1. 程式人生 > >Resolve Boot Errors with C5 or M5 Linux Instances

Resolve Boot Errors with C5 or M5 Linux Instances

Your Linux instance might not boot after you change its type to C5 or M5 for the following reasons:

1.    The enhanced networking adapter (ENA) enaSupport attribute is disabled for the instance.

2.    The Elastic Network Adapter module is not installed on the instance.

3.    The NVMe module is not installed on the instance, or, if installed, the NVMe module is not loaded in the initramfs image of the instance.

4.    You are trying to mount the file systems at boot time in the "/etc/fstab" file using a device name. EBS volumes are exposed as NVme devices to these instance types, and the device names are changed. To avoid this, mount the file systems using UUID/Label. For more information, see Amazon EBS and NVMe


You can remedy these issues by taking steps to be sure that ENA is enabled, and that your Linux instance meets the C5 or M5 module and file system mounting requirements.


Resolve Boot Errors with C5 or M5 Linux Instances

Your Linux instance might not boot after you change its type to C5 or M5 for the following reasons: 1.    The enhanced networking ad

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