1. 程式人生 > >到底什麼是持續交付中的灰度釋出?


作者:優維科技CEO 王津銀(江湖人稱“老王”)

我在DevOps Master的授課中講持續交付時,其中講到釋出頻率的篇章,中文版裡面的翻譯是這樣的(來源於精益企業):

持續釋出,DevOps Master


持續釋出,DevOps Master

同樣的位置,請注意【灰度釋出】和【Dark lauching】的表述。直到有個學員不斷的問我灰度釋出到底是什麼?我在課堂講過,灰度釋出這個術語貌似是不存在的,但 一直沒有去看英文原書。於是今天就去認真查了一下什麼是dark lauching?

Dark launching is a technique of “wrapping” the code of new software features in a way that let you turn them on or off. Perhaps turning them on and off for all your users, or perhaps turning them on and off for only a subset of your users (that meet some criteria).

This technique that I’m calling “dark launching” is also known as “branching in code”, “feature flags”, “feature bits”, “feature toggles”, “flag flippers”, and “latent code”. I like “dark launching”, so I’ll mostly use that in this post :-)

其實dark lauching,就是不改變客戶端程式(變更)的情況下,啟動了新的功能,類似特性開關,當開啟之後,使用者變可以使用新的功能