1. 程式人生 > >【python下使用OpenCV實現計算機視覺讀書筆記2】圖像與字節的變換


ng- == color and pytho avi data- imwrite center

import cv2
import numpy
import os
# Make an array of 120,000 random bytes.
randomByteArray = bytearray(os.urandom(120000))

flatNumpyArray = numpy.array(randomByteArray)
# Convert the array to make a 400x300 grayscale image.
grayImage = flatNumpyArray.reshape(300, 400)
cv2.imwrite(‘RandomGray.png‘, grayImage)
# Convert the array to make a 400x100 color image.
bgrImage = flatNumpyArray.reshape(100, 400, 3)
cv2.imwrite(‘RandomColor.png‘, bgrImage)


