1. 程式人生 > >[RK3288][Android6.0] WiFi之Autojoin對無線網路的選擇機制

[RK3288][Android6.0] WiFi之Autojoin對無線網路的選擇機制

Platform: Rockchip
OS: Android 6.0
Kernel: 3.10.92

[email protected]:/ # cat /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf


"Kris" psk="20122008" key_mgmt=WPA-PSK priority=3 }


boolean attemptAutoJoin()
        //獲取上一次選擇的網路配置,我上次選的是ap: "Kris"
        String lastSelectedConfiguration = mWifiConfigStore.getLastSelectedConfiguration();
        if (lastSelectedConfiguration != null) {
            age =
14000; } //獲取最近配置過的網路,這裡會獲取到兩個,也就是配置檔案中的那兩個 List<WifiConfiguration> list = mWifiConfigStore.getRecentConfiguredNetworks(age, false); for (WifiConfiguration config : list) { //candidate儲存當前網路配置 if (candidate == null) { candidate =
config; } else { //迴圈第二次時就會比較兩個網路配置 int order = compareWifiConfigurations(candidate, config); if (order > 0) { // Ascending : candidate < config //經過一番計算後,發現order>0,那麼老的candidate網路配置就會被新的代替, //如果有多餘兩個儲存的無線網路,那麼依次計算並且符合條件後替換 candidate = config; } } } if (mWifiStateMachine.shouldSwitchNetwork(networkDelta)) { // !!! JNo: Here! //傳送自動連線event給WifiStateMachine mWifiStateMachine.sendMessage(WifiStateMachine.CMD_AUTO_CONNECT, candidate.networkId, networkSwitchType, candidate); found = true; } return found; }


int compareWifiConfigurations(WifiConfiguration a, WifiConfiguration b) 
    int order = 0;
    boolean linked = false;

    // ephemeral的解釋是
    // Indicate that a WifiConfiguration is temporary and should not be saved
    //nor considered by AutoJoin.
    if (a.ephemeral && b.ephemeral == false) {
        return 1; // b is of higher priority - ascending
    if (b.ephemeral && a.ephemeral == false) {
        return -1; // a is of higher priority - descending

    // Apply RSSI, in the range [-5, +5]
    // after band adjustment, +n difference roughly corresponds to +10xn dBm
    order = order + compareWifiConfigurationsRSSI(a, b, mCurrentConfigurationKey);

    // If the configurations are not linked, compare by user's choice, only a
    // very high RSSI difference can then override the choice
    if (!linked) {
        int choice;

        choice = getConnectChoice(a, b, false);
        if (choice > 0) {
            // a is of higher priority - descending
            order = order - choice;
            if (a.visibility != null) {
                a.visibility.lastChoiceBoost = choice;
                a.visibility.lastChoiceConfig = b.configKey();

        choice = getConnectChoice(b, a, false);
        if (choice > 0) {
            // a is of lower priority - ascending
            order = order + choice;
            if (b.visibility != null) {
                b.visibility.lastChoiceBoost = choice;
                b.visibility.lastChoiceConfig = a.configKey();

    String sorder = " == ";
    if (order > 0) {
        sorder = " < ";
    } else if (order < 0) {
        sorder = " > ";

    return order;

除錯時可以把debug log開啟,對應的log如下:

07-06 15:41:00.357   557   608 D WifiAutoJoinController : attemptAutoJoin() status=wpa_state=SCANNING
07-06 15:41:00.357   557   608 D WifiAutoJoinController : p2p_device_address=b2:f1:ec:49:50:cb
07-06 15:41:00.357   557   608 D WifiAutoJoinController : address=b0:f1:ec:49:50:cb
07-06 15:41:00.357   557   608 D WifiAutoJoinController : uuid=544ae0ce-fa0a-58d2-af21-81be288cb44c
07-06 15:41:00.358   557   608 D WifiAutoJoinController : attemptAutoJoin() num recent config 2 ---> suppNetId=-1
07-06 15:41:00.358   557   608 D WifiAutoJoinController : attemptAutoJoin good candidate seen, bumped hard -> status="Kris"WPA_PSK status=0
07-06 15:41:00.358   557   608 D WifiAutoJoinController : attemptAutoJoin trying id=1 "Kris"WPA_PSK status=0
07-06 15:41:00.359   557   608 D WifiAutoJoinController : attemptAutoJoin good candidate seen, bumped hard -> status="RD-TA100-2.4G"WPA_PSK status=0
07-06 15:41:00.359   557   608 D WifiAutoJoinController : attemptAutoJoin trying id=0 "RD-TA100-2.4G"WPA_PSK status=0 current candidate "Kris"WPA_PSK
07-06 15:41:00.359   557   608 D WifiAutoJoinController : attemptAutoJoin will compare candidate  "Kris"WPA_PSK with "RD-TA100-2.4G"WPA_PSK
07-06 15:41:00.359   557   608 D WifiAutoJoinController :     compareWifiConfigurationsRSSI: "Kris"WPA_PSK rssi=-55,-127 boost=0 "RD-TA100-2.4G"WPA_PSK rssi=-47,-127 boost=0
07-06 15:41:00.359   557   608 D WifiAutoJoinController :         "Kris"WPA_PSK is5=false score=-55 "RD-TA100-2.4G"WPA_PSK is5=false score=-47
07-06 15:41:00.359   557   608 D WifiAutoJoinController :     compareWifiConfigurationsRSSI "Kris"WPA_PSK rssi=(-55,-127) num=(1,0) < "RD-TA100-2.4G"WPA_PSK rssi=(-47,-127) num=(1,0) -> 8
07-06 15:41:00.360   557   608 D WifiAutoJoinController :     compareWifiConfigurations prefers "Kris"WPA_PSK over "RD-TA100-2.4G"WPA_PSK due to user choice of 60 order -> -52
07-06 15:41:00.360   557   608 D WifiAutoJoinController : compareWifiConfigurations: "Kris"WPA_PSK > "RD-TA100-2.4G"WPA_PSK order -52
07-06 15:41:00.360   557   608 D WifiAutoJoinController : attemptAutoJoin compareWifiConfigurations returned -52
07-06 15:41:00.360   557   608 D WifiAutoJoinController : attemptAutoJoin networkSwitching candidate "Kris"WPA_PSK linked=false : delta=1000 
07-06 15:41:00.361   557   608 D WifiStateMachine: shouldSwitchNetwork  txSuccessRate=0.00 rxSuccessRate=0.00 delta 1000 -> 1000
07-06 15:41:00.361   557   608 D WifiAutoJoinController : AutoJoin auto connect with netId 1 to "Kris"WPA_PSK
07-06 15:41:00.361   557   608 D WifiAutoJoinController : attemptRoam: "Kris"WPA_PSK Found ee:29:f5:be:c5:6b rssi=-55 freq=2437
07-06 15:41:00.361   557   608 D WifiAutoJoinController : Done attemptAutoJoin status=3

1. ephemeral值,即是否是未信任網路
2. RSSI值
3. 使用者上次選擇,優先順序比RSSI高,除非RSSI非常大的情況


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