1. 程式人生 > >同步與Java記憶體模型(一)序言


作者:Doug Lea 譯者:蕭歡  校對:丁一,方騰飛


final class SetCheck {
private int  a = 0;
private long b = 0;

void set() {
a =  1;
b = -1;

boolean check() {
return ((b ==  0) ||
(b == -1 && a == 1));


  • 編譯器可能會進行指令重排序,所以b變數的賦值操作可能先於a變數。如果是一個內聯方法,編譯器可能更甚一步將該方法的指令與其他語句進行重排序。
  • 處理器可能會對語句所對應的機器指令進行重排序之後再執行,甚至併發地去執行。
  • 編譯器,處理器以及記憶體系統可能會讓兩條語句的機器指令交錯。比如在32位機器上,b變數的高位位元組先被寫入,然後是a變數,緊接著才會是b變數的低位位元組。
  • 編譯器,處理器以及記憶體系統可能會導致代表兩個變數的記憶體單元在(如果有的話)連續的check呼叫(如果有的話)之後的某個時刻才更新,而以這種方式儲存相應的值(如在CPU暫存器中)仍會得到預期的結果(check永遠不會返回false)。











  1. 原子性:哪些指令必須是不可分割的。在Java記憶體模型中,這些規則需宣告僅適用於-—例項變數和靜態變數,也包括陣列元素,但不包括方法中的區域性變數-—的記憶體單元的簡單讀寫操作。
  2. 可見性:在哪些情況下,一個執行緒執行的結果對另一個執行緒是可見的。這裡需要關心的結果有,寫入的欄位以及讀取這個欄位所看到的值。
  3. 有序性:在什麼情況下,某個執行緒的操作結果對其它執行緒來看是無序的。最主要的亂序執行問題主要表現在讀寫操作和賦值語句的相互執行順序上。




Consider the tiny class, defined without any synchronization:

final class SetCheck {
  private int  a = 0;
  private long b = 0;

  void set() {
    a =  1;
    b = -1;

  boolean check() {
    return ((b ==  0) ||
            (b == -1 && a == 1));

In a purely sequential language, the method check could never return false. This holds even though compilers, run-time systems, and hardware might process this code in a way that you might not intuitively expect. For example, any of the following might apply to the execution of method set:

  • The compiler may rearrange the order of the statements, so b may be assigned before a. If the method is inlined, the compiler may further rearrange the orders with respect to yet other statements.
  • The processor may rearrange the execution order of machine instructions corresponding to the statements, or even execute them at the same time.
  • The memory system (as governed by cache control units) may rearrange the order in which writes are committed to memory cells corresponding to the variables. These writes may overlap with other computations and memory actions.
  • The compiler, processor, and/or memory system may interleave the machine-level effects of the two statements. For example on a 32-bit machine, the high-order word of b may be written first, followed by the write to a, followed by the write to the low-order word of b.
  • The compiler, processor, and/or memory system may cause the memory cells representing the variables not to be updated until sometime after (if ever) a subsequent check is called, but instead to maintain the corresponding values (for example in CPU registers) in such a way that the code still has the intended effect.

In a sequential language, none of this can matter so long as program execution obeys as-if-serial semantics. Sequential programs cannot depend on the internal processing details of statements within simple code blocks, so they are free to be manipulated in all these ways. This provides essential flexibility for compilers and machines. Exploitation of such opportunities (via pipelined superscalar CPUs, multilevel caches, load/store balancing, interprocedural register allocation, and so on) is responsible for a significant amount of the massive improvements in execution speed seen in computing over the past decade. The as-if-serial property of these manipulations shields sequential programmers from needing to know if or how they take place. Programmers who never create their own threads are almost never impacted by these issues.

Things are different in concurrent programming. Here, it is entirely possible for check to be called in one thread while set is being executed in another, in which case the check might be “spying” on the optimized execution of set. And if any of the above manipulations occur, it is possible for check to return false. For example, as detailed below, check could read a value for the long b that is neither 0 nor -1, but instead a half-written in-between value. Also, out-of-order execution of the statements in set may cause check to read b as -1 but then read a as still 0.

In other words, not only may concurrent executions be interleaved, but they may also be reordered and otherwise manipulated in an optimized form that bears little resemblance to their source code. As compiler and run-time technology matures and multiprocessors become more prevalent, such phenomena become more common. They can lead to surprising results for programmers with backgrounds in sequential programming (in other words, just about all programmers) who have never been exposed to the underlying execution properties of allegedly sequential code. This can be the source of subtle concurrent programming errors.

In almost all cases, there is an obvious, simple way to avoid contemplation of all the complexities arising in concurrent programs due to optimized execution mechanics: Use synchronization. For example, if both methods in class SetCheck are declared as synchronized, then you can be sure that no internal processing details can affect the intended outcome of this code.

But sometimes you cannot or do not want to use synchronization. Or perhaps you must reason about someone else’s code that does not use it. In these cases you must rely on the minimal guarantees about resulting semantics spelled out by the Java Memory Model. This model allows the kinds of manipulations listed above, but bounds their potential effects on execution semantics and additionally points to some techniques programmers can use to control some aspects of these semantics (most of which are discussed in �2.4).

The Java Memory Model is part of The JavaTM Language Specification, described primarily in JLS chapter 17. Here, we discuss only the basic motivation, properties, and programming consequences of the model. The treatment here reflects a few clarifications and updates that are missing from the first edition of JLS.

The assumptions underlying the model can be viewed as an idealization of a standard SMP machine of the sort described in �1.2.4:

For purposes of the model, every thread can be thought of as running on a different CPU from any other thread. Even on multiprocessors, this is infrequent in practice, but the fact that this CPU-per-thread mapping is among the legal ways to implement threads accounts for some of the model’s initially surprising properties. For example, because CPUs hold registers that cannot be directly accessed by other CPUs, the model must allow for cases in which one thread does not know about values being manipulated by another thread. However, the impact of the model is by no means restricted to multiprocessors. The actions of compilers and processors can lead to identical concerns even on single-CPU systems.

The model does not specifically address whether the kinds of execution tactics discussed above are performed by compilers, CPUs, cache controllers, or any other mechanism. It does not even discuss them in terms of classes, objects, and methods familiar to programmers. Instead, the model defines an abstract relation between threads and main memory. Every thread is defined to have a working memory (an abstraction of caches and registers) in which to store values. The model guarantees a few properties surrounding the interactions of instruction sequences corresponding to methods and memory cells corresponding to fields. Most rules are phrased in terms of when values must be transferred between the main memory and per-thread working memory. The rules address three intertwined issues:

Which instructions must have indivisible effects. For purposes of the model, these rules need to be stated only for simple reads and writes of memory cells representing fields – instance and static variables, also including array elements, but not including local variables inside methods.
Under what conditions the effects of one thread are visible to another. The effects of interest here are writes to fields, as seen via reads of those fields.
Under what conditions the effects of operations can appear out of order to any given thread. The main ordering issues surround reads and writes associated with sequences of assignment statements.

When synchronization is used consistently, each of these properties has a simple characterization: All changes made in one synchronized method or block are atomic and visible with respect to other synchronized methods and blocks employing the same lock, and processing of synchronized methods or blocks within any given thread is in program-specified order. Even though processing of statements within blocks may be out of order, this cannot matter to other threads employing synchronization.

When synchronization is not used or is used inconsistently, answers become more complex. The guarantees made by the memory model are weaker than most programmers intuitively expect, and are also weaker than those typically provided on any given JVM implementation. This imposes additional obligations on programmers attempting to ensure the object consistency relations that lie at the heart of exclusion practices: Objects must maintain invariants as seen by all threads that rely on them, not just by the thread performing any given state modification.