1. 程式人生 > >Cartographer原始碼閱讀(5):PoseGraph位姿圖




// Implements the loop closure method called Sparse Pose Adjustment (SPA) from
// Konolige, Kurt, et al. "Efficient sparse pose adjustment for 2d mapping."
// Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference
// on (pp. 22--29). IEEE, 2010.
// It is extended for submapping:
// Each node has been matched against one or more submaps (adding a constraint
// for each match), both poses of nodes and of submaps are to be optimized.
// All constraints are between a submap i and a node j.

1.繼承關係mapping,mapping2D,mapping3D (以前叫sparse_pose_graph.h,目前名稱被修改了

類中一個很重要的類OptimizationProblem物件optimization_problem_,該類的註釋是Implements the SPA loop closure method.即實現了SPA方法的閉環。


pose_graph::OptimizationProblem optimization_problem_;
pose_graph::ConstraintBuilder constraint_builder_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
std::vector<Constraint> constraints_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_);

接上一篇在PoseGraph::AddNode方法中呼叫了 AddTrajectoryIfNeeded() 和 PoseGraph::ComputeConstraintsForNode()方法。

 1 void PoseGraph::ComputeConstraintsForNode(
 2     const mapping::NodeId& node_id,
 3     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Submap>> insertion_submaps,
 4     const bool newly_finished_submap) {
5 const auto& constant_data = trajectory_nodes_.at(node_id).constant_data; 6 const std::vector<mapping::SubmapId> submap_ids = InitializeGlobalSubmapPoses( 7 node_id.trajectory_id, constant_data->time, insertion_submaps); 8 CHECK_EQ(submap_ids.size(), insertion_submaps.size()); 9 const mapping::SubmapId matching_id = submap_ids.front(); 10 const transform::Rigid2d pose = transform::Project2D( 11 constant_data->local_pose * 12 transform::Rigid3d::Rotation(constant_data->gravity_alignment.inverse())); 13 const transform::Rigid2d optimized_pose = 14 optimization_problem_.submap_data().at(matching_id).global_pose * 15 pose_graph::ComputeSubmapPose(*insertion_submaps.front()).inverse() * 16 pose; 17 optimization_problem_.AddTrajectoryNode( 18 matching_id.trajectory_id, constant_data->time, pose, optimized_pose, 19 constant_data->gravity_alignment); 20 for (size_t i = 0; i < insertion_submaps.size(); ++i) { 21 const mapping::SubmapId submap_id = submap_ids[i]; 22 // Even if this was the last node added to 'submap_id', the submap will only 23 // be marked as finished in 'submap_data_' further below. 24 CHECK(submap_data_.at(submap_id).state == SubmapState::kActive); 25 submap_data_.at(submap_id).node_ids.emplace(node_id); 26 const transform::Rigid2d constraint_transform = 27 pose_graph::ComputeSubmapPose(*insertion_submaps[i]).inverse() * pose; 28 constraints_.push_back(Constraint{submap_id, 29 node_id, 30 {transform::Embed3D(constraint_transform), 31 options_.matcher_translation_weight(), 32 options_.matcher_rotation_weight()}, 33 Constraint::INTRA_SUBMAP}); 34 } 35 36 for (const auto& submap_id_data : submap_data_) { 37 if (submap_id_data.data.state == SubmapState::kFinished) { 38 CHECK_EQ(submap_id_data.data.node_ids.count(node_id), 0); 39 ComputeConstraint(node_id, submap_id_data.id); 40 } 41 } 42 43 if (newly_finished_submap) { 44 const mapping::SubmapId finished_submap_id = submap_ids.front(); 45 SubmapData& finished_submap_data = submap_data_.at(finished_submap_id); 46 CHECK(finished_submap_data.state == SubmapState::kActive); 47 finished_submap_data.state = SubmapState::kFinished; 48 // We have a new completed submap, so we look into adding constraints for 49 // old nodes. 50 ComputeConstraintsForOldNodes(finished_submap_id); 51 } 52 constraint_builder_.NotifyEndOfNode(); 53 ++num_nodes_since_last_loop_closure_; 54 if (options_.optimize_every_n_nodes() > 0 && 55 num_nodes_since_last_loop_closure_ > options_.optimize_every_n_nodes()) { 56 CHECK(!run_loop_closure_); 57 run_loop_closure_ = true; 58 // If there is a 'work_queue_' already, some other thread will take care. 59 if (work_queue_ == nullptr) { 60 work_queue_ = common::make_unique<std::deque<std::function<void()>>>(); 61 HandleWorkQueue(); 62 } 63 } 64 }


transform::Rigid2d ComputeSubmapPose(const Submap& submap)
      return transform::Project2D(submap.local_pose());


 1 void PoseGraph::HandleWorkQueue() {
 2   constraint_builder_.WhenDone(
 3       [this](const pose_graph::ConstraintBuilder::Result& result) {
 4         {
 5           common::MutexLocker locker(&mutex_);
 6           constraints_.insert(constraints_.end(), result.begin(), result.end());
 7         }
 8         RunOptimization();
10         common::MutexLocker locker(&mutex_);
11         for (const Constraint& constraint : result) {
12           UpdateTrajectoryConnectivity(constraint);
13         }
14         TrimmingHandle trimming_handle(this);
15         for (auto& trimmer : trimmers_) {
16           trimmer->Trim(&trimming_handle);
17         }
18         trimmers_.erase(
19             std::remove_if(
20                 trimmers_.begin(), trimmers_.end(),
21                 [](std::unique_ptr<mapping::PoseGraphTrimmer>& trimmer) {
22                   return trimmer->IsFinished();
23                 }),
24             trimmers_.end());
26         num_nodes_since_last_loop_closure_ = 0;
27         run_loop_closure_ = false;
28         while (!run_loop_closure_) {
29           if (work_queue_->empty()) {
30             work_queue_.reset();
31             return;
32           }
33           work_queue_->front()();
34           work_queue_->pop_front();
35         }
36         LOG(INFO) << "Remaining work items in queue: " << work_queue_->size();
37         // We have to optimize again.
38         HandleWorkQueue();
39       });
40 }


 1 void PoseGraph::RunOptimization()
 2 {
 3   if (optimization_problem_.submap_data().empty())
 4   {
 5     return;
 6   }
 8   // No other thread is accessing the optimization_problem_, constraints_ and
 9   // frozen_trajectories_ when executing the Solve. Solve is time consuming, so
10   // not taking the mutex before Solve to avoid blocking foreground processing.
11   optimization_problem_.Solve(constraints_, frozen_trajectories_);
12   common::MutexLocker locker(&mutex_);
14   const auto& submap_data = optimization_problem_.submap_data();
15   const auto& node_data = optimization_problem_.node_data();
16   for (const int trajectory_id : node_data.trajectory_ids())
17   {
18     for (const auto& node : node_data.trajectory(trajectory_id)) 
19     {
20       auto& mutable_trajectory_node = trajectory_nodes_.at(node.id);
21       mutable_trajectory_node.global_pose =
22           transform::Embed3D(node.data.pose) *
23           transform::Rigid3d::Rotation(mutable_trajectory_node.constant_data->gravity_alignment);
24     }
26     // Extrapolate all point cloud poses that were not included in the
27     // 'optimization_problem_' yet.
28     const auto local_to_new_global =
29         ComputeLocalToGlobalTransform(submap_data, trajectory_id);
30     const auto local_to_old_global =
31         ComputeLocalToGlobalTransform(global_submap_poses_, trajectory_id);
32     const transform::Rigid3d old_global_to_new_global =
33         local_to_new_global * local_to_old_global.inverse();
35     const mapping::NodeId last_optimized_node_id =
36         std::prev(node_data.EndOfTrajectory(trajectory_id))->id;
37     auto node_it = std::next(trajectory_nodes_.find(last_optimized_node_id));
38     for (; node_it != trajectory_nodes_.EndOfTrajectory(trajectory_id); ++node_it) 
39     {
40       auto& mutable_trajectory_node = trajectory_nodes_.at(node_it->id);
41       mutable_trajectory_node.global_pose =
42           old_global_to_new_global * mutable_trajectory_node.global_pose;
43     }
44   }
45   global_submap_poses_ = submap_data;
46 }

 檢視Constraint 結構體,該結構體在PoseGraphInterface中定義。

 1   // A "constraint" as in the paper by Konolige, Kurt, et al. "Efficient sparse
 2   // pose adjustment for 2d mapping." Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
 3   // 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on (pp. 22--29). IEEE, 2010.
 4   struct Constraint {
 5     struct Pose {
 6       transform::Rigid3d zbar_ij;
 7       double translation_weight;
 8       double rotation_weight;
 9     };
11     SubmapId submap_id;  // 'i' in the paper.
12     NodeId node_id;      // 'j' in the paper.
14     // Pose of the node 'j' relative to submap 'i'.
15     Pose pose;
17     // Differentiates between intra-submap (where node 'j' was inserted into
18     // submap 'i') and inter-submap constraints (where node 'j' was not inserted
19     // into submap 'i').
20     enum Tag { INTRA_SUBMAP, INTER_SUBMAP } tag;
21   };



PoseGraph位姿圖 mapping2D::PoseGraph類的註釋: // Implements the loop closure method called Sparse Pose Adjustment (SPA) from// Konolige, Kurt, et al. "E


其實也就是包括兩個方面的內容:類似於運動模型的位姿估計和掃描匹配,因為需要計算速度,所以時間就有必要了! 1. PoseExtrapolator解決了IMU資料、里程計和位姿資訊進行融合的問題。 該類定義了三個佇列。 1 std::deque<TimedPose> timed_pose_


1 /* 2 * Copyright 2016 The Cartographer Authors 3 * 4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 5 * you may not use


1 [email protected]:~$ sudo apt-get install kdevelop 2 [sudo] password for yhexie: 3 Reading package lists... Done 4 Building dependency


  上文提到特別注意map_builder_bridge_.AddTrajectory(x,x),檢視其中的程式碼。兩點:   首先是map_builder_.AddTrajectoryBuilder(...),呼叫了map_builder_物件的方法。其次是sensor_bridges_鍵值對的賦值。


Cartographer早期的程式碼在進行3d製圖的時候使用了UKF方法,檢視現有的tag版本,可以轉到0.1.0和0.2.0檢視,包含kalman_filter資料夾。 資料夾中的pose_tracker類檔案在mapping_3d的檔案加下有kalman_local_trajectory_builder


約束計算 閉環檢測的策略:搜尋閉環,通過匹配檢測是否是閉環,採用了分支定界法。 前已經述及PoseGraph的內容,此處繼續。位姿圖類定義了pose_graph::ConstraintBuilder constraint_builder_物件。 1.ConstraintBuilder類圖 定義了S


  MapBuilder的成員變數sensor::Collator sensor_collator_;   再次閱讀MapBuilder::AddTrajectoryBuilder方法。首先構造了mapping::GlobalTrajectoryBuilder例項,接著作為引數構造了CollatedTraj


LocalTrajectoryBuilder意思是區域性軌跡的構建,下面的類圖中方法的引數沒有畫進去。 注意其中的三個類:PoseExtrapolator類,RealTimeCorrelativeScanMatcher類和CeresScanMatcher類。 (1)PoseExtrapolator類(


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