1. 程式人生 > 其它 >Windchill 高階查詢 獲取分類節點可例項化設定

Windchill 高階查詢 獲取分類節點可例項化設定


Windchill 高階查詢 獲取分類節點可例項化設定

開發環境:windchill 11.0 M030

select a2.value 
from LWCPropertyDefinition a1, LWCPropertyValue a2, LWCStructEnumAttTemplate a3 
where a1.ida2a2=a2.ida3a4 and a2.ida3b4=a3.ida2a2 and 
a3.deletedid is null and a1.name='instantiable'
and a3.name='分類節點內部名稱'


import com.ptc.core.lwc.server.LWCPropertyDefinition;
import com.ptc.core.lwc.server.LWCPropertyValue;
import com.ptc.core.lwc.server.LWCStructEnumAttTemplate;

import wt.fc.PersistenceHelper;
import wt.fc.QueryResult;
import wt.query.ClassAttribute; import wt.query.QuerySpec; import wt.query.SearchCondition; import wt.query.TableColumn; /** * @author 彭秉浪 [email protected] */ public class TestUtil { public static boolean getInstantiableByClassificationNode(String internalName) { try { QuerySpec qs = new
QuerySpec(); qs.setAdvancedQueryEnabled(true);// 設定為高階查詢 int a1 = qs.addClassList(LWCPropertyDefinition.class, false); int a2 = qs.addClassList(LWCPropertyValue.class, true); int a3 = qs.addClassList(LWCStructEnumAttTemplate.class, false); ClassAttribute value = new ClassAttribute(LWCPropertyValue.class, LWCPropertyValue.VALUE); qs.appendSelect(value, new int[] { a2 }, true); String a1Column = qs.getFromClause().getAliasAt(a1); String a2Column = qs.getFromClause().getAliasAt(a2); String a3Column = qs.getFromClause().getAliasAt(a3); // 新增表之間的連結條件 TableColumn a1_ida2a2 = new TableColumn(a1Column, "ida2a2"); TableColumn a3_ida2a2 = new TableColumn(a3Column, "ida2a2"); TableColumn a2_ida3a4 = new TableColumn(a2Column, "ida3a4"); TableColumn a2_ida3b4 = new TableColumn(a2Column, "ida3b4"); SearchCondition join1 = new SearchCondition(a2_ida3a4, SearchCondition.EQUAL, a1_ida2a2); qs.appendWhere(join1, new int[] { a2, a1 }); qs.appendAnd(); SearchCondition join2 = new SearchCondition(a2_ida3b4, SearchCondition.EQUAL, a3_ida2a2); qs.appendWhere(join2, new int[] { a2, a3 }); qs.appendAnd(); // 新增查詢條件 // deletedid為空表示分類節點沒有被刪除 TableColumn deletedid = new TableColumn(a3Column, "deletedid"); SearchCondition sc1 = new SearchCondition(deletedid, SearchCondition.IS_NULL); qs.appendWhere(sc1, new int[] { a3 }); qs.appendAnd(); SearchCondition sc2 = new SearchCondition(LWCPropertyDefinition.class, LWCPropertyDefinition.NAME, SearchCondition.EQUAL, "instantiable"); qs.appendWhere(sc2, new int[] { a1 }); qs.appendAnd(); SearchCondition sc3 = new SearchCondition(LWCStructEnumAttTemplate.class, LWCStructEnumAttTemplate.NAME, SearchCondition.EQUAL, internalName); qs.appendWhere(sc3, new int[] { a3 }); QueryResult qr = PersistenceHelper.manager.find(qs); while (qr.hasMoreElements()) { Object[] objectArr = (Object[]) qr.nextElement(); if (objectArr[0] instanceof LWCPropertyValue) { LWCPropertyValue propertyValue = (LWCPropertyValue) objectArr[0]; if ("true".equals(propertyValue.getValue())) { return true; } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } }
