1. 程式人生 > >Ask HN: Can Startups Make LawithCourt Action More Accessible?

Ask HN: Can Startups Make LawithCourt Action More Accessible?

As in, could a company create a way to make legal action more affordable to the average Joe?

Because the costs of fighting your corner in court have certainly made the system heavily biased in favour of millionaires and large corporations, with small companies and individuals settling or giving up whenever there's a risk someone with far more money will sue.

It's also likely scared people away from fighting back when their own work is stolen/business is ruined by a larger competitor or what not too.

So is there a way a startup or SaaS app could help with this? Like, some way to cut down on costs to such a degree that companies and individiuals can't force those with less to 'settle' or back down? Is it possible to make fighting for your rights and property the default response to issues?