1. 程式人生 > >u-boot-2015.04 在tq2440上的移植(使用spl引導u-boot)

u-boot-2015.04 在tq2440上的移植(使用spl引導u-boot)

     * Copy the relocated exception vectors to the
     * correct address
     * CP15 c1 V bit gives us the location of the vectors:
     * 0x00000000 or 0xFFFF0000.
    ldr    r0, [r9, #GD_RELOCADDR]    /* r0 = gd->relocaddr */
    mrc    p15, 0, r2, c1, c0, 0    /* V bit (bit[13]) in CP15 c1 */
    ands    r2, r2, #(1 << 13)
    ldreq    r1, =0x00000000        /* If V=0 */
    ldrne    r1, =0xFFFF0000        /* If V=1 */
    ldmia    r0!, {r2-r8,r10}
    stmia    r1!, {r2-r8,r10}
    ldmia    r0!, {r2-r8,r10}
    stmia    r1!, {r2-r8,r10}
    bx    lr
    ldr    r1, =__image_copy_start    /* r1 <- SRC &__image_copy_start */
    subs    r4, r0, r1        /* r4 <- relocation offset */
    beq    relocate_done        /* skip relocation */
    ldr    r2, =__image_copy_end    /* r2 <- SRC &__image_copy_end */
    ldmia    r1!, {r10-r11}        /* copy from source address [r1]    */
    stmia    r0!, {r10-r11}        /* copy to   target address [r0]    */
    cmp    r1, r2            /* until source end address [r2]    */
    blo    copy_loop
     * fix .rel.dyn relocations
    ldr    r2, =__rel_dyn_start    /* r2 <- SRC &__rel_dyn_start */
    ldr    r3, =__rel_dyn_end    /* r3 <- SRC &__rel_dyn_end */
    ldmia    r2!, {r0-r1}        /* (r0,r1) <- (SRC location,fixup) */
    and    r1, r1, #0xff
    cmp    r1, #23            /* relative fixup? */
    bne    fixnext
    /* relative fix: increase location by offset */
    add    r0, r0, r4
    ldr    r1, [r0]
    add    r1, r1, r4
    str    r1, [r0]
    cmp    r2, r3
    blo    fixloop