1. 程式人生 > >Java如何通過WSDL檔案來呼叫這些web service

Java如何通過WSDL檔案來呼叫這些web service

} catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
return mue.getMessage();
// This is the main SOAP object
Call soapCall = new Call();
// Use SOAP encoding
// This is the remote object we're asking for the price
// This is the name of the method on the above object
// We need to send the ISBN number as an input parameter to the method
Vector soapParams = new Vector();

// name, type, value, encoding style
Parameter isbnParam = new Parameter("userName", String.class, user, null);
try {
// Invoke the remote method on the object
Response soapResponse = soapCall.invoke(url,"");
// Check to see if there is an error, return "N/A"
if (soapResponse.generatedFault()) {
Fault fault = soapResponse.getFault();
String f = fault.getFaultString();
return f;
} else {
// read result
Parameter soapResult = soapResponse.getReturnValue ();
// get a string from the result
return soapResult.getValue().toString();
} catch (SOAPException se) {
return se.getMessage();