1. 程式人生 > >All packages are not available for download! The following packages are not available:

All packages are not available for download! The following packages are not available:

 All packages are not available for download!  The following packages are not available:
- Package id build-tools;25.2.5  匯入新專案的時候出現問題,包想、不能下載
android {
    compileSdkVersion 24
buildToolsVersion "25.0.2"
defaultConfig {
        applicationId "com.czp.tagview"
minSdkVersion 15
targetSdkVersion 24
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"
    buildTypes {
        release {
false proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro' } } }
把buildTollVersion ""改為你現在用的版本(所以專案的包括模版裡面的gridle檔案)


All packages are not available for download! The following packages are not available:

 All packages are not available for download!  The following packages are not available: - Package i

android studio執行時提示All packages are not available for download! the following package are not availa

android studio執行時提示All packages are not available for download!the following package are not available; -Package id system-images;android-

All packages are not available for download! The following packages are not available

檢視原始碼的時候提醒這個錯誤,解決辦法很簡單 implementation ‘com.android.support:appcompat-v7:27.1.1’ 降低appcompat的版本號

Anaconda中的PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:

conda install package_name但是有時候會提示:conda install pydot Fetching package metadata ....... Solving package specifications: . PackageNotFound

更新 是 可用的 針對 安卓 軟件開發包和工具 Updates are available for android software development packages and tools

安卓 模擬器 軟件 ide software ava -m android 設置 作者:韓夢飛沙 Author:han_meng_fei_sha 郵箱:[email protected]/* */ E-mail: 313134555 @qq.com

轉 11g Grid Control: Overview of the EMCTL Options Available for Managing the Agent

and agen font man .com rom access pri into Please set the ORACLE_HOME to your Agent Home location usingFor Unix:export ORACLE_HOME=/o

正解:git push 報:does not match your user account.&&The following addresses are currently registered

does not match your user account.郵箱A The following addresses are currently registered: 郵箱B Git 報上面的錯誤,根本原因在於:兩個郵箱不一致導致,不一致的原因是我們在vi ~/.gitconf

GoLand 2018.2.3 is now available for download

GoLand 2018.2.3 is out and ready for you to download. As usual, we are providing several options to get updates on your machine: download from

The run destination iPhone is not valid for running the scheme “xx”

真機執行,一直提示The run destination iOS Device is not valid for running the scheme,但是模擬器就沒有問題,更改 Deployment Target 也不行 最後發現,這應該是 Xcode 的

The run destination iOS Device is not valid for running the scheme”

      嘗試過幾次,同一個專案,剛剛還正常地執行在模擬器上的,但是當再一次run的時候,一直報”The run destination iOS Device is not valid for ru

【轉】Rendering Problems The following classes could not be instantiated

clas follow BE div net render spa 文件 them xml 設計時警告 打開es/values/目錄下styles.xml文件。 把:<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.L

The following packages have unmet dependencies錯誤

class bash apt problems pan not ems 錯誤 bsp 當出現類似這類錯誤: The following packages have unmet dependencies: python-dev : Depends: python (= 2

The following packages have unmet dependencies:

mes tco newest style roo trigger file nds direct root@ubuntu:~# apt-get install open-iscsiReading package lists... DoneBuilding dependenc

The following packages have unmet dependencies

分享一下我老師大神的人工智慧教程!零基礎,通俗易懂!http://blog.csdn.net/jiangjunshow 也歡迎大家轉載本篇文章。分享知識,造福人民,實現我們中華民族偉大復興!        

Gerrit error:remote: ERROR: The following addresses are currently registered:XXX

嗨,gerrit push的時候出錯了把。彆著急。知道這是為啥嗎。讓我一一給你道來! 當你上傳gerrit程式碼時候需要登陸ssh使用者名稱和密碼,此時電腦會自動記錄你第一次輸入的使用者名稱和密碼。當你用其他的賬號想要提交程式碼時候,user.name 和user.emali 都已經更新了,

The program 'ninja' can be found in the following packages: * ninja * ninja-build

Ninja進行Android編譯時,如果遇到如標題中的問題,是因為找不到可執行命令導致,可以執行如下操作: cp prebuilts/build-tools/linux-x86/bin/ninja out/host/linux-x86/bin/ 其中:prebuilts/

Rendering Problems The following classes could not be instantiated:

問題描述:一個專案一開啟xml佈局檔案,就會出現Rendering Problems,如下: 解決辦法:Theme主題方面的問題: 將原來的主題 <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBa

【常見錯誤】佈局檔案新增edittext報:The following classes could not be found錯誤

一、問題描述 android專案佈局檔案中,新增edittext後佈局報以下錯誤: Exception raised during rendering: java.lang.System.arr

最近一個工程出現的問題 以前工程可用的程式碼到這個工程裡也會顯示 The following classes could not be found:

解決新建立的圖片的引用名字adapter_shop_list_mapbtn_bg.xml 檔案中引用的不是圖片是xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <selector xmlns:android="http

ubuntu 安裝maven提示出錯 The program 'mvn' can be found in the following packages

問題: I am trying to install apache maven 3 in Ubuntu 12.04 lts. What I did was open the terminal then I typed the following commands ex