1. 程式人生 > >Connect to a Linux WorkSpace using SSH

Connect to a Linux WorkSpace using SSH

Find the WorkSpace IP address and Username

2.    In the navigation pane, choose WorkSpaces.

3.    Choose your WorkSpace, expand the arrow, and then note the following:

  • The WorkSpace IP (this is the private IP address of the WorkSpace).
  • Your WorkSpace Username

Note: The private IP address is required for getting the elastic network interface associated with the WorkSpace, from which you can then retrieve information such as the security group or public IP address associated with the WorkSpace.

Add a Rule

2.    Under Network & Security

, choose Network Interfaces from the navigation pane.

3.    In the search bar, enter the WorkSpace private IP address that you noted earlier.

If you're going to connect to the WorkSpace from outside your VPC, note the IPv4 Public IP address.

4.    Choose the link from under the Security groups


5.    Choose the Inbound tab, and then choose Edit.

6.    Choose Add Rule, and then enter the following values:

  • Type: SSH
  • Protocol: TCP
  • Port Range: 22
  • Source: If you're connecting from outside the VPC, choose MyIP, and then enter the IP address for every remote machine. Otherwise, choose Custom, and then enter the private IP address of another EC2 instance in the same VPC.
  • Description: Enter a description for your rule.

7.    Choose Save.

Find the NetBIOS name of your directory

2.    Choose the Directory ID for your directory.

3.    Note the Directory NetBIOS name.

Connect to your Linux WorkSpace using Linux

1.    Enter the following command, replacing the values with the NetBIOS name, Username, and WorkSpace IP that you noted in earlier steps.


Connect to a Linux WorkSpace using SSH

Find the WorkSpace IP address and Username 2.    In the navigation pane, choose WorkSpaces. 3.    Choose your

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