1. 程式人生 > >「翻譯」一篇redis文章引發的翻譯——JVM能支持多少線程?


easily over start cpu around hat for fan 計算

昨天看了一篇關於redis 的文章https://www.cnblogs.com/fanwencong/p/5782860.html


Eddie 的回答

This depends on the CPU you‘re using, on the OS, on what other processes are doing, on what Java release you‘re using, and other factors. I‘ve seen a WINDOWS

server have > 6500 Threads before bringing the machine down. Most of the threads were not doing anything, of course. Once the machine hit around 6500 Threads (in Java), the whole machine started to have problems and become unstable.My experience shows that Java (recent versions) can happily consume as many Threads as the computer itself can host without problems.Of course, you have to have enough RAM and you have to have started Java with enough memory to do everything that the Threads are doing and to have a stack for each Thread. Any machine with a modern CPU (most recent couple generations of AMD or Intel) and with 1 - 2 Gig of memory (depending on OS) can easily support a JVM with thousands
of Threads.If you need a more specific answer than this, your best bet is to profile.

譯:這取決於你使用的CPU、操作系統、取決於其他進程在處理什麽事情、你使用的Java版本和其他因素。我曾經見過一個WINDOWS 服務器,它上面有超過6500個線程。當然大多數線程是空閑的。一旦電腦上達到6500個線程(在Java中),整個機器開始出現問題並且變得不穩定。我的經驗是無論計算機本身能夠維持多少線程,Java(最近版本的)都能吃得下,並且不出問題。當然你需要足夠的RAM並且你必須用足夠的內存來啟動Java來滿足這麽多線程的需要,並且需要有一個棧來存儲線程。任何使用現代CPU的計算機(最近兩代的AMD或Intel)和1-2G的內存(取決於操作系統)就可以支持JVM創建上千個線程。如果你需要比這個回答更具體的答案,最好的選擇是看一下相關的文檔。

Charlie Martin 的回答

Um, lots.

There are several parameters here. The specific VM, plus there are usually run-time parameters on the VM as well. That‘s somewhat driven by the operating system: what support does the underlying OS have for threads and what limitations does it put on them? If the VM actually uses OS-level threads at all, the good old red thread/green thread thing.

What "support" means is another question. If you write a Java program that is just something like

   class DieLikeADog {
         public static void main(String[] argv){
                new Thread(new SomeRunaable).start();

(and don‘t complain about little syntax details, I‘m on my first cup of coffee) then you should certainly expect to get hundreds or thousands of threads running. But creating a Thread is relatively expensive, and scheduler overhead can get intense; it‘s unclear that you could have those threads do anything useful.


Okay, couldn‘t resist. Here‘s my little test program, with a couple embellishments:

public class DieLikeADog {
    private static Object s = new Object();
    private static int count = 0;
    public static void main(String[] argv){
            new Thread(new Runnable(){
                    public void run(){
                            count += 1;
                            System.err.println("New thread #"+count);
                            try {
                            } catch (Exception e){

On OS/X 10.5.6 on Intel, and Java 6 5 (see comments), here‘s what I got

New thread #2547
New thread #2548
New thread #2549
Can‘t create thread: 5
New thread #2550
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
        at java.lang.Thread.start0(Native Method)
        at java.lang.Thread.start(Thread.java:592)
        at DieLikeADog.main(DieLikeADog.java:6)



What "support" means is another question. If you write a Java program that is just something like



   class DieLikeADog {
         public static void main(String[] argv){
                new Thread(new SomeRunaable).start();



Okay, couldn‘t resist. Here‘s my little test program, with a couple embellishments:


public class DieLikeADog {
    private static Object s = new Object();
    private static int count = 0;
    public static void main(String[] argv){
            new Thread(new Runnable(){
                    public void run(){
                            count += 1;
                            System.err.println("New thread #"+count);
                            try {
                            } catch (Exception e){

在 OS/X 10.5.6 on Intel, and Java 6 5 (請看評論)環境中, 我的運行結果如下:

New thread #2547
New thread #2548
New thread #2549
Can‘t create thread: 5
New thread #2550
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
        at java.lang.Thread.start0(Native Method)
        at java.lang.Thread.start(Thread.java:592)
        at DieLikeADog.main(DieLikeADog.java:6)
