1. 程式人生 > >Git clone 報錯:fatal: protocol 'https' is not supported解決辦法

Git clone 報錯:fatal: protocol 'https' is not supported解決辦法

Cloning into '2_mqtt_test_onenet'...

fatal: protocol 'https' is not supported



如:git clone [email protected]:qqkevin/2_mqtt_test_onenet.git


1. 在git的安裝目錄找到 libcurl-4.dll 檔案的位置,並移動到其他位置。

2. 重新執行git bash


3. 進入資料夾,按ctrl+z,按兩次。(恢復剛移動的兩個檔案)

4. 重新執行git bash



Git clone fatal: protocol 'https' is not supported解決辦法

Cloning into '2_mqtt_test_onenet'... fatal: protocol 'https' is not supported 解決辦法: 方法1:不用https,換用ssh去clone(如果有ssh選項) 如:git clone

git clone fatal: HTTP request failed

gitgit clone https://github.com/xxxx/lilxxy.git Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/clone123/lxyily/.git/ error: while accessing https://github.com/x

【Android】ASConfiguration on demand is not supported by the current version of the Android Gradle

轉載請註明出處,原文連結:https://blog.csdn.net/u013642500/article/details/80218299 【錯誤】 Configuration on demand is not supported by the current version o

解決git提交fatal: remote origin already exists.

1.git remote rm origin 2.git init 3.git add . 4.git remote add origin [email protected]:z5.qaly

git第一次提交程式碼到碼雲,git pull fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories

第一次提交的步驟: 1、進入專案目錄,執行 git init 2、連線遠端倉庫 git remote add origin 遠端倉庫地址(從碼云乎喲這github上覆制地址即可) 3、報錯:git pull 報錯:fatal: refusing

git 拉取遠程分支fatal: '' is not a commit and a branch '' cannot be created from it)

fatal pull com gin -s sta can check 問題 問題描述從遠程git上拉取某一個分支,然後報錯,拉取不了這個分支。 拉取分支的命令: git checkout -b xxx-static-19 origin/xxx-static-19其中xx

SQL Server導入The LocaleID 4 is not installed on this system

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Uncaught ReferenceError: input is not defined

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【vue】elementUI_self.$scopedSlots.default is not a function

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jsUncaught ReferenceError: xxmethod is not defined

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PyCharm“No R interpreter defined: Many R……”——解決辦法


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【python】TypeError: 'builtin_function_or_method' object is unsubscriptable的解決方法

出現這個報錯的原因其實很簡單,就是將小括號'()'寫成了中括號‘[]' 下面來看一個例子: 當一個字典裡面嵌套了字典和列表的時候,再通過字典多層呼叫,將get函式後的小括號寫成了中括號。如下面程式碼第二行: 1.def lookup(data,label,name):

【錯誤處理】AngularERROR in MessageDetailComponent is not an NgModule

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