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2、:這是C++版的,他最大特點就是集成了對多個流行P2P檔案格式的支援,有了它可以下載電驢、.torrent等,目前版本是2.2.1.0。對: EDonkey2000GnutellaBitTorrent 及Gnutella2 (G2) 都支援,介面也很酷,支援換膚。大家可以直接下載原始碼構建(ide環境是.net)。


4、P2P Networking Theory(http://cis.poly.edu/~ross/p2pTheory/

):這是幾個大學的一些P2P領域的學者一起搞得,叫:P2P Networking理論,我覺得最大的價值是,在上面可以找到一些論文。

5、theora(http://www.theora.org/):就目前瞭解來看,他是幹了這麼一件事情:“Free Video Compression ”即:免費的視訊壓縮演算法,可以下載庫檔案(c寫的),目前支援:“A year after getting import and export support for theora, Cinelerra now has distributed theora encoding support, which makes theora content creation much faster.”即:對分散式編碼有支援,這是很有意義的。

6、PeerCast(http://www.peercast.org/):“PeerCast is a simple, free way to listen to radio and watch video on the Internet. It uses P2P technology to let anyone become a broadcaster without the costs of traditional streaming. This means you get to hear and watch stations not normally found on commercially funded sites. ”簡單的講,就是一個p2p的可以用於網路電臺的流媒體軟體。能夠穿越防火牆、Nat等。原始碼獲取,需要使用“Subversion”(這個東西設計出來是替換cvs的,確實不錯,有空研究下,可以到“http://www.subversion.org.cn/svnbook/”看使用說明),地址:svn://peercast.org/peercast/tags(好像要選擇下,不然會搞下來好幾個版本的程式碼),也可以找我要。

7、FreeCast(http://www.freecast.org/): “FreeCast is a Java application which allows peer-to-peer streaming. It makes possible a stream broadcast to a large number of listeners from a simple DSL connection.”java編寫的P2P在流媒體的應用,下載:http://download.freecast.org/,有原始碼,可以研究研究。

10、Stream2Stream(http://s2s.sourceforge.net/):java語言開發的P2P流媒體系統,“Stream-2-Stream implements multicast+, a next generation streaming protocol. Multicast+ is more efficient and requires less bandwidth than direct streaming (e.g. shoutcast/icecast). Stream-2-Stream (abbreviated "s2s" or "S2S") stations have no user limit; stations can be set up without paying a fortune for bandwidth. Stream-2-Stream saves bandwidth by passing streams from one peer to another through multicast and unicast p2p, rather than everyone getting a stream from one central server (Shoutcast/Icecast). ”更多:http://s2s.sourceforge.net/about.php

11、P2Pradio(http://p2p-radio.sourceforge.net):java語言開發的P2P音視訊服務和客戶端系統,“P2P-Radio can distribute audio streams in the MP3 and Ogg Vorbis formats and video streams in the NSV format over the Internet. This is done in a peer-to-peer way. The broadcaster doesn't need to send the stream to every single listener, because the listeners distribute it among themselves.”,好像用於學習很不錯,好像是學生的一個學期論文。詳細介紹:http://p2p-radio.sourceforge.net/about.php.en

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