1. 程式人生 > 其它 >recognition vs classification,識別和分類的區別

recognition vs classification,識別和分類的區別

recognition vs classification

The field of recognition or pattern recognition is concerned with the automatic discovery of regularities in data through the use of computer algorithms and with the use of these regularities to take actions such as classifying the data into different categories. An example of pattern recognition is classification, which attempts to assign each input value to one of a given set of classes. However, pattern recognition is a more general problem that encompasses other types of output as well, for example, regression.





影象識別以影象的主要特徵為基礎的。每個影象都有它的特徵,如字母A有個尖,P有個圈、而Y的中心有個銳角等。對影象識別時眼動的研究表明,視線總是集中在影象的主要特徵上,也就是集中在影象輪廓曲度最大或輪廓方向突然改變的地方,這些地方的資訊量最大。而且眼睛的掃描路線也總是依次從一個特徵轉到另一個特徵上。由此可見,在影象識別過程中,知覺機制必須排除輸入的多餘資訊,抽出關鍵的資訊。同時,在大腦裡必定有一個負責整合資訊的機制,它能把分階段獲得的資訊整理成一個完整的知覺映象。在人類影象識別系統中,對複雜影象的識別往往要通過不同層次的資訊加工才能實現。(摘自百度百科) ============================

Image recognition is the ability of a computer powered camera to identify and detect objects or features in a digital image or video. It is a method for capturing, processing, examining, and sympathizing images.

Image recognition technology works by detecting salient regions, which are portions that contain the most information about the image or the object. It does this by isolating the most informative portions or features in a selected image and localizes them, while ignoring the rest of the features that may not be of much interest. (摘自

Image Recognition – What is Image Recognition? | Sightcorp


Image recognition, a subcategory ofComputer Visionand Artificial Intelligence, represents a set of methods for detecting and analyzing images to enable the automation of a specific task. It is a technology that is capable of identifying places, people, objects and many other types of elements within an image, and drawing conclusions from them by analyzing them.

Photo or video recognition can be performedat different degrees of accuracy, depending on the type of information or concept required. Indeed, a model or algorithm is capable of detecting a specific element, just as it can simply assign an image to a large category.

So there are different “tasks” that image recognition can perform:

  • Classification.It is the identification of the “class”, i.e. the category to which an image belongs. An image can have only one class.
  • Tagging. It is also a classification task but with a higher degree of accuracy. It can recognize the presence of several concepts or objects within an image. One or more tags can therefore be assigned to a particular image.
  • Detection.This is necessary when you want to locate an object in an image. Once the object is located, a bounding box is placed around the object in question.
  • Segmentation.This is also a detection task. Segmentation can locate an element on an image to the nearest pixel. For some cases, it is necessary to be extremely precise, as for the development of autonomous cars.

(摘自Image Recognition : A Complete Guide - Deepomatic

