1. 程式人生 > >實現 spark DataSourceV2 的幾個環節

實現 spark DataSourceV2 的幾個環節

繼承 DataSourceV2

class SimpleWritableDataSource extends DataSourceV2 with ReadSupport with WriteSupport {

	override def createReader()

	override def createWriter()


構造 DataSourceReader

class Reader(path: String, conf: Configuration) extends DataSourceReader
   * Returns the actual schema of this data source reader, which may be different from the physical
   * schema of the underlying storage, as column pruning or other optimizations may happen.
	override def readSchema()
   * Returns a list of reader factories. Each factory is responsible for creating a data reader to
   * output data for one RDD partition. That means the number of factories returned here is same as
   * the number of RDD partitions this scan outputs.
	override def createDataReaderFactories()

構造 DataReaderFactory 、DataReader

class SimpleCSVDataReaderFactory(path: String, conf: SerializableConfiguration)
  extends DataReaderFactory[Row] with DataReader[Row] 
   * Returns a data reader to do the actual reading work.
	override def createDataReader(): DataReader[Row]

構造 DataSourceWriter

class Writer(jobId: String, path: String, conf: Configuration) extends DataSourceWriter {
   * Creates a writer factory which will be serialized and sent to executors.
	override def createWriterFactory(): DataWriterFactory[Row]
	override def commit(messages: Array[WriterCommitMessage]): Unit
	override def abort(messages: Array[WriterCommitMessage]): Unit

構造 DataWriterFactory

class SimpleCSVDataWriterFactory(path: String, jobId: String, conf: SerializableConfiguration)
  extends DataWriterFactory[Row] {
   * Returns a data writer to do the actual writing work.
  override def createDataWriter(partitionId: Int, attemptNumber: Int): DataWriter[Row] = {


構造 DataWriter

class SimpleCSVDataWriter(fs: FileSystem, file: Path) extends DataWriter[Row] {
