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how to publish an application using google app engine

Today, I did both a video recap and got my simple blog published. I am going to create a new video demonstrating how to publish your own blog after you feel confident enough to let users see it in public.


You are probably thinking ..what happened to the blog posts? I know, I just played around with the css and rotated them at an angle – so it is not by mistake that they appear tilted. Cool huh? I figured there was no need to repeat what everybody has been doing for years! Bend the rules!

I should highlight the fact that it is important to do some validation before accepting any form of data in your application. Suppose a bad guy wants to ruin your efforts, all he needs to do is submit some crooked data that will mess up your app and shame you! Form validation is an topic and I will save that for another post or video.

That being said, I published our demo blog application – meaning you can visit it and create a post and see it go live in no time! Why am I taking too long to give you the url? I am sorry for the way!

Visit the live blog using this link codeablog  or simply click the image above and create a post with a title mentioning your interests and stuff like that. I am looking for people who are willing to share features so we can add them to this little-but-growing-so-fast blog application.

Thank you for stopping by and I hope you had fun here – oh, you can browse around for more cool tutorials as well. Take care and hope to see you around soon. Please subscribe!  I would really appreciate if you don’t mind sharing this post with your pals using the buttons below. Bye for now!

NOTE: Here is the video recap I did today! Enjoy!