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I want to migrate instances between my local virtualization environment and Amazon EC2

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I want to migrate instances between my local virtualization environment and Amazon EC2

Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring So

What if I want to add custom data to my warehouse? Documentation

You can freely load data into your Segment Warehouse to join against your source data tables.The only restriction when loading your own data into your conn

I want to be a Great Web Front-end Developer

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I want to know a little more.

序:如何保證kafka全域性訊息有序?   比如,有100條有序資料,生產者傳送到kafka叢集,kafka的分片有4個,可能的情況就是一個分片儲存0-25,一個儲存25-50......這樣訊息在kafka中儲存是區域性有序了。嚴格說,kafka是無法保證全域性訊息有序的

I want to learn Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Where can I start?’

How did I get started?My friends and I were building a web startup. It failed. We gave up due to a lack of meaning. But along the way, I was starting to he

Ask HN: I want to charge $50 for some service. Should I set the price to $4X.XX?

lol at $49.99 being evil. You need to recalibrate your good and evil meter.Another phrasing for "playing on the psychology of numbers" would be "Using la

I Want to Be a PM

今年是公司生死攸關的一年,公司成立一年半,以剛畢業的新人為主,一年半的時間裡都是在做研發專案,試水專案。今年要真正做些能賣錢的產品了,領導和大家的壓力都好大,如果掙不到錢,我們就該關門大吉了。  專案組最近在討論一款產品,剛有個初步想法,還要具體分析背景和行業資訊。突然有點

How to Break a Monolith Application into Microservices with Amazon Elastic Container Service, Docker, and Amazon EC2

Traditional monolithic architectures are hard to scale. As an application's code base grows, it becomes complex to update and maintain.

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Ask HN: What technologies should I learn to build my Saas web app

I am a python developer and have few ideas for a saas web application. I understand the basics of html, css, javascript, but confused about what front end-

Why Do All My Friends Want to Kill Themselves?

I’m not naive enough to think that my generation is the first to experience depression. T.S. Eliot wrote his poem “The Hollow Men” a hundred years ago. A h

Ask HN: Does talking to the manager who I'd be working with help my prospects?

For the past couple of years, I've always interacted with recruiters and my experience interviewing at these companies has always been so-so. Is it reason

I just want to AC you~~~

複習C++ Prime 4th的時候,看見書上對/和%操作符有以下描述: For both division (/) and modulus(%), when both operands are positive, the result is posit

【changyanmanman的專欄】I just want to know more about the world.

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I need more Amazon EC2 instances, but I've reached my limit

Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring So

Where do you want to jmp today ? In one of my previous posts (part 1 of writing stack based buffer

In the first 2 parts of the exploit writing tutorial series, I have discussed how a classic stack buffer overflow works and how you can b

Who do you want to be bad? (誰會是壞人?)人工智能機器小愛的問話

自己的 智能 英語語法 BE rdquo 需要 not 出了 實現 人工智能的語言理解一直是一個千古謎團。 正如人工智能機器小愛(A.L.I.C.E)的問話:“Who do you want to be bad ?(誰會是壞人?)” 縱觀世

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ACM-ICPC 2018 徐州賽區網絡預賽 H. Ryuji doesn't want to study (線段樹)

ace esp repr for lin n) mat put 鏈接 Ryuji is not a good student, and he doesn‘t want to study. But there are n books he should learn, each