1. 程式人生 > >深度學習筆記——深度學習框架TensorFlow(二)


一. 學習網站:

二. 教程:

1. 面向機器學習初學者的 MNIST 初級教程
2. 面向機器學習專家的 MNIST 高階教程
3. TensorFlow 使用指南(以MNIST為例)
4. 簡單的機器學習with tf.contrib.learn

MNIST For ML Beginners:
This tutorial is intended for readers who are new to both machine learning and TensorFlow. If you already know what MNIST is, and what softmax (multinomial logistic) regression is, you might prefer this faster paced tutorial. Be sure to install TensorFlow before starting either tutorial.


When one learns how to program, there’s a tradition that the first thing you do is print “Hello World.” Just like programming has Hello World, machine learning has MNIST.
MNIST類似與程式中的“Hello World”

MNIST is a simple computer vision dataset. It consists of images of handwritten digits like these:

It also includes labels for each image, telling us which digit it is. For example, the labels for the above images are 5, 0, 4, and 1.

In this tutorial, we’re going to train a model to look at images and predict what digits they are. Our goal isn’t to train a really elaborate model that achieves state-of-the-art performance – although we’ll give you code to do that later! – but rather to dip a toe into using TensorFlow. As such, we’re going to start with a very simple model, called a Softmax Regression.
在這個教程中,我們訓練一個模型,並且預測這個數字是什麼。我們的目的不是要設計一個世界一流的複雜模型 – 儘管我們會在之後給你原始碼去實現一流的預測模型 – 而是要介紹下如何使用TensorFlow。所以,我們這裡會從一個很簡單的數學模型開始,它叫做Softmax Regression。

The actual code for this tutorial is very short, and all the interesting stuff happens in just three lines. However, it is very important to understand the ideas behind it: both how TensorFlow works and the core machine learning concepts. Because of this, we are going to very carefully work through the code.

1. 學習MNIST資料和softmax迴歸
2. 基於圖片中的每一個畫素,建立模型以識別數字
3. 通過上千個例子,使用TF來訓練模型並且識別數字。
4. 檢查模型的準確性

from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data  
mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("MNIST_data/",one_hot=True)


As mentioned earlier, every MNIST data point has two parts: an image of a handwritten digit and a corresponding label. We’ll call the images “x” and the labels “y”. Both the training set and test set contain images and their corresponding labels; for example the training images are mnist.train.images and the training labels are mnist.train.labels.

Each image is 28 pixels by 28 pixels. We can interpret this as a big array of numbers:

We can flatten this array into a vector of 28x28 = 784 numbers. It doesn’t matter how we flatten the array, as long as we’re consistent between images. From this perspective, the MNIST images are just a bunch of points in a 784-dimensional vector space, with a very rich structure (warning: computationally intensive visualizations).

Flattening the data throws away information about the 2D structure of the image. Isn’t that bad? Well, the best computer vision methods do exploit this structure, and we will in later tutorials. But the simple method we will be using here, a softmax regression (defined below), won’t.

The result is that mnist.train.images is a tensor (an n-dimensional array) with a shape of [55000, 784]. The first dimension is an index into the list of images and the second dimension is the index for each pixel in each image. Each entry in the tensor is a pixel intensity between 0 and 1, for a particular pixel in a particular image.
Each image in MNIST has a corresponding label, a number between 0 and 9 representing the digit drawn in the image.

For the purposes of this tutorial, we’re going to want our labels as “one-hot vectors”. A one-hot vector is a vector which is 0 in most dimensions, and 1 in a single dimension. In this case, the nth digit will be represented as a vector which is 1 in the nth dimension. For example, 3 would be [0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0]. Consequently, mnist.train.labels is a [55000, 10] array of floats.
為了這個教程,我們使用的標籤是”one-hot vectors”。一個one-hot vector是一個向量,這個系列由絕大多數的0和唯一一個1構成。在這個例子中,數字n將表示成一個只有在第n維度(從0開始)數字為1的10維向量。比如,標籤3可以被表示為[0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0]。因此,mnist.train.labels是一組[55000,10]的float型別的數字。
We’re now ready to actually make our model!

Softmax Regressions:
We know that every image in MNIST is of a handwritten digit between zero and nine. So there are only ten possible things that a given image can be. We want to be able to look at an image and give the probabilities for it being each digit. For example, our model might look at a picture of a nine and be 80% sure it’s a nine, but give a 5% chance to it being an eight (because of the top loop) and a bit of probability to all the others because it isn’t 100% sure.

This is a classic case where a softmax regression is a natural, simple model. If you want to assign probabilities to an object being one of several different things, softmax is the thing to do, because softmax gives us a list of values between 0 and 1 that add up to 1. Even later on, when we train more sophisticated models, the final step will be a layer of softmax.
這是一個使用softmax迴歸(softmax regression)模型的經典案例。如果你要為不同的事物分配不同的可能性,Softmax可以提供這樣的能力,因為softmax給我們0~1的值,並且相加後值為1。甚至在此之後,當我們訓練更多複雜模型時,最後一步也需要用softmax來分配概率。

A softmax regression has two steps: first we add up the evidence of our input being in certain classes, and then we convert that evidence into probabilities.

To tally up the evidence that a given image is in a particular class, we do a weighted sum of the pixel intensities. The weight is negative if that pixel having a high intensity is evidence against the image being in that class, and positive if it is evidence in favor.

The following diagram shows the weights one model learned for each of these classes. Red represents negative weights, while blue represents positive weights.

We also add some extra evidence called a bias. Basically, we want to be able to say that some things are more likely independent of the input. The result is that the evidence for a class i given an input x is:
where Wi is the weights and bi is the bias for class i, and j is an index for summing over the pixels in our input image x. We then convert the evidence tallies into our predicted probabilities y using the “softmax” function:


Here softmax is serving as an “activation” or “link” function, shaping the output of our linear function into the form we want – in this case, a probability distribution over 10 cases. You can think of it as converting tallies of evidence into probabilities of our input being in each class. It’s defined as:

But it’s often more helpful to think of softmax the first way: exponentiating its inputs and then normalizing them. The exponentiation means that one more unit of evidence increases the weight given to any hypothesis multiplicatively. And conversely, having one less unit of evidence means that a hypothesis gets a fraction of its earlier weight. No hypothesis ever has zero or negative weight. Softmax then normalizes these weights, so that they add up to one, forming a valid probability distribution. (To get more intuition about the softmax function, check out the section on it in Michael Nielsen’s book, complete with an interactive visualization.)
但把softmax定義成的一種則更有益處:將輸入進行冪運算,然後再正則化這些結果。這冪運算意味更大的證據對應更大的假設模型裡面的乘數權重值。反之,擁有更少的證據因為著假設模型裡面擁有更小的乘數係數。假設模型裡面的權值不可以是0值或者是負值。接下來softmax會正則化它們的權重,使它們的總和為1,以此構造一個有效的概率分佈。(更多的關於Softmax函式的資訊,可以參考Michael Nieslen的書裡面的這個部分,其中有關於softmax的可互動式的視覺化解釋。http://neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com/chap3.html#softmax

You can picture our softmax regression as looking something like the following, although with a lot more xs. For each output, we compute a weighted sum of the xs, add a bias, and then apply softmax.

If we write that out as equations, we get:
We can “vectorize” this procedure, turning it into a matrix multiplication and vector addition. This is helpful for computational efficiency. (It’s also a useful way to think.)
More compactly, we can just write:

Implementing the Regression:
To do efficient numerical computing in Python, we typically use libraries like NumPy that do expensive operations such as matrix multiplication outside Python, using highly efficient code implemented in another language. Unfortunately, there can still be a lot of overhead from switching back to Python every operation. This overhead is especially bad if you want to run computations on GPUs or in a distributed manner, where there can be a high cost to transferring data.

TensorFlow also does its heavy lifting outside Python, but it takes things a step further to avoid this overhead. Instead of running a single expensive operation independently from Python, TensorFlow lets us describe a graph of interacting operations that run entirely outside Python. (Approaches like this can be seen in a few machine learning libraries.)

To use TensorFlow, first we need to import it.

import tensorflow as tf

We describe these interacting operations by manipulating symbolic variables. Let’s create one:

x = tf.placeholder("float",[None,784])

x isn’t a specific value. It’s a placeholder, a value that we’ll input when we ask TensorFlow to run a computation. We want to be able to input any number of MNIST images, each flattened into a 784-dimensional vector. We represent this as a 2-D tensor of floating-point numbers, with a shape [None, 784]. (Here None means that a dimension can be of any length.)
x不是一個特定的值,而是一個佔位符placeholder,我們在TensorFlow執行計算時輸入這個值。我們希望能夠輸入任意數量的MNIST影象,每一張圖展平成784維的向量。我們用2維的浮點數張量來表示這些圖,這個張量的形狀是[None,784 ]。(這裡的None表示此張量的第一個維度可以是任何長度的。)

We also need the weights and biases for our model. We could imagine treating these like additional inputs, but TensorFlow has an even better way to handle it: Variable. A Variable is a modifiable tensor that lives in TensorFlow’s graph of interacting operations. It can be used and even modified by the computation. For machine learning applications, one generally has the model parameters be Variables.
我們的模型也需要權重值和偏置量,當然我們可以把它們當做是另外的輸入(使用佔位符),但TensorFlow有一個更好的方法來表示它們:Variable 。 一個Variable代表一個可修改的張量,存在在TensorFlow的用於描述互動性操作的圖中。它們可以用於計算輸入值,也可以在計算中被修改。對於各種機器學習應用,一般都會有模型引數,可以用Variable表示。

W = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([784,10]))
b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([10]))

We create these Variables by giving tf.Variable the initial value of the Variable: in this case, we initialize both W and b as tensors full of zeros. Since we are going to learn W and b, it doesn’t matter very much what they initially are.

Notice that W has a shape of [784, 10] because we want to multiply the 784-dimensional image vectors by it to produce 10-dimensional vectors of evidence for the difference classes. b has a shape of [10] so we can add it to the output.

We can now implement our model. It only takes one line to define it!

y = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(x,W)+b)

First, we multiply x by W with the expression tf.matmul(x, W). This is flipped from when we multiplied them in our equation, where we had Wx, as a small trick to deal with x being a 2D tensor with multiple inputs. We then add b, and finally apply tf.nn.softmax.

That’s it. It only took us one line to define our model, after a couple short lines of setup. That isn’t because TensorFlow is designed to make a softmax regression particularly easy: it’s just a very flexible way to describe many kinds of numerical computations, from machine learning models to physics simulations. And once defined, our model can be run on different devices: your computer’s CPU, GPUs, and even phones!

In order to train our model, we need to define what it means for the model to be good. Well, actually, in machine learning we typically define what it means for a model to be bad. We call this the cost, or the loss, and it represents how far off our model is from our desired outcome. We try to minimize that error, and the smaller the error margin, the better our model is.

One very common, very nice function to determine the loss of a model is called “cross-entropy.” Cross-entropy arises from thinking about information compressing codes in information theory but it winds up being an important idea in lots of areas, from gambling to machine learning. It’s defined as:

Where y is our predicted probability distribution, and y′ is the true distribution (the one-hot vector with the digit labels). In some rough sense, the cross-entropy is measuring how inefficient our predictions are for describing the truth. Going into more detail about cross-entropy is beyond the scope of this tutorial, but it’s well worth understanding.
y 是我們預測的概率分佈, y’ 是實際的分佈(我們輸入的one-hot vector)。比較粗糙的理解是,交叉熵是用來衡量我們的預測用於描述真相的低效性。更詳細的關於交叉熵的解釋超出本教程的範疇,但是你很有必要好好理解它(http://colah.github.io/posts/2015-09-Visual-Information/)。

To implement cross-entropy we need to first add a new placeholder to input the correct answers:

y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,[None,10])

Then we can implement the cross-entropy function, 這裡寫圖片描述

cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.reduce_sum(y_*tf.log(y),reduction_indices=[1]))

First, tf.log computes the logarithm of each element of y. Next, we multiply each element of y_ with the corresponding element of tf.log(y). Then tf.reduce_sum adds the elements in the second dimension of y, due to the reduction_indices=[1] parameter. Finally, tf.reduce_mean computes the mean over all the examples in the batch.
首先,用 tf.log 計算 y 的每個元素的對數。接下來,我們把 y_ 的每一個元素和 tf.log(y) 的對應元素相乘。最後,由於其reduction_indices = [1]因此 將tf.reduce_sum與y的第二維元素相加。最後,tf.reduce_mean將會計算在批處理中所有例項的平均值。

#This is something about what I understand of reduce_sum
import tensorflow as tf
x = [[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]],[[7,8,9],[10,11,12]]]
sess = tf.Session()
#[[ 8 10 12]
# [14 16 18]]
#[[ 5  7  9]
# [17 19 21]]
#[[ 6 15]
# [24 33]]

1+7=8 2+8=10 3+9=12
4+10=14 5+11=16 6+12=18
1+4=5 2+5=7 3+6=9
7+10=17 8+11=19 9+12=21
1+2+3=6 4+5+6=15
7+8+9=24 10+11+12=33

(Note that in the source code, we don’t use this formulation, because it is numerically unstable. Instead, we apply tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits on the unnormalized logits (e.g., we call softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits on tf.matmul(x, W) + b), because this more numerically stable function internally computes the softmax activation. In your code, consider using tf.nn.(sparse_)softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits instead).
注意在原始碼中,我們並不使用這個公式,因為它的數值是不穩定的,相反我們採用tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits作用在非標準的log上(例如,我們將softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits應用在tf.matmul(x,W)+b中,因為這個數值穩定的內部功能,計算softmax啟用。在你的程式碼,可以考慮使用 tf.nn.(sparse_)softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits)

Now that we know what we want our model to do, it’s very easy to have TensorFlow train it to do so. Because TensorFlow knows the entire graph of your computations, it can automatically use the backpropagation algorithm to efficiently determine how your variables affect the loss you ask it to minimize. Then it can apply your choice of optimization algorithm to modify the variables and reduce the loss.
現在我們知道我們需要我們的模型做什麼啦,用TensorFlow來訓練它是非常容易的。因為TensorFlow擁有一張描述你各個計算單元的圖,它可以自動地使用反向傳播演算法(backpropagation algorithm:http://colah.github.io/posts/2015-08-Backprop/)來有效地確定你的變數是如何影響你想要最小化的那個成本值的。然後,TensorFlow會用你選擇的優化演算法來不斷地修改變數以降低成本。

train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.5).minimize(cross_entropy)

In this case, we ask TensorFlow to minimize cross_entropy using the gradient descent algorithm with a learning rate of 0.5. Gradient descent is a simple procedure, where TensorFlow simply shifts each variable a little bit in the direction that reduces the cost. But TensorFlow also provides many other optimization algorithms: using one is as simple as tweaking one line.
在這裡,我們要求TensorFlow用梯度下降演算法(gradient descent algorithm:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gradient_descent)以0.5的學習速率最小化交叉熵。梯度下降演算法(gradient descent algorithm)是一個簡單的學習過程,TensorFlow只需將每個變數一點點地往使成本不斷降低的方向移動。當然TensorFlow也提供了其他許多優化演算法(https://www.tensorflow.org/versions/r0.12/api_docs/python/train.html#optimizers):只要簡單地調整一行程式碼就可以使用其他的演算法。

What TensorFlow actually does here, behind the scenes, is to add new operations to your graph which implement backpropagation and gradient descent. Then it gives you back a single operation which, when run, does a step of gradient descent training, slightly tweaking your variables to reduce the loss.

Now we have our model set up to train. One last thing before we launch it, we have to create an operation to initialize the variables we created. Note that this defines the operation but does not run it yet:

init = tf.initialize_all_variables()

We can now launch the model in a Session, and now we run the operation that initializes the variables:

sess = tf.Session()

Let’s train – we’ll run the training step 1000 times!

for i in range(1000):
    batch_xs,bacth_ys = mninst.train.next_batch(100)

Each step of the loop, we get a “batch” of one hundred random data points from our training set. We run train_step feeding in the batches data to replace the placeholders.

Using small batches of random data is called stochastic training – in this case, stochastic gradient descent. Ideally, we’d like to use all our data for every step of training because that would give us a better sense of what we should be doing, but that’s expensive. So, instead, we use a different subset every time. Doing this is cheap and has much of the same benefit.
使用一小部分的隨機資料來進行訓練被稱為隨機訓練(stochastic training)- 在這裡更確切的說是隨機梯度下降訓練。在理想情況下,我們希望用我們所有的資料來進行每一步的訓練,因為這能給我們更好的訓練結果,但顯然這需要很大的計算開銷。所以,每一次訓練我們可以使用不同的資料子集,這樣做既可以減少計算開銷,又可以最大化地學習到資料集的總體特性。

Evaluating Our Model:

Well, first let’s figure out where we predicted the correct label. tf.argmax is an extremely useful function which gives you the index of the highest entry in a tensor along some axis. For example, tf.argmax(y,1) is the label our model thinks is most likely for each input, while tf.argmax(y_,1) is the correct label. We can use tf.equal to check if our prediction matches the truth.

correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y,1),tf.argmax(y_,1))

That gives us a list of booleans. To determine what fraction are correct, we cast to floating point numbers and then take the mean. For example, [True, False, True, True] would become [1,0,1,1] which would become 0.75.
這行程式碼會給我們一組布林值。為了確定正確預測項的比例,我們可以把布林值轉換成浮點數,然後取平均值。例如,[True, False, True, True] 會變成 [1,0,1,1] ,取平均值後得到 0.75

accuray = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction,tf.float32))

Finally, we ask for our accuracy on our test data.


This should be about 92%.

Is that good? Well, not really. In fact, it’s pretty bad. This is because we’re using a very simple model. With some small changes, we can get to 97%. The best models can get to over 99.7% accuracy! (For more information, have a look at this list of results.)

What matters is that we learned from this model. Still, if you’re feeling a bit down about these results, check out the next tutorial where we do a lot better, and learn how to build more sophisticated models using TensorFlow!

import data.input_data as input_data
import tensorflow as tf 
from tensorflow.contrib.metrics.python.metrics.classification import accuracy
from numpy import float32

mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("MNIST_data/",one_hot=True)
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,[None,784])
W = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([784,10]))
b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([10]))
y = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(x, W)+b)
y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None,10])
cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=tf.log(y), labels=y_))
train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.5).minimize(cross_entropy)
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
for _ in range(1000):
    batch_x,batch_y = mnist.train.next_batch(100)
    sess.run(train_step, feed_dict={x:batch_x,y_:batch_y})

correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y, 1), tf.argmax(y_, 1))
accuray = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, "float"))