1. 程式人生 > >小程序---canvas畫圖,生成分享圖片,畫圖文字換行


return 指正 png ttext def fun context lte ctx



    var that = this;
    var contentPic = ‘/images/[email protected]
    wx.downloadFile({     //當圖片為網絡圖片時,需要先下載到本地,再進行操作,
      url: contentPic,        //否則canvas會加載不到圖片,本地的無需這步驟
      success: function
(res) { contentPic = res.tempFilePath } }) var ctx = wx.createCanvasContext(‘shareImg‘) ctx.fillStyle = ‘#fff‘ //這裏兩句是為了解決canvas生成圖片時黑背景的問題 ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 562, 788) //填充白色背景 ctx.setFontSize(32) ctx.setFillStyle(‘#333‘) ctx.setTextAlign(‘left‘) ctx.setTextBaseline(
‘middle‘) var str = ‘這是標題‘ this.changLine(true,str,ctx,40,60,36,482) var sourse = that.data.detail.source ctx.setFontSize(28) ctx.fillText(sourse, 40, this.data.titleY) var date = that.data.detail.publishDate var sourseX = ctx.measureText(sourse).width+56 ctx.setFontSize(
24) ctx.setFillStyle(‘#999‘) ctx.fillText(date, sourseX, this.data.titleY) var content = that.data.detail.summary.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, "") ctx.setFontSize(28) ctx.setFillStyle(‘#666‘) this.changLine(false,content, ctx, 40, this.data.titleY + 60, 36, 482) var picY = this.data.titleY + 168 wx.getImageInfo({ src: contentPic, success: function (res) { var widthScale = 482 / res.width var heightScale = 250 / res.height var sx=0,sy=0 if (widthScale>heightScale){ sy= (res.height-250/(482 / res.width))/2 } else{ sx=(res.width-482/(250 / res.height))/2 } ctx.drawImage(contentPic, sx, sy, res.width - sx * 2, res.height - sy * 2, 40, picY, 482, 250 ) ctx.moveTo(40, picY + 274) ctx.setStrokeStyle(‘#dedede‘) ctx.lineTo(522, picY + 274) ctx.stroke() ctx.setFontSize(28) ctx.setFillStyle(‘#666‘) ctx.fillText(‘長按掃碼閱讀‘, 40, picY + 334) ctx.setFontSize(24) // ctx.setFillStyle(‘#666‘) ctx.fillText(‘全文約‘ + that.data.detail.wordCount + ‘字,約‘ + that.data.detail.readingTime + ‘分鐘‘, 40, picY + 382) // var qrcode = ‘/images/[email protected] // ctx.drawImage(qrcode, 344, picY + 274, 178, 178) var logo = ‘/images/[email protected] ctx.drawImage(logo, 397, picY + 315, 72, 72) ctx.draw(false, function (e) { that.createPoster() } ) } }) }, //畫圖文字換行,內容、畫布、初始x、初始y、行高、畫布寬 changLine: function (isTitle,str, ctx, initX, initY, lineHeight, canvasWidth){ // 字符分隔為數組 var arrText = str.split(‘‘); var line = ‘‘; var lineCount=0; var isThreeLine=false; for (var n = 0; n < arrText.length; n++) { var testLine = line + arrText[n]; var testWidth = ctx.measureText(testLine).width; if (testWidth > canvasWidth) { if (lineCount==2) { isThreeLine=true var length = line.length-2; line = line.substring(0, length)+‘...‘; ctx.fillText(line, initX, initY); return false; } lineCount++; ctx.fillText(line, initX, initY); line = arrText[n]; initY += lineHeight; } else { line = testLine; } } if (!isThreeLine){ ctx.fillText(line, initX, initY); } //記錄標題的高度 if (isTitle){ this.setData({ titleY: initY + lineHeight + 8 }) } },

    var that = this
      x: 0,
      y: 0,
      width: 562,
      height: 788,
      destWidth: 1124,
      destHeight: 1576,
      canvasId: ‘shareImg‘,
      fileType: ‘jpg‘,
      success: function (res) {
          prurl: res.tempFilePath

