1. 程式人生 > >spring 原始碼學習筆記(二)事務管理

spring 原始碼學習筆記(二)事務管理

spring 事務管理會幫我們自動管理資料庫的事務,沒讀原始碼前覺得很神祕,讀了原始碼發現原理還是很簡單的。

本質上還是用的 jdbc 的事務管理。spring 在呼叫某個方法前,判斷是否需要事務,如果需要,則呼叫








首先是怎麼找到 spirng 事務的原始碼,我採用的方法是在要呼叫的 servie 里加斷點,然後檢視方法的堆疊

發現 invoke ,點進去

	public Object invoke(final MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable {
		// Work out the target class: may be {@code null}.
		// The TransactionAttributeSource should be passed the target class
		// as well as the method, which may be from an interface.
		Class<?> targetClass = (invocation.getThis() != null ? AopUtils.getTargetClass(invocation.getThis()) : null);

		// Adapt to TransactionAspectSupport's invokeWithinTransaction...
		return invokeWithinTransaction(invocation.getMethod(), targetClass, invocation::proceed);

再進入 invokeWithinTransaction(invocation.getMethod(), targetClass, invocation::proceed);

	 * General delegate for around-advice-based subclasses, delegating to several other template
	 * methods on this class. Able to handle {@link CallbackPreferringPlatformTransactionManager}
	 * as well as regular {@link PlatformTransactionManager} implementations.
	 * @param method the Method being invoked
	 * @param targetClass the target class that we're invoking the method on
	 * @param invocation the callback to use for proceeding with the target invocation
	 * @return the return value of the method, if any
	 * @throws Throwable propagated from the target invocation
	protected Object invokeWithinTransaction(Method method, @Nullable Class<?> targetClass,
			final InvocationCallback invocation) throws Throwable {

		// If the transaction attribute is null, the method is non-transactional.
		TransactionAttributeSource tas = getTransactionAttributeSource();
		final TransactionAttribute txAttr = (tas != null ? tas.getTransactionAttribute(method, targetClass) : null);
		final PlatformTransactionManager tm = determineTransactionManager(txAttr);
		final String joinpointIdentification = methodIdentification(method, targetClass, txAttr);

		if (txAttr == null || !(tm instanceof CallbackPreferringPlatformTransactionManager)) {
			// Standard transaction demarcation with getTransaction and commit/rollback calls.
			TransactionInfo txInfo = createTransactionIfNecessary(tm, txAttr, joinpointIdentification);
			Object retVal = null;
			try {
				// This is an around advice: Invoke the next interceptor in the chain.
				// This will normally result in a target object being invoked.
				retVal = invocation.proceedWithInvocation();
			catch (Throwable ex) {
				// target invocation exception
				completeTransactionAfterThrowing(txInfo, ex);
				throw ex;
			finally {
			return retVal;

		else {
			final ThrowableHolder throwableHolder = new ThrowableHolder();

			// It's a CallbackPreferringPlatformTransactionManager: pass a TransactionCallback in.
			try {
				Object result = ((CallbackPreferringPlatformTransactionManager) tm).execute(txAttr, status -> {
					TransactionInfo txInfo = prepareTransactionInfo(tm, txAttr, joinpointIdentification, status);
					try {
						return invocation.proceedWithInvocation();
					catch (Throwable ex) {
						if (txAttr.rollbackOn(ex)) {
							// A RuntimeException: will lead to a rollback.
							if (ex instanceof RuntimeException) {
								throw (RuntimeException) ex;
							else {
								throw new ThrowableHolderException(ex);
						else {
							// A normal return value: will lead to a commit.
							throwableHolder.throwable = ex;
							return null;
					finally {

				// Check result state: It might indicate a Throwable to rethrow.
				if (throwableHolder.throwable != null) {
					throw throwableHolder.throwable;
				return result;
			catch (ThrowableHolderException ex) {
				throw ex.getCause();
			catch (TransactionSystemException ex2) {
				if (throwableHolder.throwable != null) {
					logger.error("Application exception overridden by commit exception", throwableHolder.throwable);
				throw ex2;
			catch (Throwable ex2) {
				if (throwableHolder.throwable != null) {
					logger.error("Application exception overridden by commit exception", throwableHolder.throwable);
				throw ex2;

再這個方法裡,我們就和上面 jdbc 的操作對應起來了,

TransactionInfo txInfo = createTransactionIfNecessary(tm, txAttr, joinpointIdentification);


try {
   // This is an around advice: Invoke the next interceptor in the chain.
   // This will normally result in a target object being invoked.
   retVal = invocation.proceedWithInvocation();
catch (Throwable ex) {
   // target invocation exception
   completeTransactionAfterThrowing(txInfo, ex);
   throw ex;
finally {
return retVal;

呼叫 service 方法,丟擲異常執行 completeTransactionAfterThrowing(txInfo, ex);回滾

否則 commitTransactionAfterReturning(txInfo);提交事務。


createTransactionIfNecessary(tm, txAttr, joinpointIdentification)


	 * Create a transaction if necessary based on the given TransactionAttribute.
	 * <p>Allows callers to perform custom TransactionAttribute lookups through
	 * the TransactionAttributeSource.
	 * @param txAttr the TransactionAttribute (may be {@code null})
	 * @param joinpointIdentification the fully qualified method name
	 * (used for monitoring and logging purposes)
	 * @return a TransactionInfo object, whether or not a transaction was created.
	 * The {@code hasTransaction()} method on TransactionInfo can be used to
	 * tell if there was a transaction created.
	 * @see #getTransactionAttributeSource()
	protected TransactionInfo createTransactionIfNecessary(@Nullable PlatformTransactionManager tm,
			@Nullable TransactionAttribute txAttr, final String joinpointIdentification) {

		// If no name specified, apply method identification as transaction name.
		if (txAttr != null && txAttr.getName() == null) {
			txAttr = new DelegatingTransactionAttribute(txAttr) {
				public String getName() {
					return joinpointIdentification;

		TransactionStatus status = null;
		if (txAttr != null) {
			if (tm != null) {
				status = tm.getTransaction(txAttr);
			else {
				if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
					logger.debug("Skipping transactional joinpoint [" + joinpointIdentification +
							"] because no transaction manager has been configured");
		return prepareTransactionInfo(tm, txAttr, joinpointIdentification, status);


status = tm.getTransaction(txAttr);


	 * This implementation handles propagation behavior. Delegates to
	 * {@code doGetTransaction}, {@code isExistingTransaction}
	 * and {@code doBegin}.
	 * @see #doGetTransaction
	 * @see #isExistingTransaction
	 * @see #doBegin
	public final TransactionStatus getTransaction(@Nullable TransactionDefinition definition) throws TransactionException {
		Object transaction = doGetTransaction();

		// Cache debug flag to avoid repeated checks.
		boolean debugEnabled = logger.isDebugEnabled();

		if (definition == null) {
			// Use defaults if no transaction definition given.
			definition = new DefaultTransactionDefinition();

		if (isExistingTransaction(transaction)) {
			// Existing transaction found -> check propagation behavior to find out how to behave.
			return handleExistingTransaction(definition, transaction, debugEnabled);

		// Check definition settings for new transaction.
		if (definition.getTimeout() < TransactionDefinition.TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) {
			throw new InvalidTimeoutException("Invalid transaction timeout", definition.getTimeout());

		// No existing transaction found -> check propagation behavior to find out how to proceed.
		if (definition.getPropagationBehavior() == TransactionDefinition.PROPAGATION_MANDATORY) {
			throw new IllegalTransactionStateException(
					"No existing transaction found for transaction marked with propagation 'mandatory'");
		else if (definition.getPropagationBehavior() == TransactionDefinition.PROPAGATION_REQUIRED ||
				definition.getPropagationBehavior() == TransactionDefinition.PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW ||
				definition.getPropagationBehavior() == TransactionDefinition.PROPAGATION_NESTED) {
			SuspendedResourcesHolder suspendedResources = suspend(null);
			if (debugEnabled) {
				logger.debug("Creating new transaction with name [" + definition.getName() + "]: " + definition);
			try {
				boolean newSynchronization = (getTransactionSynchronization() != SYNCHRONIZATION_NEVER);
				DefaultTransactionStatus status = newTransactionStatus(
						definition, transaction, true, newSynchronization, debugEnabled, suspendedResources);
				doBegin(transaction, definition);
				prepareSynchronization(status, definition);
				return status;
			catch (RuntimeException | Error ex) {
				resume(null, suspendedResources);
				throw ex;
		else {
			// Create "empty" transaction: no actual transaction, but potentially synchronization.
			if (definition.getIsolationLevel() != TransactionDefinition.ISOLATION_DEFAULT && logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
				logger.warn("Custom isolation level specified but no actual transaction initiated; " +
						"isolation level will effectively be ignored: " + definition);
			boolean newSynchronization = (getTransactionSynchronization() == SYNCHRONIZATION_ALWAYS);
			return prepareTransactionStatus(definition, null, true, newSynchronization, debugEnabled, null);


doBegin(transaction, definition);



	 * This implementation sets the isolation level but ignores the timeout.
	protected void doBegin(Object transaction, TransactionDefinition definition) {
		DataSourceTransactionObject txObject = (DataSourceTransactionObject) transaction;
		Connection con = null;

		try {
			if (!txObject.hasConnectionHolder() ||
					txObject.getConnectionHolder().isSynchronizedWithTransaction()) {
				Connection newCon = obtainDataSource().getConnection();
				if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
					logger.debug("Acquired Connection [" + newCon + "] for JDBC transaction");
				txObject.setConnectionHolder(new ConnectionHolder(newCon), true);

			con = txObject.getConnectionHolder().getConnection();

			Integer previousIsolationLevel = DataSourceUtils.prepareConnectionForTransaction(con, definition);

			// Switch to manual commit if necessary. This is very expensive in some JDBC drivers,
			// so we don't want to do it unnecessarily (for example if we've explicitly
			// configured the connection pool to set it already).
			if (con.getAutoCommit()) {
				if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
					logger.debug("Switching JDBC Connection [" + con + "] to manual commit");

			prepareTransactionalConnection(con, definition);

			int timeout = determineTimeout(definition);
			if (timeout != TransactionDefinition.TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) {

			// Bind the connection holder to the thread.
			if (txObject.isNewConnectionHolder()) {
				TransactionSynchronizationManager.bindResource(obtainDataSource(), txObject.getConnectionHolder());

		catch (Throwable ex) {
			if (txObject.isNewConnectionHolder()) {
				DataSourceUtils.releaseConnection(con, obtainDataSource());
				txObject.setConnectionHolder(null, false);
			throw new CannotCreateTransactionException("Could not open JDBC Connection for transaction", ex);

在這裡我們終於看到 熟悉的 jdbc 開啟事務的程式碼

         / Switch to manual commit if necessary. This is very expensive in some JDBC drivers,
			// so we don't want to do it unnecessarily (for example if we've explicitly
			// configured the connection pool to set it already).
			if (con.getAutoCommit()) {
				if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
					logger.debug("Switching JDBC Connection [" + con + "] to manual commit");


好了,spring 的事務管理基本原理已經瞭解的差不多了,有時間再搞一下 spring 的事務傳播機制的原始碼。