1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >mysql---安裝、常用命令、建表、查詢、主鍵、外來鍵、表關係、約束、group by、order by、where

mysql---安裝、常用命令、建表、查詢、主鍵、外來鍵、表關係、約束、group by、order by、where



  1. mysql的安裝


    安裝 community server 5.6 64位,一定是這個版本,高版本的可能下邊的配置無效。




    # 設定mysql客戶端預設字符集
    port = 3306
    # 設定mysql的安裝目錄
    # 設定mysql資料庫的資料的存放目錄
    # 允許最大連線數
    # 服務端使用的字符集預設為8位元編碼的latin1字符集
    # 建立新表時將使用的預設儲存引擎





    執行命令安裝MySQL服務 ,MySQL服務就被註冊到你的作業系統中:

    mysqld install


    net start mysql


  2. mysql

    mysqld install   # 安裝MySQL服務  MySQL服務就被註冊到你的作業系統中
    net start mysql  # 啟動MySQL服務
    net stop mysql   # 關閉MySQL服務
    mysql -uroot -p  # 啟動客戶端連線server,預設無密碼.就是管理員身份登入
    set password = password('123'); # 給當前賬戶設定密碼
    create user 'xiaoli'@'10.14.206.%' identified by '123'; # 建立一個其他使用者
    # create user '使用者名稱'@'IP地址/域名' identified by '密碼';
    select user();  # 檢視當前登入使用者
    create database 資料庫名; # 建立一個數據庫
    show databases  # 檢視所有的資料庫
    grant all/select/insert on 資料庫名 to 使用者名稱;  # 給一個使用者授權
    use 資料庫名  # 切換到這個庫下
    create table student(name char(12), age int);  # 建立一張表
    desc student;  # 查看錶結構
    insert into student values ('alex', 78);  # 插入資料
    insert into student values ('alex', 78), ('wang', 12);
    insert into student (name, age) values ('alex', 78);
    select * from student;  # 查詢資料
    update student set age=85 where name='alex';  # 修改資料
    delete from student where name='alex';  # 刪除資料
    show variables like '%engin%';  # 檢視預設儲存引擎
  3. 儲存引擎

    資料和索引存在一起 2個檔案
    Innodb儲存引擎: 支援事務 行級鎖 表級鎖 支援外來鍵 mysql5.6之後預設的
    資料和索引不存在一起 3個檔案
    Myisam儲存yinq 表級鎖 mysql5.5之前預設的
    多個使用者操作的過程中對同一張表的資料同時做修改, 行級鎖
    專案中有兩張表 之間的外來鍵關係 怕出問題 做了外來鍵約束

    show engines;

  4. mysql中的資料型別

    TINTYINT 1位元組 預設有符號 加unsigned約束 無符號
    SMALLINT 2位元組
    MEDIUMINT 3位元組
    INT/INTEGER 4位元組
    BIGINT 8位元組
    FLOAT 4位元組
    DOUBLE 8位元組
    DECIMAL double(65, 30) 預設10位整數

    create table t1(
        id int,
        age tinyint unsigned
    insert into t1 values (1, 89);
    insert into t1 values (-2, 93);
    create table t2(
        f1 float(5,2), # 保留兩位小數,並四捨五入
        f2 float,
        f4 double(5,2)
        f3 double

    datetime 20201022165023
    date 20201022
    time 165023
    year 1901/2155

    create table t4 (
        dt datetime not null default current timestamp on update current timestamp, # 非空約束,預設為當前時間並且更新時自動更新為當前時間
        y year,
        t time,
        ts timestamp  # 預設為當前的時間
    insert into t4 values(now(), now(), now(), now());

    char 0-255位元組 定長儲存 'alex' 存 'alex ' 定長
    varchar 0-65535位元組 邊長儲存 'alex' 存'alex4'
    身份證號 手機號碼 qq號 username password 銀行卡號
    評論 朋友圈 微博

    enum 單選行為
    set 多選行為

    create table t6(
        c1 char,   # char 可以不寫長度
        v1 varchar(1),  # varchar 必須寫
        c2 char(5),
        v2 varchar(10)
    create table t8(
        id int,
        name char(18),
        gender enum('male', 'female')
    insert int t8 values(1, 'alex', 'male');
    create table t9(
        id int,
        name char(18),
        hobby set('抽菸', '喝酒', '燙頭')
    insert into t9 values(1, '太白', '抽菸,喝酒,打遊戲'); # 不在範圍內的會自動去除
  5. 完整性約束

    ​ 約束一個欄位不能為空 not null
    ​ 唯一約束 unique 值不能重複,連續兩個null可以
    ​ 無符號的 int unsigned
    ​ 預設值是什麼 default
    ​ 自增 auto_increment 只能對資料有效 自帶非空約束 至少時unique約束之後才能使用
    ​ 主鍵 primary key
    ​ 外來鍵 foreign key

    create table t10(
        id int unsigned not mull unique,  # 非空不生效的話,修改配置檔案
        name char(18) not null,
        gender enum('male', 'female') not null default 'male'
    create table t11(
        id int,
        server_name char(12),
        ip char(10),
        port char(10),
        unique(ip, port)  # 聯合唯一 unique  兩列不能一i重複  單個的可以重複
    create table t12(
        id int not null unique,  # 第一個被定義為非空+唯一的那一列會成為這張表的primary key主鍵  主鍵時唯一的
        username not null unique
    create table t13(
        id int not null unique,
        username primary key  # 也可以自定義
    create table t14(
        id int,
        server_name char(12),
        ip char(10),
        port char(10),
        primary key(ip, port)  # 聯合主鍵
    create table t15(
        id int primary key auto_increment,
        name char(12)
    insert into t15(name) values('alex');
    insert into t15(name) values('小明');
    # 外來鍵
    # 班級表
    create table class(
        cid int primary key auto_increment,
        cname char(12) not null,
        start date
    # 學生表
    create table student(
        id int primary key auto_increment,
        name char(12) not null,
        gender enum('male', 'female') default 'male',
        class_id int,
        foreign key(class_id) references class(cid)
    insert into class values(1, 'py231','2019-3-19');  # 此時必須先寫class
    insert into student values(1, '小明', 'male',1);
  6. 修改表

    alter table 表名;
    alter table t2 add age int notnull;  # 自動新增到最後
    alter table t2 add age int notnull after id; # 新增到id後
    alter table t2 modify name char(15) not null;  # 修改型別,不能欄位改名
    alter table t2 change name sname char(15) not null;  # 修改型別,不能欄位改名
    # 刪除表
    drop table 表名;
  7. 表與表之間的關係

       學生  班級
          學生表有一個外來鍵 關聯班級表
       書籍    作者
        書記表有一個外來鍵  關聯作者表
       出現第三張表 這張表關聯兩個外來鍵
        客戶   學生
        學生表建立外來鍵  兩個欄位必須都是unique




    create table teacher(
        tid int primary key auto_increment,
        tname char(10) not null
    create table course(
        cid int unique auto_increment,
        cname char(10) not null,
        teacher_id int,
        foreign key(teacher_id) references teacher(tid)
    create table class(
        cid int unique auto_increment,
        caption char(10) not null
    create table student(
        sid int unique auto_increment,
        sname char(10) not null,
        gender enum('男', '女') not null default'男',
        class_id int,
        foreign key(class_id) references class(cid)
    create table score(
        sid int unique auto_increment,
        student_id int,
        course_id int,
        number int,
        foreign key(student_id) references student(sid),
        foreign key(course_id) references course(cid)
    insert into teacher(tname) values('波多野結衣');
    insert into teacher(tname) values('蒼井空');
    insert into teacher(tname) values('俞布麻衣');
    select * from teacher;
    # +-----+-----------------+
    # | tid | tname           |
    # +-----+-----------------+
    # |   1 | 波多野結衣      |
    # |   2 | 蒼井空          |
    # |   3 | 俞布麻衣        |
    # +-----+-----------------+
    # 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    insert into course values(1, '生物', 1);
    insert into course values(2, '體育', 1);
    insert into course values(3, '物理', 2);
    select * from course;
    # +------+--------+------------+
    # | cid  | cname  | teacher_id |
    # +------+--------+------------+
    # |    1 | 生物   |          1 |
    # |    2 | 體育   |          1 |
    # |    3 | 物理   |          2 |
    # +------+--------+------------+
    # 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    insert into class(caption) values('三年二班');
    insert into class(caption) values('一年三班');
    insert into class(caption) values('三年一班');
    select * from class;
    # +-----+--------------+
    # | cid | caption      |
    # +-----+--------------+
    # |   1 | 三年二班     |
    # |   2 | 一年三班     |
    # |   3 | 三年一班     |
    # +-----+--------------+
    # 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    insert into student(sname,gender,class_id) values('鋼蛋','女',1);
    insert into student(sname,gender,class_id) values('鐵錘','女',1);
    insert into student(sname,class_id) values('山炮',2);
    select * from student;
    # +-----+--------+--------+----------+
    # | sid | sname  | gender | class_id |
    # +-----+--------+--------+----------+
    # |   1 | 鋼蛋   | 女     |        1 |
    # |   2 | 鐵錘   | 女     |        1 |
    # |   3 | 山炮   | 男     |        2 |
    # +-----+--------+--------+----------+
    # 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    insert into score(student_id, course_id, number) values(1,1,60);
    insert into score(student_id, course_id, number) values(1,2,59);
    insert into score(student_id, course_id, number) values(2,2,100);
    select * from score;
    # +-----+------------+-----------+--------+
    # | sid | student_id | course_id | number |
    # +-----+------------+-----------+--------+
    # |   1 |          1 |         1 |     60 |
    # |   2 |          1 |         2 |     59 |
    # |   3 |          2 |         2 |    100 |
    # +-----+------------+-----------+--------+
    # 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  8. 資料庫的增刪改和select的操作

    create table t1(
        id int primary key auto_increment,
        username char(12) not null,
        sex enum('male','female') default 'male',
        hobby set('抽菸', '喝酒','燙頭') not null
    # 增加:
    insert into t1 values(1, '大壯', 'male','抽菸,燙頭');
    insert into t1 values(2, 'b哥', 'male','燙頭'),(3, 'alex', 'male','抽菸');
    insert into t1(username, hobby) values('小李', '喝酒');
    create table t2(id int, username char(12));
    insert into t2 select id, username from t1;  # 注意沒有values
    # 刪除
    delete from t2;  # 清空這張表,表結構還在.不會清空自增的偏移量.就是設定了auto_increment 你新增到了3 delete之後再新增會從4開始
    truncate table t2;  # 會把偏移量也清空
    drop table t2;  # 表結構都沒了,這張表就沒了
    delete from t1 where id = 3;  # 刪除某一條資料
    # 修改
    update t1 set hobby = '喝酒,燙頭' where id = 1;
    # 查詢
    # 資料準備
        員工id      id                  int
        姓名        emp_name            varchar
        性別        sex                 enum
        年齡        age                 int
        入職日期     hire_date           date
        崗位        post                varchar
        職位描述     post_comment        varchar
        薪水        salary              double
        辦公室       office              int
        部門編號     depart_id           int
    create table employee(
    id int not null unique auto_increment,
    emp_name varchar(20) not null,
    sex enum('male','female') not null default 'male', #大部分是男的
    age int(3) unsigned not null default 28,
    hire_date date not null,
    post varchar(50),
    post_comment varchar(100),
    salary double(15,2),
    office int, #一個部門一個屋子
    depart_id int
    insert into employee(emp_name,sex,age,hire_date,post,salary,office,depart_id) values
    ('egon','male',18,'20170301','老男孩駐沙河辦事處外交大使',7300.33,401,1), #以下是教學部
    ('張野','male',28,'20160311','operation',10000.13,403,3), #以下是運營部門
    # 查詢結果對欄位重新命名
    # select 欄位 新名字,... from 表;
    # select 欄位 as 新名字, ... from 表;
    select id i,emp_name name from employee;
    # +----+------------+
    # | i  | name       |
    # +----+------------+
    # |  1 | egon       |
    # |  2 | alex       |
    # |  3 | wupeiqi    |
    # |  4 | yuanhao    |
    # |  5 | liwenzhou  |
    # |  6 | jingliyang |
    # |  7 | jinxin     |
    # |  8 | 成龍       |
    # |  9 | 歪歪       |
    # | 10 | 丫丫       |
    # | 11 | 丁丁       |
    # | 12 | 星星       |
    # | 13 | 格格       |
    # | 14 | 張野       |
    # | 15 | 程咬金     |
    # | 16 | 程咬銀     |
    # | 17 | 程咬銅     |
    # | 18 | 程咬鐵     |
    # +----+------------+
    # 18 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    # 避免重複 distinct
    select post from employee;
    # +-----------------------------------------+
    # | post                                    |
    # +-----------------------------------------+
    # | 老男孩駐沙河辦事處外交大使              |
    # | teacher                                 |
    # | teacher                                 |
    # | teacher                                 |
    # | teacher                                 |
    # | teacher                                 |
    # | teacher                                 |
    # | teacher                                 |
    # | sale                                    |
    # | sale                                    |
    # | sale                                    |
    # | sale                                    |
    # | sale                                    |
    # | operation                               |
    # | operation                               |
    # | operation                               |
    # | operation                               |
    # | operation                               |
    # +-----------------------------------------+
    # 18 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    select distinct post from employee;
    # +-----------------------------------------+
    # | post                                    |
    # +-----------------------------------------+
    # | 老男孩駐沙河辦事處外交大使              |
    # | teacher                                 |
    # | sale                                    |
    # | operation                               |
    # +-----------------------------------------+
    # 4 rows in set (0.01 sec)
    # 聯合去重,age和sex都不同的留下
    select distinct age,sex from employee;
    # mysql> select age,sex from employee;
    # +-----+--------+
    # | age | sex    |
    # +-----+--------+
    # |  18 | male   |
    # |  78 | male   |
    # |  81 | male   |
    # |  73 | male   |
    # |  28 | male   |
    # |  18 | female |
    # |  18 | male   |
    # |  48 | male   |
    # |  48 | female |
    # |  38 | female |
    # |  18 | female |
    # |  18 | female |
    # |  28 | female |
    # |  28 | male   |
    # |  18 | male   |
    # |  18 | female |
    # |  18 | male   |
    # |  18 | female |
    # +-----+--------+
    # 18 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    # mysql> select distinct age,sex from employee;
    # +-----+--------+
    # | age | sex    |
    # +-----+--------+
    # |  18 | male   |
    # |  78 | male   |
    # |  81 | male   |
    # |  73 | male   |
    # |  28 | male   |
    # |  18 | female |
    # |  48 | male   |
    # |  48 | female |
    # |  38 | female |
    # |  28 | female |
    # +-----+--------+
    # 10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    # 四則運算
    select emp_name, salary*12 year_salary from employee;  # 計算年薪
    # mysql> select emp_name, salary*12 year_salary from employee;
    # +------------+-------------+
    # | emp_name   | year_salary |
    # +------------+-------------+
    # | egon       |    87603.96 |
    # | alex       | 12000003.72 |
    # | wupeiqi    |    99600.00 |
    # | yuanhao    |    42000.00 |
    # | liwenzhou  |    25200.00 |
    # | jingliyang |   108000.00 |
    # | jinxin     |   360000.00 |
    # | 成龍       |   120000.00 |
    # | 歪歪       |    36001.56 |
    # | 丫丫       |    24004.20 |
    # | 丁丁       |    12004.44 |
    # | 星星       |    36003.48 |
    # | 格格       |    48003.96 |
    # | 張野       |   120001.56 |
    # | 程咬金     |   240000.00 |
    # | 程咬銀     |   228000.00 |
    # | 程咬銅     |   216000.00 |
    # | 程咬鐵     |   204000.00 |
    # +------------+-------------+
    # 18 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    # concat()  拼接
    select concat(emp_name,':',salary) info from employee;
    # +-----------------------------+
    # | info                        |
    # +-----------------------------+
    # | egon:7300.33                |
    # | alex:1000000.31             |
    # | wupeiqi:8300.00             |
    # | yuanhao:3500.00             |
    # | liwenzhou:2100.00           |
    # | jingliyang:9000.00          |
    # | jinxin:30000.00             |
    # | 成龍:10000.00               |
    # | 歪歪:3000.13                |
    # | 丫丫:2000.35                |
    # | 丁丁:1000.37                |
    # | 星星:3000.29                |
    # | 格格:4000.33                |
    # | 張野:10000.13               |
    # | 程咬金:20000.00             |
    # | 程咬銀:19000.00             |
    # | 程咬銅:18000.00             |
    # | 程咬鐵:17000.00             |
    # +-----------------------------+
    # 18 rows in set (0.01 sec)
    # concat_ws('|', 'alex', '74');  第一個是分隔符
    # 練習
    # 1 查出所有員工的名字,薪資,格式為
    #     <名字:egon>    <薪資:3000>
    select concat('<','名字',emp_name,'>'), concat('<','薪資',salary,'>') from employee;
    # 2 查出所有的崗位(去掉重複)
    select distinct post from employee;
    # 3 查出所有員工名字,以及他們的年薪,年薪的欄位名為annual_year
    select emp_name,salary*12 annual_salary from employee;
    # where約束  篩選所有符合條件的行
    # where可以使用:
    # 1.比較運算子:> < = >= <= !=
    # 2.範圍:
    #     between and   [10000, 20000]  在之間的所有的
    #     in  in [10000, 20000]  在裡面的選一個
    # 3.like 'e%'   萬用字元
    #     %表示任意多個
    #     _表示一個
    # 4.邏輯運算子:and or not
    select * from employee where sex = 'male';
    select * from employee where salary >= 10000;
    select * from employee where salary between 10000 and 20000;  # [10000, 20000]
    # 練習
    # . 檢視崗位是teacher的員工姓名、年齡
    select emp_name, age from employee where post = 'teacher';
    # . 檢視崗位是teacher且年齡大於30歲的員工姓名、年齡
    select emp_name, age from employee where post = 'teacher' and age > 30;
    # . 檢視崗位是teacher且薪資在9000-10000範圍內的員工姓名、年齡、薪資
    select emp_name, age, salary from employee where post = 'teacher' and salary between 9000 and 10000;
    # . 檢視崗位描述不為NULL的員工資訊
    select * from employee where post_comment is not null; # 判斷NUL必須用is
    # . 檢視崗位是teacher且薪資是10000或9000或30000的員工姓名、年齡、薪資
    select emp_name,age,salary from employee where post = 'teacher' and salary in (10000,9000,30000);
    # . 檢視崗位是teacher且薪資不是10000或9000或30000的員工姓名、年齡、薪資
    select emp_name,age,salary from employee where post = 'teacher' and salary not in (10000,9000,30000)
    # . 檢視崗位是teacher且名字是jin開頭的員工姓名、年薪
    select emp_name,salary*12 from employee where post = 'teacher' and emp_name like 'jin%';
    # 分組聚合 group by  count  max min sum avg  求出的值之和這個組對應
    select sex,count(id) from employee group by sex;
    # +--------+-----------+
    # | sex    | count(id) |
    # +--------+-----------+
    # | male   |        10 |
    # | female |         8 |
    # +--------+-----------+
    # 2 rows in set (0.02 sec)
    # 練習
    # . 查詢崗位名以及崗位包含的所有員工名字
    select post,group_concat(emp_name) from employee group by post;
    # +-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+
    # | post                                    | group_concat(emp_name)                                  |
    # +-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+
    # | operation                               | 程咬鐵,程咬銅,程咬銀,程咬金,張野                        |
    # | sale                                    | 格格,星星,丁丁,丫丫,歪歪                                |
    # | teacher                                 | 成龍,jinxin,jingliyang,liwenzhou,yuanhao,wupeiqi,alex   |
    # | 老男孩駐沙河辦事處外交大使              | egon                                                    |
    # +-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+
    # 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    # . 查詢崗位名以及各崗位內包含的員工個數
    select post,count(id) from employee group by post;
    # . 查詢公司內男員工和女員工的個數
    select sex,count(id) from employee group by sex;
    # . 查詢崗位名以及各崗位的平均薪資
    select post,avg(salary) from employee group by post;
    # . 查詢崗位名以及各崗位的最高薪資
    select post,max(salary) from employee group by post;
    # . 查詢崗位名以及各崗位的最低薪資
    select post,min(salary) from employee group by post;
    # . 查詢男員工與男員工的平均薪資,女員工與女員工的平均薪資
    select sex,avg(salary) from employee group by sex;
    # having 過濾 在having條件中可以使用聚合函式,在where中不可以
    select post,avg(salary) from employee group by post having avg(salary) > 10000;
    # 練習
    # 1. 查詢各崗位內包含的員工個數小於2的崗位名、崗位內包含員工名字、個數
    select post,group_concat(emp_name),count(id) from employee group by post having count(id)<2;
    # 3. 查詢各崗位平均薪資大於10000的崗位名、平均工資
    select post,avg(salary) from employee group by post having avg(salary)>10000;
    # 4. 查詢各崗位平均薪資大於10000且小於20000的崗位名、平均工資
    select post,avg(salary) from employee group by post having avg(salary) between 10000 and 20000;
    # order by 根據什麼排序  預設(asc)從小到大  desc 從大到小
    select * from employee order by age desc;
    select * from employee order by age,salary desc; 優先根據age從小到大排,在age相同的情況下,再根據薪資從大到小排
    # limit m,n  從第m+1開始取n項,等同於 limit m offset n
    select * from employee order by salary desc limit 2, 2;