1. 程式人生 > >分別使用1次,2次,4次多項式迴歸模型在比薩訓練樣本上進行擬合


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x_train = [[6], [8], [10], [14], [18]]
y_train = [[7], [9], [13], [17.5], [18]]

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
regressor = LinearRegression()
regressor.fit(x_train, y_train)

import numpy as np
xx = np.linspace(0, 26, 100)#生成了1行100列的一個矩陣
xx = xx.reshape(xx.shape[0], 1)#將1行100列的矩陣轉化成100行1列的矩陣形式
yy = regressor.predict(xx)

from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
poly2 = PolynomialFeatures(degree=2)
x_train_poly2 = poly2.fit_transform(x_train)
regressor_poly2 = LinearRegression()
regressor_poly2.fit(x_train_poly2, y_train)
xx_poly2 = poly2.transform(xx)
yy_poly2 = regressor_poly2.predict(xx_poly2)

poly4 = PolynomialFeatures(degree=4)
x_train_poly4 = poly4.fit_transform(x_train)
regressor_poly4 = LinearRegression()
regressor_poly4.fit(x_train_poly4, y_train)
xx_poly4 = poly4.transform(xx)
yy_poly4 = regressor_poly4.predict(xx_poly4)

plt.scatter(x_train, y_train)

plt1, = plt.plot(xx, yy, label='Degree=1')
plt2, = plt.plot(xx, yy_poly2, label='Degree=2')
plt4, = plt.plot(xx, yy_poly4, label='Degree=4')

plt.axis([0, 25, 0, 25])
plt.xlabel('Diameter of Pizza')
plt.ylabel('Pirce of Pizza')
plt.legend(handles=[plt1, plt2, plt4])
print('The R-squared value of Polynomonal Regressor(Degree=1) performing on the training data is', regressor.score(x_train, y_train))
print('The R-squared value of Polynomonal Regressor(Degree=2) performing on the training data is', regressor_poly2.score(x_train_poly2, y_train))
print('The R-squared value of Polynomonal Regressor(Degree=4) performing on the training data is', regressor_poly4.score(x_train_poly4, y_train))


x_test = [[6], [8], [11], [16]]
y_test = [[8], [12], [15], [18]]

print("線性模型效能評估:",regressor.score(x_test, y_test))

x_test_poly2 = poly2.transform(x_test)
print("2次多項式迴歸模型的效能評估:",regressor_poly2.score(x_test_poly2, y_test))

x_test_poly4 = poly4.transform(x_test)
print("4次多項式迴歸模型的效能評估:",regressor_poly4.score(x_test_poly4, y_test))


The R-squared value of Polynomonal Regressor(Degree=1) performing on the training data is 0.910001596424
The R-squared value of Polynomonal Regressor(Degree=2) performing on the training data is 0.98164216396
The R-squared value of Polynomonal Regressor(Degree=4) performing on the training data is 1.0
線性模型效能評估: 0.809726797708
2次多項式迴歸模型的效能評估: 0.867544365635
4次多項式迴歸模型的效能評估: 0.809588079578



import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x_train = [[6], [8], [10], [14], [18]] y_train = [[7], [9], [13], [17.5], [18]] from sklearn.linear_mod


去面試的時候,筆試題有一個二選一,有一個是這個問題,當時選的另一個,現在實現下這個臺階問題。 如果只有一級臺階,那麼方法只有1種,如果是有二級臺階,那麼方法2種,如果三屆臺階,那麼實現方法有4種。 如果臺階數再增加,大於三屆臺階以後,可以認為是隻有一二三級臺階的一個重複實現,可以使用遞迴的方


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假設你現在正在爬樓梯樓梯有 nn 級。每次你只能爬 1 級或者 2那麼你有多少種方法爬到樓梯的頂部?

假設你現在正在爬樓梯,樓梯有 nn 級。每次你只能爬 1 級或者 2 級,那麼你有多少種方法爬到樓梯的頂部? 輸入格式 第一行輸入一個整數n(1≤n≤50),代表樓梯的級數。 輸出格式 輸出爬到樓梯頂部的方法總數。 樣例輸入 複製 5 樣例輸出 複製 8 Fibonacc


@Filename : floor.c * @Author : Mr.Zhong * @Date : 2018-11-02 * @Description: n級階梯,每次走一步或2步,最多有多少種走法 * @Analysis :

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思路來得太慢,好想拿小錘錘捶自己喲~~~ 第一種,遞迴思路。 如果你上10個臺階,可以分解成下面兩種情況: ● 上9個臺階,最後上1個臺階。假設這種情況下,上前面9個臺階的方法數為m。 ● 上8個臺


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走臺階演算法(本質上是斐波那契數列)在面試中常會遇到,描述就如題目那樣:總共100級臺階(任意級都行),小明每次可選擇走1步、2步或者3步,問走完這100級臺階總共有多少種走法? 一、 題目分析 這個問題本質上是斐波那契數列,假設只有一個臺階,那麼只有一種跳法,那


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