1. 程式人生 > >Use Partition on Hard Drive to Allocate Memory as Swap Space on Amazon EC2 Instance

Use Partition on Hard Drive to Allocate Memory as Swap Space on Amazon EC2 Instance

Swap space is commonly used as a short-term replacement for physical RAM on an Amazon EC2 instance that's experiencing demand for physical RAM that is currently occupied by data, or instructions from applications, or the operating system.

Contents of RAM that aren't in active use or that aren't needed as urgently as other data or instructions can be temporarily paged to a partition that's designated for this purpose as swap space. This frees up RAM for more immediate use.

Note: It's a best practice that you create swap space only on ephemeral storage instance store volumes. 


Use Partition on Hard Drive to Allocate Memory as Swap Space on Amazon EC2 Instance

Swap space is commonly used as a short-term replacement for physical RAM on an Amazon EC2 instance that's experiencing demand for physical RAM

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Swap space is commonly used as a short-term replacement for physical RAM on an Amazon EC2 instance that's experiencing demand for physical RAM

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