1. 程式人生 > >vue中優化CheckBox初始狀態被選中問題


checkbox end clas script author eal change click edit

  <div class="hello">
    <!-- <h2>我是最大值{{maxNumber}}</h2>
    <h2>我是最小值{{minNumber}}</h2> -->
    <table class="table">
type="checkbox" v-model=‘selectAll‘/> </th> <th class="account">{{$t(‘m.Account‘)}}</th> <!-- <th class="departName">{{$t(‘m.Department_Name‘)}}</th> --> <th class="realName">{{$t(‘m.User_Name‘)}}</th> <!--
<th class="roleName">{{$t(‘m.Role_Name‘)}}</th> --> <!-- <th class="status">{{$t(‘m.Status‘)}}</th> --> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr v-for="(item,index) in userList" :key="index"> <td> <
input type="checkbox" :value="item.id" v-model=‘checkedIds‘ /> </td> <td @click="editUser(item.id)" class="accountEdit account"> <a class="hoverStyle">{{ item.account }}</a> </td> <!-- <td class="departName"><span v-show="item.parentDeptName">{{item.parentDeptName}}/</span>{{ item.deptName||‘‘}}</td> --> <td class="realName">{{ item.userName }}</td> <!-- <td class="roleName">{{ item.roleName }}</td> --> <!-- <td class="langCodeNoClass status">{{$t(‘m.‘+ statusChange(item.status))}}</td> --> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </template> <script> import mixins from assets/js/mixins export default { mixins:[mixins], name: authority, data () { return { checkedIds:[], userList:[ {id:1,account:mike1,userName:mikea,roleName:經理1,status:0}, {id:2,account:mike2,userName:mikeb,roleName:經理2,status:2}, {id:3,account:mike3,userName:mikec,roleName:經理3,status:1}, {id:4,account:mike4,userName:miked,roleName:經理4,status:0}, ], maxNumber:0, minNumber:0, } }, methods:{ getDepartmentUser(departmentId){ let vm=this; let url=/user/deptUserList; var params = { departmentId:departmentId } this.ajaxSend(url,params).then((data)=>{ vm.userList=data.payload.results.users; }); }, }, computed: { selectAll: { get() { //判斷列表數組是否為空數組,如果是的話,全選默認為不選中,優化初始無數據的空數組被選中問題 return (this.userList&&this.userList.length>0) ? this.checkedIds.length == this.userList.length : false; }, set(value) { var checkedIds = []; if (value) { this.userList.forEach(function (index) { checkedIds.push(index.id); }); } this.checkedIds = checkedIds; } } }, mounted(){ // this.maxNumber = Number.MAX_VALUE; // this.minNumber = Number.MIN_VALUE; } } </script> <!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only --> <style scoped> h1, h2 { font-weight: normal; } ul { list-style-type: none; padding: 0; } li { display: inline-block; margin: 0 10px; } a { color: #42b983; } </style>
