1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >這個開發人員的生活2.0.6-播放



I'd also like to encourage you to check out the last two episodes of

This Developer's Life. We realize this isn't your typical podcast. It's not very technical, and it's not packed with information. We mean this show as an antidote to the usual technical talk shows as we try to dig more into issues and emotions that affect developers. We try to get to the center core of the developer and what makes them tick. Give us a listen and if you like the show, please
review us on iTunes
and Subscribe.

我也想鼓勵您檢視《開發者生活》的最後兩集。 我們意識到這不是您的典型播客。 它不是技術性很強,也沒有資訊。 我們的意思是,此節目是對通常的技術脫口秀節目的解毒劑,因為我們試圖更多地研究影響開發人員的問題和情緒。 我們嘗試進入開發人員的中心核心,並使其成為核心。 給我們聽一下,如果您喜歡這個節目,請在iTunes上檢視我們訂閱

Download Episode 2.0.6 "Play" here or listen online.

在此處下載第2.0.6集“播放” 線上聽

Also, please check out our last two shows you might have missed. We're very proud of how they turned out.

另外,請檢視我們可能錯過的最後兩個節目。 我們為他們的結果感到驕傲。

Episode 2.0.4 - Taste

2.0.5錯字 (2.0.5 Typo)

Who cares about typefaces and why should you? Well, these guys do and you should start caring. Rob and Scott explore the world of reading online with one of the godfathers in the world of typeface and fonts.

誰在乎字型,為什麼要這樣? 好吧,這些傢伙做,你應該開始關心。 Rob和Scott與字型和字型世界中的一位教父一起探索線上閱讀的世界。

In this episode we talk to Bill Hill, the bearded Scotsman who created ClearType and Geoffrey Grosenbach, notable typeface enthusiast.

在本集中,我們採訪了建立了ClearType的留鬍子的蘇格蘭人Bill Hill和著名的字型愛好者Geoffrey Grosenbach。

Episode 2.0.4 - Taste

2.0.4味道 (2.0.4 Taste)

What is taste? What is style? Do you have it? Scott and Rob have no idea what it is or how to get it - but they know it's important. In this show they talk to a designer who flexxes his good taste for a living - and a developer who is committed to spreading good taste where he can.

什麼是味道? 什麼是風格? 你有嗎? Scott和Rob不知道它是什麼或如何獲得-但他們知道它很重要。 在這個節目中,他們與一位發揮生活品味的設計師對話,以及致力於在自己能傳播的地方傳播品味的開發商。

Michael Bach Designer at Microsoft Geoffrey Grosenbach Owner/Founder of PeepCode

Microsoft Geoffrey Grosenbach的Michael Bach設計師PeepCode的所有者/創始人

I hope you enjoy the show as much as Rob and I enjoy making it.


Again, big thanks to DevExpress. The bandwidth and other costs are picked up DevExpress and CodeRush! Visit them and thank them on Twitter.

再次感謝DevExpress。 頻寬和其他成本由DevExpress和CodeRush承擔! 訪問他們並在Twitter上感謝他們

This Developer's Life is brought to you by CodeRush for Visual Studio.

This Developer's Life is brought to you by CodeRush for Visual Studio.

CodeRush for Visual Studio帶給您“開發人員的生活”。

關於斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·漢塞爾曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架構師,現在是演講者,顧問,父親,糖尿病患者和Microsoft員工。 他是一位失敗的單口相聲漫畫家,一個玉米種植者和一本書的作者。

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翻譯自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/this-developers-life-206-play