1. 程式人生 > >- 6.1 壓縮打包介紹 - 6.2 gzip壓縮工具 - 6.3 bzip2壓縮工具 - 6.4 xz壓縮工具

- 6.1 壓縮打包介紹 - 6.2 gzip壓縮工具 - 6.3 bzip2壓縮工具 - 6.4 xz壓縮工具

- 6.1 壓縮打包介紹 - 6.2 gzip壓縮工具 - 6.3 bzip2壓縮工具 - 6.4 xz壓縮工具

- 6.1 壓縮打包介紹

- 6.2 gzip壓縮工具

- 6.3 bzip2壓縮工具

- 6.4 xz壓縮工具

# 6.1 壓縮打包介紹

## 常見壓縮文件

- Windows .rar .zip .7z

- Linux .zip,.gz,.bz2,.xz,

- .tar.gz,.tar.bz2,.taz.xz

## 6.2 gzip壓縮工具

首先做一個準備工作,在/tmp/下創建一個d6z的目錄,再用find命令查找/etc/目錄下的帶有字符conf的所有文件 把這些文件內容輸出到 /tmp/目錄下的一個文件裏去,把這個文件叫做1.txt


[[email protected] ~]# ls

111 1_heard.txt 1.txt~ 234 3.txt anaconda-ks.cfg.1

123 1_sorft.txt 1.txt.bak 2.txt.bak 4.txt biji.txt

[[email protected] ~]# cd /tmp/

[[email protected] tmp]# ls

1.txt aming.111 passwd.sh

1.txt.bak aming2 systemd-private-0e3d6e7faed94f9397845efbc07a6139-vmtoolsd.service-b9Ef5b

aming fstab xxx.conf

[[email protected] tmp]# mkdir d6z

[[email protected] tmp]# cd d6z

[[email protected] d6z]# ls

[[email protected] d6z]# find /etc/ -type f -name "*.conf"









[[email protected] d6z]# find /etc/ -type f -name "*.conf" -exec cat {} >> 1.txt \;

[[email protected] d6z]# ls


[[email protected]aminglinux-01 d6z]# du -sh 1.txt

252K 1.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# find /etc/ -type f -name "*.conf" -exec cat {} >> 1.txt \;

[[email protected] d6z]# du -sh 1.txt

704K 1.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# find /etc/ -type f -name "*.conf" -exec cat {} >> 1.txt \;

[[email protected] d6z]# du -sh 1.txt

1.2M 1.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# find /etc/ -type f -name "*.conf" -exec cat {} >> 1.txt \;

[[email protected] d6z]# find /etc/ -type f -name "*.conf" -exec cat {} >> 1.txt \;

命令du -sh 查看文件大小 命令wc -l 1.txt 查看文件的總行數

[[email protected] d6z]# du -sh 1.txt

2.2M 1.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# wc -l 1.txt

32360 1.txt




[[email protected] d6z]# du -sh 1.txt

2.2M 1.txt

這裏的2.2M大小 有點不實際,因為前面252k 我們復制了5次,2.2M有點虛的空間

[[email protected] d6z]# wc -l 1.txt

32360 1.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# gzip 1.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# ls


[[email protected] d6z]# du -sh 1.txt.gz

332K 1.txt.gz

[[email protected] d6z]# gzip -d 1.txt.gz

[[email protected] d6z]# ls


[[email protected] d6z]# du -sh 1.txt

1.3M 1.txt

壓縮再解壓後 發現文件大小才1.3M


[[email protected] d6z]# du -sh 1.txt

1.3M 1.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# wc -l 1.txt

32360 1.txt


gzip 壓縮有個選項gzip-數字

(1-9的級別,1級別最松散、隨便 9級別最嚴謹 ,默認是6 不加-數字)

[[email protected] d6z]# gzip -1 1.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# du -sh 1.txt.gz

392K 1.txt.gz

之前 332k,現在392k比之前的大一些,這是因為它的壓縮級別可以調整,


壓縮的最嚴謹,耗費cpu資源就多,壓縮的不嚴謹 耗費cpu資源最少

### gzip 解壓

1. gzip -d 文件

2. gunzip 文件

[[email protected] d6z]# gzip -1 1.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# du -sh 1.txt.gz

392K 1.txt.gz

[[email protected] d6z]# gunzip 1.txt.gz

[[email protected] d6z]# ls


再來做一個最嚴謹的壓縮 9級別的壓縮,來看下大小和6級別一樣大

[[email protected] d6z]# gzip -9 1.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# du -sh 1.txt.gz

332K 1.txt.gz

實際上壓縮到一定的層次,基本上不會再往裏壓縮了 ,gzip 默認是6級別,取了一個適中的值



[[email protected] d6z]# ls


[[email protected] d6z]# type 1.txt.gz

-bash: type: 1.txt.gz: 未找到

[[email protected] d6z]# file 1.txt.gz

1.txt.gz: gzip compressed data, was "1.txt", from Unix, last modified: Sun Aug 6 21:38:28 2017, max compression

[[email protected] d6z]# zcat 1.txt.gz




正常情況下1.txt 壓縮變成1.txt.gz 1.txt沒了,解壓也是,1.txt。gz 解壓變成1.txt 原來的文件 i.txt。gz 沒了




[[email protected] d6z]# ls


[[email protected] d6z]# gzip -d 1.txt.gz

再壓縮1.txt 並且 把它重定向到 /tmp/1.txt.gz

[[email protected] d6z]# gzip -c 1.txt > /tmp/1.txt.gz

[[email protected] d6z]# ls


[[email protected] d6z]# ls /tmp/1.txt.gz


[[email protected] d6z]# file !$

file /tmp/1.txt.gz

/tmp/1.txt.gz: gzip compressed data, was "1.txt", from Unix, last modified: Sun Aug 6 21:38:28 2017

關於解壓 也不想刪除,直接給它指定一個地方

[[email protected] d6z]# gzip -d -c /tmp/1.txt.gz > /tmp/d6z/2.txt

-d是解壓縮,-c是指定一個路徑在/tmp/2.txt 下

[[email protected] d6z]# ls

1.txt 2.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# wc -l 1.txt 2.txt

32360 1.txt

32360 2.txt

64720 總用量

[[email protected] d6z]# du -sh *.txt

1.3M 1.txt

1.3M 2.txt

[[email protected] d6z]#


- [x] gzip不能壓縮目錄這是它的一個特性

## 6.3 bzip2 壓縮工具


- bzip2比gzip更加狠一點(壓縮的越狠,意味著耗費的資源就越多),默認的是9級別


[[email protected] d6z]# ls

1.txt 2.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# bzip2 1.txt

-bash: bzip2: 未找到命令

[[email protected] d6z]# yum install -y bzip2





[[email protected] d6z]# bzip2 1.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# ls

1.txt.bz2 2.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# du -sh 1.txt.bz2

160K 1.txt.bz2


[[email protected] d6z]# du -sh 1.txt.bz2

160K 1.txt.bz2

[[email protected] d6z]# du -sh 2.txt

1.3M 2.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# bzip2 -d 1.txt.bz2

bzip2 -d 解壓

[[email protected] d6z]# bzip2 1.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# bunzip2 1.txt.bz2

也可以支持 bunzip2 這個命令也可以解壓

[[email protected] d6z]# ls

1.txt 2.txt

[[email protected] d6z]#


也可以支持bzip2 -c 解壓還不刪除源文件


[[email protected] d6z]# ls

1.txt 2.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# bzip2 -c 1.txt > /tmp/1.txt.bz2

[[email protected] d6z]# du -sh /tmp/1.txt.bz2

160K /tmp/1.txt.bz2

[[email protected] d6z]# bzip2 -d -c /tmp/1.txt.bz2 > 3.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# ls

1.txt 2.txt 3.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# du -sh 3.txt

1.3M 3.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# bzip2 -9 1.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# du -sh 1.txt.bz2

160K 1.txt.bz2

[[email protected]nglinux-01 d6z]#

bzip2默認級別就是9 所以不需要指定它

[[email protected] d6z]# file 1.txt.bz2

1.txt.bz2: bzip2 compressed data, block size = 900k

[[email protected] d6z]# ls

1.txt.bz2 2.txt 3.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# mv 1.txt.bz2 1.txt

如果把1.txt.gz 改名為 1.txt後

[[email protected] d6z]# ls

1.txt 2.txt 3.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# less 1.txt

"1.txt" may be a binary file. See it anyway?

用less查看不了,可以用file查看下 對比下1.txt 和 2.txt 顯示 2.txt是個text文件

[[email protected] d6z]# file 1.txt

1.txt: bzip2 compressed data, block size = 900k

[[email protected] d6z]# file 2.txt

2.txt: UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines

[[email protected] d6z]# less 2.txt

[[email protected] d6z]#

[[email protected] d6z]# mv 1.txt 1.txt.bz2

[[email protected] d6z]# ls

1.txt.bz2 2.txt 3.txt

[[email protected] d6z]#

bzip2 也支持 bzcat 查看壓縮文件

[[email protected] d6z]# bzc

bzcat bzcmp

[[email protected] d6z]# bzcat 1.txt.bz2


- [x] bzip2也不支持壓縮目錄

## 6.4 xz壓縮工具


xz壓縮工具比 bzip2 壓縮還要狠,一壓縮變成60k了


[[email protected] d6z]# ls

1.txt.bz2 2.txt 3.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# xz 2.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# ls

1.txt.bz2 2.txt.xz 3.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# du -sh 2.txt.xz

60K 2.txt.xz

[[email protected] d6z]# du -sh 3.txt

1.3M 3.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# ls

1.txt.bz2 2.txt.xz 3.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# xz -d 2.txt.xz

xz -d 解壓 unxz 也可以解壓

[[email protected] d6z]# ls

1.txt.bz2 2.txt 3.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# xz 2.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# unxz 2.txt.xz

[[email protected] d6z]# ls

1.txt.bz2 2.txt 3.txt

[[email protected] d6z]# xz -c 2.txt > /tmp/2.txt.xz


[[email protected] d6z]# xz -d -c /tmp/2.txt.xz > ./4.txt

解壓一個xz文件然後指定到當前目錄改名為4.txt 並且保留原來的壓縮文件

[[email protected] d6z]# ls

1.txt.bz2 2.txt 3.txt 4.txt


- [x] xz也不支持壓縮目錄

- 6.1 壓縮打包介紹 - 6.2 gzip壓縮工具 - 6.3 bzip2壓縮工具 - 6.4 xz壓縮工具