1. 程式人生 > >From TED Talks to Snoo, 15 Histories of the Future

From TED Talks to Snoo, 15 Histories of the Future

We may take the #hashtag for granted today, but it didn't emerge fully formed from Biz Stone's head. The Large Hadron Collider hasn't collapsed (or collapsed the space-time continuum), but that wasn't a given when scientists first turned the thing on. Nobody thought the sweaty geeks who sent their supposedly self-driving cars into concrete barriers instead of across the Mojave Desert would soon threaten to upend the way we move through the world. Oh, and remember the Microsoft trial? When we started planning our 25th birthday party more than a year ago, we knew that not all readers (okay, not even most readers) would have been following us since day one, and they certainly wouldn't recall every story we've told.