1. 程式人生 > >Oracle DB , 計算各個使用者/schema 的磁碟佔用空間

Oracle DB , 計算各個使用者/schema 的磁碟佔用空間

Question:  How do I find the size of a schema in my database?

Answer: It depends on how you define "size".  If you want the total disk space consumed by the schema (including indexes, tablespace free space), then the SQL query is quite simple:

   sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024 schema_size_gig
from dba_segments group by owner;

If you just want the size of the schema in terms of the space consumed by table rows, you would use a different query to calculate the schema size:

   sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024 as size_in_gig, 
='SCOTT' group by segment_type;

Drop Table 之後,如果空間不能回收,需要執行西面語句

  清除當前使用者的回收站:purge recyclebin;

  清除所有使用者的回收站:purge dba_recyclebin;


Oracle DB , 計算各個使用者/schema磁碟佔用空間

Question:  How do I find the size of a schema in my database? Answer: It depends on how you define "size".  If you want the total disk space consumed by

Oracle DB , 計算各個用戶/schema 的磁盤占用空間

def term ner href pen database col table scott http://www.dba-oracle.com/t_find_size_schema.htm Question: How do I find the size of a s

Centos Linux 怎麼清理磁碟佔用空間大:/dev/xvda1

1 先在根目錄下檢索一下檔案的佔用情況,命令: du -sh * 結果如下:可以看到 www 目錄佔用了差不多10G,那目標就是找出佔用最多的檔案 [[email protected] /]# du -sh * 9.3M bin 24M boot 4


0、檢視使用者表、索引、分割槽表佔用空間 select segment_name, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 Mbytese from user_segments group by segment_name; 1、表佔用空間:select segment_n

oracle db中,某一種資料字典pct miss的計算公式

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Oracle DB

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