1. 程式人生 > >SQLyog之MySQL客戶端的下載、安裝和使用(普通版)














CSDN獨家首發:最新SQLyog MySQL GUI x86&x64 12.2.6-0 Ultimate 中文版 帶序列號

SQLyog MySQL GUI 12.2.6-0 Ultimate - Regged Version

Exclusive Debut: Shel Lee[CSDN]





SQLyog MySQL GUI Ultimate for Windows - MySQL GUI v12.2.6-0 - 32&64 bit

SQLyog MySQL GUI是我常用的一個桌面工具,功能強大,讓你有使用MSSQL的感覺,呵呵。


SQLyog is the most powerful MySQL manager and admin tool, combining the features of MySQL Administrator, 

phpMyAdmin and other MySQL Front Ends and MySQL GUI tools.


SQLyog MySQL GUI 11.4.1-0 Ultimate - Regged Version ··┃
┃··安裝密碼:[email protected](接下來會使用到,請先複製)·┃
┃··檢視更新:http://shel_lee.download.csdn.net/ ·····┃

License for Registered Users

This registered license is for users who have obtained from Webyog Softworks Private Limited a valid registration code for SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate. If you have not obtained a valid registration code for SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate, see the section titled License for Trial Users.

Your Agreement to this License

This License only applies to the executable code for the English-language version of the SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate software and any accompanying distributable files, data and materials. You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using, installing, copying, or distributing SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate. Unless otherwise agreed in a writing signed by an authorized representative of Webyog Softworks Private Limited ("Webyog"), your use, installation, copying, or distribution of SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate indicates your acceptance of this agreement ("License").

Please read the license terms below. If you do not agree to all of the terms and conditions of this License, then do not use, install, copy, or distribute SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate. In addition, if you paid a license fee to Webyog or an authorized Webyog reseller, you may return to Webyog or the reseller, as applicable, a copy of the registration code and activation code, if any, and a signed Affidavit of De-Installation and Non-Use within ninety (90) days after purchase, for a full refund of the license fee.

The terms and conditions of this License describe the permitted use and user(s) of each Licensed Copy of SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate.

Scope of License

Subject to the terms of this License, Webyog grants to you, for each Licensed Copy, a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free, license to install and use SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate, solely for your personal or internal business purposes.

If you have purchased a single-user license you have the right to install and use a single copy of SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate on one computer or workstation. If you have purchased a multi-user license you have the right to install a copy of SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate on multiple computers up to the number of "Licensed Copies" that you have acquired, as determined below.

You may not give, transfer or sell copies of SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate to your customer(s), or any third party, in whole or in part, nor include copies of SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate, in whole or in part, in, or with, products you sell.

Each Licensed Copy may be accessed through a network, provided that you have purchased a Licensed Copy for each workstation that will access SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate through the network. For instance, if 7 different workstations will access SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate on the network, you must purchase 7 Licensed Copies of SQLyog, regardless of whether the 7 workstations will access SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate at different times, or concurrently.

For purposes of this License,

1. if you have paid for a Single-User SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate License and received a valid SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate Registration Code, you are deemed to have a single "Licensed Copy" of SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate, and are authorized to access all software features, including those designated as Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate features;
2. if you have paid for a Multi-User SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate License and received a valid SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate Registration Code, you or your organization are deemed to have acquired a number of "Licensed Copies" of SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate equal to the number specified equal to the number specified on the order confirmation mail, and are authorized to access all software features, including those designated as Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate features.

If you have purchased a Multi-User Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate License, you are responsible for duplicating and distributing SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate for use in accordance with the terms of this License, and for monitoring the number of copies of SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate installed and used by your organization. For more information regarding multi-user licenses, please visit the Webyog website at www.webyog.com.

All rights of any kind in SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate which are not expressly granted in this License are entirely and exclusively reserved to and by Webyog. SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate is protected by applicable national and international laws and treaties.

You may use, install and distribute SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate solely as expressly provided in this License. You may not rent, lease, loan, sublicense, modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works based on, SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate, in whole or in part, nor permit anyone else to do so. You may not make access to SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate available to others in connection with a service bureau, application service provider, or similar business, nor permit anyone else to do so. The license granted hereunder includes no rights in or to the source code version of SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate.

Warranty Disclaimers and Liability Limitations

SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate, and any and all accompanying software, files, data and materials, are distributed and provided "AS IS" and with no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Neither Webyog nor any of its affiliates or licensors warrant, guarantee, or make any representations regarding the use of, or the results of the use of, SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate. Neither Webyog nor any of its affiliates or licensors warrant that the operation of SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate will be uninterrupted or error-free. You acknowledge that good data processing procedure dictates that any program, including SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate, must be thoroughly tested with non-critical data before there is any reliance on it, and you hereby assume the entire risk of all use of the copies of SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate covered by this License. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential part of this License.

Except to the extent expressly prohibited by applicable statutes, Webyog, its affiliates or licensors shall not be liable for any damage or financial loss arising out of the use of, or inability to use, SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate. Any liability of Webyog, its affiliates or licensors will be limited exclusively to refund of any license or registration fee paid to Webyog. Except to the extent expressly prohibited by applicable statutes, in no event shall Webyog, or its principals, shareholders, officers, employees, affiliates, licensors, contractors, subsidiaries, or parent organizations, be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, or punitive damages whatsoever relating to the use of SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate, or to your relationship with, Webyog, its affiliates or licensors (including, without limitation, loss or disclosure of data or information, loss of profit, revenue, business opportunity or business advantage, or business interruption), whether based upon a claim or action of contract, warranty, negligence, strict liability, contribution, indemnity, or any other legal theory or cause of action, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.

In addition, in no event does Webyog authorize you or anyone else to use SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate in applications or systems where SQLyog Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate's failure to perform can reasonably be expected to result in a significant physical injury, or in loss of property, or loss of life. Any such use is entirely at your own risk, and you agree to hold Webyog, its affiliates or licensors harmless from any and all claims or losses relating to such unauthorized use.


3、 SQLyog的使用







Microsoft Windows [版本 6.1.7601]
版權所有 (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation。保留所有權利。

C:\Users\Administrator>cd /d D:\

D:\>cd D:\SoftWare\MySQL\mysql-5.7.11-winx64

D:\SoftWare\MySQL\mysql-5.7.11-winx64>cd bin

D:\SoftWare\MySQL\mysql-5.7.11-winx64\bin>net stop mysql
MySQL 服務正在停止.
MySQL 服務已成功停止。

D:\SoftWare\MySQL\mysql-5.7.11-winx64\bin>net start mysql
MySQL 服務正在啟動 ..
MySQL 服務已經啟動成功。






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