1. 程式人生 > 程式設計 >PHP設計模式入門之狀態模式原理與實現方法分析











 * 飲料機
 * @author ben
class JuiceMachine{
 * 糖果機一共存在四種狀態:沒錢,有錢,成功售出以及銷售一空
 * 沒錢的狀態
 * @var INT
 const NOMONEY = 0;
 * 有錢的狀態
 * @var INT
 const HASMONEY = 1;
 * 成功售出的狀態
 * @var INT
 const SOLD = 2;
 * 銷售一空的狀態
 * @var INT
 const SOLDOUT = 3;
 * 記錄糖果機當前的狀態,初始化狀態為售空
 * @var INT
 private $_state = JuiceMachine::SOLDOUT;
 * 該變數用於記錄飲料機中飲料的數量
 private $_count; 
 * 構造方法,最主要是用來初始化count和state屬性的
 public function __construct($count){
   $this->_count = $count;
   if($this->_count > 0){
     $this->_state = JuiceMachine::NOMONEY;
 * 投入硬幣
 public function insertCoin(){
   if($this->_state == JuiceMachine::HASMONEY ){
     echo "you can't insert another coin!<br />";
   }elseif($this->_state == JuiceMachine::NOMONEY){
     echo "you just insert a coin<br />";
     $this->_state = JuiceMachine::HASMONEY;
   }elseif($this->_state == JuiceMachine::SOLD){
     echo "wait a minute,we are giving you a bottle of juice<br />";
   }elseif($this->_state == JuiceMachine::SOLDOUT){
     echo "you can't insert coin,the machine is already soldout<br />";
 * 退回硬幣
 public function retreatCoin(){
   if($this->_state == JuiceMachine::HASMONEY ){
     echo "coin return!<br />";
     $this->_state = JuiceMachine::NOMONEY;
   }elseif($this->_state == JuiceMachine::NOMONEY){
     echo "you have'nt inserted a coin yet<br />";
   }elseif($this->_state == JuiceMachine::SOLD){
     echo "sorry,you already clicked the botton<br />";
   }elseif($this->_state == JuiceMachine::SOLDOUT){
     echo "you have'nt inserted a coin yet<br />";
 * 點選飲料對應的按鈕
 public function clickButton(){
   if($this->_state == JuiceMachine::HASMONEY ){
     echo "you clicked,we are giving you a bottle of juice...<br />";
     $this->_state = JuiceMachine::SOLD;  //改變飲料機的狀態為售出模式
   }elseif($this->_state == JuiceMachine::NOMONEY){
     echo "you clicked,but you hav'nt inserted a coin yet<br />";
   }elseif($this->_state == JuiceMachine::SOLD){
     echo "click twice does'nt get you two bottle of juice<br />";
   }elseif($this->_state == JuiceMachine::SOLDOUT){
     echo "you clicked,but the machine is already soldout<br />";
 * 發放飲料
 public function dispend(){
   if($this->_state == JuiceMachine::HASMONEY ){
     echo "please click the button first<br />";
   }elseif($this->_state == JuiceMachine::NOMONEY){
     echo "you need to pay first<br />";
   }elseif($this->_state == JuiceMachine::SOLD){
     echo "now you get you juice<br />";
     if($this->_count <= 0){
       echo "opps,runing out of juice<br />";
       $this->_state = JuiceMachine::SOLDOUT;
       $this->_state = JuiceMachine::NOMONEY;
   }elseif($this->_state == JuiceMachine::SOLDOUT){
     echo "opps,it appears that we don't have any juice left<br />";


require_once 'JuiceMachine.php';
$juiceMachine = new JuiceMachine(1);


you just insert a coin
you clicked,we are giving you a bottle of juice...
now you get you juice
opps,runing out of juice









interface State{
   * 插入硬幣
  public function insertCoin();
   * 回退硬幣
  public function retreatCoin();
   * 點選按鈕
  public function clickButton();
   * 發放飲料
  public function dispend();


require_once 'State.php';
class NomoneyState implements State{
   * 飲料機的例項
   * @var object
  private $_juiceMachine;
   * 構造方法,主要用於初始化飲料機例項
  public function __construct($juiceMachine){
    $this->_juiceMachine = $juiceMachine;
 /* (non-PHPdoc)
   * @see State::insertCoin()
  public function insertCoin()
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    echo "you just insert a coin<br />";
 /* (non-PHPdoc)
   * @see State::retreatCoin()
  public function retreatCoin()
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    echo "you have'nt inserted a coin yet<br />";
 /* (non-PHPdoc)
   * @see State::clickButton()
  public function clickButton()
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    echo "you clicked,but you hav'nt inserted a coin yet<br />";
 /* (non-PHPdoc)
   * @see State::dispend()
  public function dispend()
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    echo "you need to pay first<br />";


require_once 'State.php';
class HasmoneyState implements State
   * 飲料機的例項
   * @var object
  private $_juiceMachine;
   * 構造方法,主要用於初始化飲料機例項
  public function __construct($juiceMachine)
    $this->_juiceMachine = $juiceMachine;
   * (non-PHPdoc) @see State::insertCoin()
  public function insertCoin()
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    echo "you can't insert another coin!<br />";
   * (non-PHPdoc) @see State::retreatCoin()
  public function retreatCoin()
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    echo "coin return!<br />";
   * (non-PHPdoc) @see State::clickButton()
  public function clickButton()
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    echo "you clicked,we are giving you a bottle of juice...<br />";
    // 改變飲料機的狀態為售出模式
    $rand = mt_rand(0,0);
    // 當隨機數為0(即1/10的概率)並且飲料機中還有1瓶以上的飲料時
    if ($rand == 0 && $this->_juiceMachine->getCount() > 1) {
    } else {
   * (non-PHPdoc) @see State::dispend()
  public function dispend()
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    echo "please click the button first<br />";


require_once 'State.php';
class SoldoutState implements State{
   * 飲料機的例項
   * @var object
  private $_juiceMachine;
   * 構造方法,主要用於初始化飲料機例項
  public function __construct($juiceMachine){
    $this->_juiceMachine = $juiceMachine;
 /* (non-PHPdoc)
   * @see State::insertCoin()
  public function insertCoin()
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    echo "you can't insert coin,the machine is already soldout<br />";
 /* (non-PHPdoc)
   * @see State::retreatCoin()
  public function retreatCoin()
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    echo "you have'nt inserted a coin yet<br />";
 /* (non-PHPdoc)
   * @see State::clickButton()
  public function clickButton()
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    echo "you clicked,but the machine is already soldout<br />";
 /* (non-PHPdoc)
   * @see State::dispend()
  public function dispend()
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    echo "opps,it appears that we don't have any juice left<br />";


require_once 'State.php';
class SoldState implements State{
   * 飲料機的例項
   * @var object
  private $_juiceMachine;
   * 構造方法,主要用於初始化飲料機例項
  public function __construct($juiceMachine){
    $this->_juiceMachine = $juiceMachine;
 /* (non-PHPdoc)
   * @see State::insertCoin()
  public function insertCoin()
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    echo "wait a minute,we are giving you a bottle of juice<br />";
 /* (non-PHPdoc)
   * @see State::retreatCoin()
  public function retreatCoin()
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    echo "sorry,you already clicked the botton<br />";
 /* (non-PHPdoc)
   * @see State::clickButton()
  public function clickButton()
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    echo "click twice does'nt get you two bottle of juice<br />";
 /* (non-PHPdoc)
   * @see State::dispend()
  public function dispend()
    if($this->_juiceMachine->getCount() <= 0){
      echo "opps,runing out of juice<br />";


require_once 'State.php';
class WinnerState implements State
   * 飲料機的例項
   * @var object
  private $_juiceMachine;
   * 構造方法,主要用於初始化飲料機例項
  public function __construct($juiceMachine)
    $this->_juiceMachine = $juiceMachine;
   * (non-PHPdoc) @see State::insertCoin()
  public function insertCoin()
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    echo "wait a minute,we are giving you a bottle of juice<br />";
   * (non-PHPdoc) @see State::retreatCoin()
  public function retreatCoin()
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    echo "sorry,you already clicked the botton<br />";
   * (non-PHPdoc) @see State::clickButton()
  public function clickButton()
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    echo "click twice does'nt get you two bottle of juice<br />";
   * (non-PHPdoc) @see State::dispend()
  public function dispend()
    echo "you are a winner! you get two bottle of juice!<br />";
    if ($this->_juiceMachine->getCount() > 0) {
      if ($this->_juiceMachine->getCount() <= 0) {
        echo "opps,runing out of juice<br />";
        // 如果這時飲料機中沒有飲料了,將飲料機的狀態重置為銷售一空
      } else {
        // 將飲料機的狀態重置為沒有錢
    } else {
      echo "opps,runing out of juice<br />";
      // 如果這時飲料機中沒有飲料了,將飲料機的狀態重置為銷售一空


require_once './state/NomoneyState.php';
require_once './state/HasmoneyState.php';
require_once './state/SoldState.php';
require_once './state/SoldoutState.php';
require_once './state/WinnerState.php';
class JuiceMachine
   * 記錄糖果機當前的狀態,初始化狀態為售空
   * @var object
  private $_state;
   * 該變數用於記錄飲料機中飲料的數量
  private $_count;
   * 構造方法,最主要是用來初始化count和state屬性的
  public function __construct($count)
    $this->_state = new SoldoutState($this);
    $this->_count = $count;
    // 當飲料機中的飲料數量大於零時,將飲料機的狀態重置為沒有錢的狀態。
    if ($this->_count > 0) {
      $this->_state = new NomoneyState($this);
   * (non-PHPdoc) @see State::insertCoin()
  public function insertCoin()
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
   * (non-PHPdoc) @see State::retreatCoin()
  public function retreatCoin()
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
   * (non-PHPdoc) @see State::clickButton()
  public function clickButton()
   * 設定糖果機的狀態
   * @param State $state
  public function setState(State $state)
    $this->_state = $state;
   * 獲取沒有錢的狀態
  public function getNomoneyState(){
    return new NomoneyState($this);
   * 獲取有錢的狀態
  public function getHasmoneyState(){
    return new HasmoneyState($this);
   * 獲取售出的狀態
  public function getSoldState(){
    return new SoldState($this);
   * 獲取銷售一空的狀態
  public function getSoldoutState(){
    return new SoldoutState($this);
   * 獲取幸運者的狀態
  public function getWinnerState(){
    return new WinnerState($this);
   * 獲取飲料機中飲料的數量
  public function getCount(){
    return $this->_count;
   * 將飲料數量減一
  public function decJuice(){
    echo "now you get you juice<br />";


require_once 'JuiceMachine.php';
$juiceMachine = new JuiceMachine(2);

