1. 程式人生 > >Entropy(2): Other good properties about entropy

Entropy(2): Other good properties about entropy

In the last article, I listed the 4 basic properties that make entropy a good representation of uncertainty. Here, as a continuation of the last article, I want to list some other important properties of entropy.

The following property 5-7 are summarized from [1].

Property 5: Uniform distribution with more classes has higher entropy

Hm>HnH_m>H_n if m>nm>n. Where mm and nn are number of classes.

Property 6: Entropy is non-negative

H(X)0H(X) \geq 0 with equality achieved when eg. H(0,,0,1)H(0,\dots,0,1).

Property 7: Change the order of the arguments does not change the entropy

H(p1,p2)=H(p2,p1)H(p_1,p_2) = H(p_2,p_1) Or to say it has some symmetry.

The following properties are collected from other sources. They may relate to specific distributions or specific real world problems.

Property 8: Gaussian has max entropy in continuous distribution with finite variance

The Gaussian distribution has max entropy compared to all continuous distributions covering the entire real line x(,)x\in(-\infty,\infty) but having a finite mean and variance. Or to say that among all the distributions that has a fixed variance, Gaussian has the largest entropy.

Property 9: Shannon entropy is the average (expected) length of the random event

For a message or event with probability pp, the most efficient (i.e. compact) encoding of that message will require log2(p)-\log_2(p) bits. Then for a random event with KK outcomes each having probability pip_i, the expected length of the event is i=1Kpilog2pi-\sum_{i=1}^K p_i \log_2 p_i.
