1. 程式人生 > >Ask HN: Best resources to start with systems programming?

Ask HN: Best resources to start with systems programming?

I am a web developer that recently got interested into systems programming through the Rust programming language.

The language seems like a challenge and suits my decision to expand my technical knowledge by tackling a different environment and paradigm.

However, even though I can learn the language, I find it difficult to think of some simple systems programming projecst to practice. In addition to that, whenever I check any Rust-lang repos (i.e. Servo) to potentially contribute there are many alien concepts to me and technical terminology related to low-level programming, making me feel like a beginner.

And so I wonder, are there any books or resources to get used to systems programming (APIs definition, architecture, best practices, tutorials...) to have a better context and knowledge?

Surely there will be aspects common to web development and any kind of programming. However, systems programming seems quite like a different world to me.