1. 程式人生 > >This SQL map does not contain a MappedStatement Named錯誤

This SQL map does not contain a MappedStatement Named錯誤

1. sqlmap沒有填寫名稱空間名稱時:

<sqlMap namespace="" xmlns="http://ibatis.apache.org/mapping" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">


2. sqlmap填寫了名稱空間名稱時:

<sqlMap namespace="WorkTask" xmlns="http://ibatis.apache.org/mapping" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">


var taskAllocationList = sqlMapper.QueryForList<TaskAllocation>("WorkTask.FindTaskAllocationByInputId", inputId);

SqlMap中可加可不加  名稱空間.


<select id="SearchApplyDataIndexBackByIds" parameterClass="int" resultMap="ApplyDataIndexResultMap">
      <dynamic prepend="WHERE">
        <isNotEmpty prepend="AND" property="ApplyIndexIds">
          <iterate property="ApplyIndexIds" open="(" close=")" conjunction=",">

  <select id="SearchApplyIndexCategorys" parameterClass="map" resultMap="ApplyIndexCategoryResultMap">
      SELECT * FROM(
      select t.*,ROWNUM as RN From (
      <dynamic prepend="WHERE">
        <isNotEmpty prepend="AND" property="ApplyId">
          ApplyId = #ApplyId#

        <isNotEmpty prepend="AND" property="ContainsStatus">
          ApplyStatus IN
          <iterate property="ContainsStatus" open="(" close=")" conjunction=",">
      ORDER BY ApplyId DESC) T)Q
      WHERE Q.RN &gt;#Start# AND Q.RN &lt;= #End#


This SQL map does not contain a MappedStatement Named錯誤

1. sqlmap沒有填寫名稱空間名稱時: <sqlMap namespace="" xmlns="http://ibatis.apache.org/mapping" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instan

Eclipse 軟件 Java 解決:出現的editor does not contain a main type錯誤框 問題

strong eight res cli use padding out auto borde Eclipse 軟件 解決:出現的 editor does not contain a main type 錯誤框 問題 當你運行 Java文件是,如果彈出了下面的 錯誤框:

Eclipse 軟體 Java 解決:出現的editor does not contain a main type錯誤框 問題

Eclipse 軟體 解決:出現的 editor does not contain a main type 錯誤框 問題當你執行 Java檔案是,如果彈出了下面的 錯誤框:出現錯誤的原因: 當前的原始碼(所有的包)沒有被新增到build path中:(src路徑裡面是檔案目錄

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editor does not contain a main type Maven專案

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editor does not contain a main type的解決方案

先感謝下作者 pocky 今天用eclipse,當打算run一個帶有main函式的class時,出現editor does not contain a main type的錯誤框。 baidu了一下,迅速解決問題:原來這個class所在包沒有被新增到build path中

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