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Sleepy Baby, Happy Parents: Light’s Early Impact on Sleep

Proper light exposure for babies

It is possible to help your baby distinguish between day and night, thus promoting healthy sleep and development, with a few simple steps.

Morning and early afternoon

Exposure to sunlight during the day can help set an infant’s circadian rhythm. Photo by Jens Johnsson on 

When your baby is awake during the day, provide some exposure to natural sunlight, ideally for at least 10 minutes. It is best to do this at least once before noon, and it can also be done in the early afternoon.

When sunlight exposure is a challenge, opt for bright indoor lights or SAD therapy lighting

*. Avoid glare and visual discomfort by keeping bright lighting at a few feet’s distance.


In the evening, reduce exposure to bright lighting. Just as outdoor light gets dimmer at sunset, you should dim the lights to reduce blue light exposure.

Bedtime Bulb provides a warm, comfortable light at night that minimizes the impact on sleep.

Another great option for the evening is Bedtime Bulb, which provides warm, comfortable illumination without the need for dimmers. It removes most of the blue and green light that could interrupt your baby’s sleep.


When your baby is sleeping at night, you should make the room as dark as possible. It’s best to turn off all lighting, including night lights, and use blackout curtains to prevent outdoor light from creeping in.

Night awakenings are inevitable, but you should be careful when using lighting around the baby at night. It is best to use a light source that does not produce much blue light, such as a dim night light or Bedtime Bulb, when tending to the baby at night.

Bedtime Bulb is a fantastic tool to help parents reclaim smooth sleep for their little ones…and themselves!”
Erica Desper, pediatric sleep consultant

Now is also a great time to establish healthy light and sleep habits. Minimizing the use of night lights and turning off all lights at night will help prevent attachment to these unhealthy crutches down the road.