1. 程式人生 > >SQL農歷轉換函數(顯示中文格式,加入潤月的顯示)


turn 農歷 etime object reat arch () bject blog

if object_id(fn_getlunar) is not null
    drop function fn_getlunar
create function dbo.fn_getlunar(@solarday datetime)      
returns nvarchar(30)    
  declare @soldata int      
  declare @offset int      
  declare @ilunar int      
  declare @i int       
  declare @j int
declare @ydays int declare @mdays int declare @mleap int declare @mleap1 int declare @mleapnum int declare @bleap smallint declare @temp int declare @year nvarchar(10) declare @month nvarchar(10) declare @day nvarchar(10)
declare @chinesenum nvarchar(10) declare @outputdate nvarchar(30) set @offset=datediff(day,1900-01-30,@solarday) --確定農歷年開始 set @i=1900 --set @[email protected] while @i<2050 and @offset>0 begin set @ydays=348 set @mleapnum
=0 select @ilunar=dataint from solardata where yearid=@i --傳回農歷年的總天數 set @j=32768 while @j>8 begin if @ilunar & @j >0 set @ydays=@ydays+1 set @j=@j/2 end --傳回農歷年閏哪個月 1-12 , 沒閏傳回 0 set @mleap = @ilunar & 15 --傳回農歷年閏月的天數 ,加在年的總天數上 if @mleap > 0 begin if @ilunar & 65536 > 0 set @mleapnum=30 else set @mleapnum=29 set @ydays=@ydays+@mleapnum end set @offset=@offset-@ydays set @i=@i+1 end if @offset <= 0 begin set @offset=@offset+@ydays set @i=@i-1 end --確定農歷年結束 set @year=@i --確定農歷月開始 set @i = 1 select @ilunar=dataint from solardata where yearid=@year --判斷那個月是潤月 set @mleap = @ilunar & 15 set @bleap = 0 while @i < 13 and @offset > 0 begin --判斷潤月 set @mdays=0 if (@mleap > 0 and @i = (@mleap+1) and @bleap=0) begin--是潤月 set @i=@i-1 set @bleap=1 set @mleap1= @mleap --傳回農歷年閏月的天數 if @ilunar & 65536 > 0 set @mdays = 30 else set @mdays = 29 end else --不是潤月 begin set @j=1 set @temp = 65536 while @j<=@i begin set @temp=@temp/2 set @j=@j+1 end if @ilunar & @temp > 0 set @mdays = 30 else set @mdays = 29 end --解除潤月 if @bleap=1 and @i= (@mleap+1) set @bleap=0 set @offset=@offset-@mdays set @i=@i+1 end if @offset <= 0 begin set @offset=@offset+@mdays set @i=@i-1 end --確定農歷月結束 set @month=@i --確定農歷日結束 set @day=ltrim(@offset) --輸出日期 set @chinesenum=0一二三四五六七八九十 while len(@year)>0 select @outputdate=isnull(@outputdate,‘‘) + substring(@chinesenum,left(@year,1)+1,1) , @year=stuff(@year,1,1,‘‘) set @outputdate=@outputdate+ + case @mleap1 when @month then else ‘‘ end if cast(@month as int)<10 set @outputdate=@outputdate + case @month when 1 then else substring(@chinesenum,left(@month,1)+1,1) end else if cast(@month as int)>=10 set @outputdate=@outputdate + case @month when 10 then when 11 then 十一 else 十二 end set @outputdate=@outputdate + if cast(@day as int)<10 set @outputdate=@outputdate + + substring(@chinesenum,left(@day,1)+1,1) else if @day between 10 and 19 set @outputdate=@outputdate + case @day when 10 then 初十 else + substring(@chinesenum,right(@day,1)+1,1) end else if @day between 20 and 29 set @outputdate=@outputdate + case @day when 20 then 二十 else 廿 end + case @day when 20 then ‘‘ else substring(@chinesenum,right(@day,1)+1,1) end else set @outputdate=@outputdate+三十 return @outputdate end go select dbo.fn_getlunar(getdate()) as [改編日期(農歷)],getdate() as [改編日期(公歷)]
