] backend <module 'nova.db.sqlalchemy.api' from '/opt/stack/nova/nova/db/sqlalchemy/api.pyc'> from (pid=21252) __get_backend /opt/stack/nova/nova/utils.py:658
Binary           Host                                 Zone             Status     State Updated_At
nova-compute     devstack12                           nova             enabled    :-)   2012-08-16 02:10:00
nova-cert        devstack12                           nova             enabled    :-)   2012-08-16 02:09:58
nova-volume      devstack12                           nova             enabled    :-)   2012-08-16 02:09:58
nova-network     devstack12                           nova             enabled    :-)   2012-08-16 02:09:58
nova-scheduler   devstack12                           nova             enabled    :-)   2012-08-16 02:10:05
nova-consoleauth devstack12                           nova             enabled    :-)   2012-08-16 02:10:02
nova-compute     devstack14                           nova             enabled    :-)   2012-08-16 02:09:47
nova-volume      devstack14                           nova             enabled    :-)   2012-08-16 02:09:52
nova-network     devstack14                           nova             enabled    :-)   2012-08-16 02:09:46
nova-compute     devstack13                           nova             enabled    :-)   2012-08-16 02:09:49
nova-volume      devstack13                           nova             enabled    :-)   2012-08-16 02:09:50
nova-network     devstack13                           nova             enabled    :-)   2012-08-16 02:09:49

7) Configure NFS for live migration, you can create the NFS server anywhere as you like, for this README, we are creagting it on nova-controller node.
   7.1) Condfigure nova-controller node as NFS server
       7.1.1) apt-get install -y nfs-kernel-server
       7.1.2) mkdir -p  /export/instances/
       7.1.3) chmod 777 -R /export/
       7.1.4) mkdir -p /dev/md1
       7.1.5) mkdir -p /raid1-1


vim /etc/fstab
/dev/md1                /raid1-1        ext3            data=journal,relatime,nosuid,noexec,nodev       1 2
/raid1-1/instances           /export/instances   none            bind            0 0

       7.1.7) vim /etc/default/nfs-kernel-server
             NEED_SVCGSSD=no # no is default
       7.1.8) vim /etc/default/nfs-common
              NEED_GSSD=no # no is default
       7.1.9) vim /etc/idmapd.conf
              Nobody-User = nobody
              Nobody-Group = nogroup
       7.1.10) vim /etc/idmapd.conf -- only for JNDI
              Method = nsswitch
       7.1.11) sudo vim /etc/exports
               /export  ,sync,fsid=0,crossmnt,no_subtree_check)
       7.1.12) exportfs -ra
       7.1.13) /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart
       7.1.14) /etc/init.d/idmapd restart
    7.2) Configure each nova-compute node as NFS client
        7.2.1) apt-get install -y nfs-common
        7.2.2) vim /etc/default/nfs-common
               NEED_GSSD=no # no is default
        7.2.3) modprobe nfs
        7.2.4) mkdir -p /export/instances
        7.2.5) vim /etc/fstab
               /export/instances                   nfs4    rw,hard,intr,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,nosuid,nodev               0 0
        7.2.6) vim /etc/hosts.deny  
               rpcbind : ALL
        7.2.7) vim /etc/hosts.allow
               rpcbind :
        7.2.8) mount -a -v
        7.2.9) df -k
        7.2.10) mount -t nfs4 /export/instances

8) Config libvirt for nova-compute, this configure need to apply to all nova-compute nodes
    8.1) vim /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf
        8.1.1) Change "#listen_tls = 0" to "listen_tls = 0"
        8.1.2) Change "#listen_tcp = 1" to "listen_tcp = 1"
        8.1.3) Add "auth_tcp = "none""

    8.2) vim /etc/init/libvirt-bin.conf
       8.2.1) Change "env libvirtd_opts="-d"" to "env libvirtd_opts="-d -l""

    8.3) vim /etc/default/libvirt-bin
       8.3.1) Change "libvirtd_opts="-d"" to "libvirtd_opts="-d -l""

    8.4) vim /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf
        8.4.1) Change "#user = "root"" to "user = "root""
        8.4.2) Change "#group = "root"" to "group = "root""

    8.5) Restart libvirtd
       stop libvirt-bin && start libvirt-bin

9) Update configuration for nova-compute nodes
    9.1) copy /opt/stack/nova/etc/policy.json to /root
    9.2) Add "state_path=/export" to /etc/nova/nova.conf

10) Restart nova-compute service for all nova-compute service.
    10.1) ps -ef | gerp nova-compute
    10.2) kill nova-compute

    10.3) Start up nova-compute:  (You can put "setsid" at the begining of the command to make it run as a daemon)

python /opt/stack/nova/bin/nova-compute --flagfile=/etc/nova/nova.conf
11) Test
    11.1) Create a new instance
[email protected]:/export/instances# euca-run-instances  -t m1.tiny ami-00000003 --availability-zone xxx:devstack13
RESERVATION     r-xpwbbzlv      9a2f4355c3b94cfe9a37ad2e8d6cc60d        default
INSTANCE        i-00000006      ami-00000003    server-6        server-6        pending None (9a2f4355c3b94cfe9a37ad2e8d6cc60d, None)   0               m1.tiny 2012-08-15T19:43:33.000Z        unknown zone        aki-00000001    ari-00000002            monitoring-disabled                                     instance-store
[email protected]:/export/instances# euca-describe-instances
RESERVATION     r-xpwbbzlv      9a2f4355c3b94cfe9a37ad2e8d6cc60d        default
INSTANCE        i-00000006      ami-00000003    server-6        server-6        running None (9a2f4355c3b94cfe9a37ad2e8d6cc60d, devstack13)     0               m1.tiny 2012-08-15T19:43:33.000Z   nova     aki-00000001    ari-00000002            monitoring-disabled                      instance-store
[email protected]:/export/instances# nova list
|                  ID                  |   Name   | Status |      Networks      |
| f3a44421-39a3-477a-9b6d-819d98557953 | Server 6 | ACTIVE | private= |
[email protected]:/export/instances# nova show f3a44421-39a3-477a-9b6d-819d98557953
|               Property              |                          Value                           |
|          OS-DCF:diskConfig          |                          MANUAL                          |
|         OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host        |                        devstack13                        |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname |                           None                           |
|    OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name    |                    instance-00000006                     |
|        OS-EXT-STS:power_state       |                            1                             |
|        OS-EXT-STS:task_state        |                           None                           |
|         OS-EXT-STS:vm_state         |                          active                          |
|              accessIPv4             |                                                          |
|              accessIPv6             |                                                          |
|             config_drive            |                                                          |
|               created               |                   2012-08-15T19:43:33Z                   |
|                flavor               |                         m1.tiny                          |
|                hostId               | 2a2355e6f881cedd4e638be9b32970b804bd1f05db4582de2ae2730f |
|                  id                 |           f3a44421-39a3-477a-9b6d-819d98557953           |
|                image                |                 cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-uec                  |
|               key_name              |                                                          |
|               metadata              |                            {}                            |
|                 name                |                         Server 6                         |
|           private network           |                                      |
|               progress              |                            0                             |
|                status               |                          ACTIVE                          |
|              tenant_id              |             9a2f4355c3b94cfe9a37ad2e8d6cc60d             |
|               updated               |                   2012-08-15T19:43:32Z                   |
|               user_id               |             c604b35cce7e4b53a24cb3828c4b197c             |

    11.2) Migrate the instance
[email protected]:/export/instances# nova live-migration f3a44421-39a3-477a-9b6d-819d98557953 devstack14

    11.3) Check the instance

[email protected]:/export/instances# nova show f3a44421-39a3-477a-9b6d-819d98557953
|               Property              |                          Value                           |
|          OS-DCF:diskConfig          |                          MANUAL                          |
|         OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host        |                        devstack14                        |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname |                           None                           |
|    OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name    |                    instance-00000006                     |
|        OS-EXT-STS:power_state       |                            1                             |
|        OS-EXT-STS:task_state        |                           None                           |
|         OS-EXT-STS:vm_state         |                          active                          |
|              accessIPv4             |                                                          |
|              accessIPv6             |                                                          |
|             config_drive            |                                                          |
|               created               |                   2012-08-15T19:43:33Z                   |
|                flavor               |                         m1.tiny                          |
|                hostId               | 6a4b39673a99492bd2c461e5d0f616181d77fa83c9d3b3f44a890ff6 |
|                  id                 |           f3a44421-39a3-477a-9b6d-819d98557953           |
|                image                |                 cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-uec                  |
|               key_name              |                                                          |
|               metadata              |                            {}                            |
|                 name                |                         Server 6                         |
|           private network           |                                      |
|               progress              |                            0                             |
|                status               |                          ACTIVE                          |
|              tenant_id              |             9a2f4355c3b94cfe9a37ad2e8d6cc60d             |
|               updated               |                   2012-08-15T19:44:23Z                   |
|               user_id               |             c604b35cce7e4b53a24cb3828c4b197c             |


How to set up live-migration environment for Openstack with devstack

1) Install OS    1.1) Install Ubuntu 12.04          [email protected]:~# cat /etc/*release DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=12.04

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