1. 程式人生 > >Eclipse4.4安裝舊版本外掛報錯 Failed to prepare partial IU

Eclipse4.4安裝舊版本外掛報錯 Failed to prepare partial IU

Failed to prepare partial IU: [R]com.googlecode.veloeclipse.ui 2.0.8.

work around:

go to Help -> Install New Software..., choose "The Eclipse Project Updates - http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/4.4" from the "Work with" list and then in the "Eclipse Tests, Examples, and Extras" category check "Eclipse 2.0 Style Plugin Support" and install it. After restarting Eclipse, install veloeclipse again and this time the installation will succeed.


Eclipse4.4安裝版本外掛 Failed to prepare partial IU

Failed to prepare partial IU: [R]com.googlecode.veloeclipse.ui 2.0.8. work around: go to Help -> Install New Software..., choose "The Eclipse Proj


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