1. 程式人生 > >Keycloak 4.8.0.Final 釋出,身份和訪問管理系統

Keycloak 4.8.0.Final 釋出,身份和訪問管理系統


Keycloak 4.8.0.Final 已正式釋出,Keycloak 是一個針對現代應用程式和服務的開源身份和訪問管理,為應用程式和安全服務新增最小化身份驗證。無需處理儲存使用者或驗證使用者,開箱即用。

Keycloak 4.8.0.Final 下載地址:http://www.keycloak.org/downloads


整合 OpenShift

It is now possible to fully secure OpenShift 3.11 with Keycloak, including the ability to automatically expose Service Accounts as OAuth clients as clients to Keycloak.

This is currently a technology preview feature.

Rules/Drools Policy Marked 的技術預覽版本

Until now, Drools policies were enabled by default. But now, this policy type is only available as a technology preview feature and to use it you need to enable the preview profile or the corresponding feature. Take a look at the 

Authorization Services Guide for more details.

移除對 DB2 的支援

DB2 support has been deprecated for a while. With this release we have removed all support for DB2.


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