1. 程式人生 > >Configure Service Discovery with Route 53 Auto Naming Using the AWS CLI

Configure Service Discovery with Route 53 Auto Naming Using the AWS CLI

    "Service": {
        "DnsConfig": {
            "NamespaceId": "ns-f2wjnv2p7pqtz5f2",
            "DnsRecords": [
                    "Type": "A",
                    "TTL": 300
        "CreatorRequestId": "93e0a17a-230b-4c58-b986-f03f3217869f",
        "Id": "srv-iy3d7hhlf5cjciph",
        "Arn": "arn:aws:servicediscovery:eu-west-1:356906700443:service/srv-iy3d7hhlf5cjciph",
        "Name": "workers"


Configure Service Discovery with Route 53 Auto Naming Using the AWS CLI

{ "Service": { "DnsConfig": { "NamespaceId": "ns-f2wjnv2p7pqtz5f2", "DnsRecords": [ {

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Steeltoe之Service Discovery

在前文一窺Spring Cloud Eureka中,已經構建了基於Eureka的服務端與客戶端,可用於實現服務註冊與發現功能。而藉助Steeltoe的類庫,可以在.NET生態系統中使用Spring Cloud的現有模組。 Package 對於ASP.NET Core,使用Steeltoe.Discovery.

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