1. 程式人生 > >Eclipse自動生成javadoc


The JDK tool that generates API documentation from documentation comments.
Documentation comments (doc comments)
The special comments in the Java source code that are delimited by the /** ... */ delimiters. These comments are processed by the Javadoc tool to generate the API docs.
How to write Java doc comments

選中某個project, 然後選單 > project > generate javadoc

(Eclipse有個Jautodoc pulgin 可以為每個檔案自動生成comment)

Package Comment Files

Each package can have its own documentation comment, contained in its own "source" file, that the Javadoc tool will merge into the package summary page that it generates. You typically include in this comment any documentation that applies to the entire package.

To create a package comment file, you have a choice of two files to place your comments:

  • package-info.java - Can contain a package declaration, package annotations, package comments and Javadoc tags. This file is new in JDK 5.0, and is preferred over package.html.
  • package.html - Can contain only package comments and Javadoc tags, no package annotations.

A package may have a single package.html file or a single package-info.java file but not both. Place either file in the package directory in the source tree along with your .java files.

package-info.java This file can contain a package comment of the following structure -- the comment is placed before the package declaration:

File: java/applet/package-info.java


* Provides the classes necessary to create an applet and the classes an applet uses

* to communicate with its applet context.

* <p>

* The applet framework involves two entities:

* the applet and the applet context. An applet is an embeddable window (see the

* {@link java.awt.Panel} class) with a few extra methods that the applet context

* can use to initialize, start, and stop the applet.


* @since 1.0

* @see java.awt


package java.lang.applet;

Note that while the comment separators /** and /* must be present, the leading asterisks on the intermediate lines can be omitted. package.html - This file can contain a package comment of the following structure -- the comment is placed in the <body> element:

File: java/applet/package.html



Provides the classes necessary to create an applet and the classes an applet uses

to communicate with its applet context.


The applet framework involves two entities:

the applet and the applet context. An applet is an embeddable window (see the

{@link java.awt.Panel} class) with a few extra methods that the applet context

can use to initialize, start, and stop the applet.

@since 1.0

@see java.awt





javadoc The JDK tool that generates API documentation from documentation comments. Docum


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Java eclipse如何生成JavaDoc

如何使用eclipse生成javaDoc 生成package-info.java 新建包的時候勾選左下方的框框 將對文件的描述寫入此檔案中,具體的註解等尚未深究 右鍵選擇專案Export,選擇ja




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javadoc.exe是自動生成java文件的小工具。在eclipse裡面可以很方便的使用這個小工具,主要有三個常見的入口 (1)File —> Export —> java —> javadoc  (2)Project —> Generate J

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